Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C586 Don't Move Let Me Hug You for a While Longer

C586 Don't Move Let Me Hug You for a While Longer

Lieh Yuanchen still closed his eyes until Hee Wanshuang gently sprinkled the water on his forehead.    


It was not much cold, but it was able to refresh his mind.    


Lieh Yuanchen had always been more vigilant. Therefore, when the chill hit him, he opened his eyes.    


The place where he fell was still very painful. Lieh Yuanchen got up with some difficulty. He was in a trance for a moment, and then he supported himself up on the sofa.    


Hee Wanshuang saw him get up, so she said, "Why don't you sleep on the sofa? Do you have bedding at home? I'll go and get it for you."    


However, he fixed his gaze on her. Then, he suddenly stretched out his arm and hugged Hee Wanshuang in his arms.    


Hee Wanshuang's nose hit Lieh Yuanchen's collarbone. It was a little painful and her whole body was stiff.    


Because of the pain in her nose, she did not move or make a sound. In such a short period of time, she could clearly feel that the man's heartbeat was very fast. With every beat, he hit his chest with force. Through the thin fabric, he landed on her body.    


At the same time, he also had a familiar scent of a man on him. It was mixed with the scent of alcohol. And, a faint perfume smell?    


Hee Wanshuang moved and said, "Let go of me, you smell very unpleasant."    


Lieh Yuanchen did not have the intention to stop at all. He even hugged her tighter and even wanted to embed Hee Wanshuang in his arms.    


He buried his head in her hair and took a deep breath. He sighed softly, "Shuang, don't move. Let me hug you for a while more."    


His breath landed in her heart and it was slightly itchy.    


Hee Wanshuang bit her lips and knew that struggling was useless so she did not move.    


Lieh Yuanchen just hugged her like this and only relaxed a little after a long time.    


He lowered his head and made his gaze level with Hee Wanshuang's. His forehead was pressed against her forehead and his voice was a little soft. "Shuang, I will bring you to see our home."    


He actually said the words' our home '.    


Hee Wanshuang's heart skipped a beat but she was still very cautious.    


However, in the next second, Lieh Yuanchen let her go. Then, he straightened his body and held her hand and led her forward.    


Hee Wanshuang was held by his hand and felt that the man's palm was wide and warm. It wrapped around her soft little handbag, and there was an unknown undercurrent surging.    


She still tried, but she still could not pull it out.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not seem to notice her reaction. He pulled her and walked in.    


"This is the living room." He was clearly drunk, but his entire person was organized and clear. "Shuang, sitting on this sofa is very comfortable. Even sleeping is as soft as the bed."    


After saying that, Lieh Yuanchen pointed at the painting on the wall. "I invited an oil painting master to draw this. It was delivered by air."    


Hee Wanshuang saw that it was a sailboat.    


The sea in the background was dyed in layers of colors by the setting sun. There were even children playing on the shore.    


Lieh Yuanchen was obviously very interested. He pulled Hee Wanshuang and continued forward. "Do you like this fireplace? There are reliefs outside too. I hired someone to design it."    


Hee Wanshuang saw the light in his eyes and nodded. "It looks pretty."    


Lieh Yuanchen suddenly became more interested and brought her to the restaurant again.    


"I got someone to make a revolving restaurant. This is a 270 degree floor-to-ceiling window. Eating at home also feels like it is outdoor." Lieh Yuanchen said, "There's a bar on the balcony upstairs. Wait for me to take you there."    


After saying that, he took her to the kitchen.    


"You don't have to go to the kitchen. You don't even know how to cook." After saying that, Lieh Yuanchen wrapped his arms around Hee Wanshuang from behind and said, "In the future, we will treat chefs to cook."    


Hee Wanshuang did not know how to respond. She only felt the warmth of a man coming from his back. It seemed to be even hotter than when he hugged her from the front.    


And when he spoke, he deliberately moved closer to her ear.    


His breath sprayed on her ear and brought along layers of electric currents. His voice was also affected by the night's low magnetism because he drank wine.    


Hee Wanshuang felt that half of her face was burning. Instantly, she moved her body.    


Lieh Yuanchen clearly still wanted to bring her to another room. So, he let her go and pulled her up the stairs.    


When they went upstairs, Hee Wanshuang specifically noticed Lieh Yuanchen's footsteps. She was afraid that he would fall down without any warning because he was drunk.    


Finally, they were safe and sound as they went upstairs. Lieh Yuanchen brought her to visit the room again.    


"This is the guzheng room, or your painting room." Lieh Yuanchen thought Hee Wanshuang knew how to play the guitar, so he asked, "Do you like piano or guitar?"    


Hee Wanshuang did not really want to look into his eyes. She only looked at the soft white carpet on the floor and said, "I like them all."    


"Then let's go and book a piano another day." Lieh Yuanchen said and pointed to the other side. "There can be a guitar here."    


Hee Wanshuang did not know what to say, but Lieh Yuanchen took her to the next room.    


"This is my study." The study looked much more concise than the other rooms. However, if one looked carefully, the writing table and the bookcases showed the details of the study.    


However, when Lieh Yuanchen brought her to another room, Hee Wanshuang did not want to go forward anymore.    


Because Lieh Yuanchen said, "This is our bedroom."    


The whole room was still beautiful European style. Maybe it was because Lieh Yuanchen did not intend to move in. So there was only a mattress covered with plastic film on the bed. There was no mattress.    


The carpet was sea blue, and it was very soft when stepped on. Lieh Yuanchen said, "Shuang, if you like to walk barefoot, you can walk around the house barefooted. It is very comfortable."    


Hee Wanshuang did not want to stay in the bedroom, so she said, "Let's go and see other places."    


"Yes." Lieh Yuanchen took her to the guest room again. "This is the guest room. If your parents come over, they will stay here."    


She subconsciously asked, "Where's your father?"    


"Him?" Lieh Yuanchen's tone suddenly became cold and thin. Immediately after, a curve appeared on his face. "I'm just a tool for him."    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned and looked up at the man in front of her.    


She saw that Lieh Yuanchen's face was a bit self-deprecating, and also a bit lonely.    


Maybe because he had drunk and never talked about family matters, but at this moment he explained to her, "He never cared about me. I've seen through him for so many years, and I don't care about his concern. If he wanted to come, I wouldn't have opened the door for him! "    


Hee Wanshuang blinked. Although she knew that Lieh Yuanchen's parents were separated, she did not know that the relationship between Lieh Yuanchen and his father had deteriorated to such an extent.    


Furthermore, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. In this way, was his childhood not happy?    


Lieh Yuanchen obviously did not want to continue this topic. Instead, he led Hee Wanshuang to another room. "This is reserved for Xiaoruan. Whether she is married or not, she can come and live here."    


Speaking up to this point, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "Shuang, do you mind if my sister comes to my house to live?"    


Hee Wanshuang only felt that this question was too difficult.    


If she said she did not mind, it was as if she wanted to be with him.    


But if she said that she did mind, it clearly did not fit her thoughts.    


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