Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C593 How Can I Carry Two More at Once?

C593 How Can I Carry Two More at Once?

Soong Yiren was speechless. On the side, Soong Ziheng was puzzled, "Brother-in-law, why?"    


Gong Lingye slapped her away. "It's not good for children. You better go and do your homework obediently."    


Soong Yiren was dissatisfied. "Who would say such things in front of my brother?"    


"He knows everything." Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows at Soong Ziheng. "Is it, brother?"    


Soong Ziheng felt that if he listened to the couple speak again, he might have to hear the words "drive." Suddenly, his face turned red. "I'm going to do my homework."    


He walked to the entrance of the restaurant and added: "Sister, brother-in-law, continue. I don't know anything."    


"This child must have learned something bad!" Soong Yiren widened her eyes and said to Gong Lingye, "I learned bad things from you!"    


Gong Lingye had an innocent look on his face. "It must be because Country R is too open."    


After he finished speaking, he waited for Soong Yiren to finish drinking the medicine and scooped a spoonful of honey and fed it to Soong Yiren.    


Before she could swallow it, he directly sealed her lips.    


Instantly, the lips met and the sweetness and bitterness exploded in her mouth. Her nose was mixed with each other's breath and Soong Yiren felt her waist being hugged. Then, the man slightly leaned over and pressed her onto the dining table.    


Her hand tightly grabbed Gong Lingye's shirt and was somewhat vexed, "Don't be so anxious..."    


"Wife, I am very anxious." Gong Lingye kissed her lips and his hands became restless.    


Soong Yiren held Gong Lingye's wrist. "We are still in the restaurant."    


"Didn't you hear what your brother said?" Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "I received his hint."    


Soong Yiren did not know what the man in front of her said. She did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Let's go to the bedroom."    


However, he did not give her any chance and directly started to siege the city.    


Realizing that she could only leave it at this table today and become a dish for this man, Soong Yiren accepted her fate and obeyed.    


Who knew that at this moment, she suddenly felt something hot.    


Gong Lingye noticed her stiffness and could not help but ask, "What's wrong?"    


"That seems to be coming." Soong Yiren said.    


Gong Lingye felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. He did not move but maintained his previous state. He asked again, "Nuan, are you serious?"    


"More real than pearls." Soong Yiren blinked.    


Gong Lingye did not know how to describe his feelings at the moment. He slowly let go of Soong Yiren and saw her run out of the restaurant. Then, he went to the bathroom.    


He tidied his clothes a little and felt his temples throbbing.    


He rushed back today because he really wanted to fight for 300 rounds. Cough, cough...    


Not long after, Soong Yiren came out and said to Gong Lingye, "Really, that one came."    


"Okay." Gong Lingye rubbed the space between his eyebrows and said unenergetically, "Nuan, I have been on the plane for more than ten hours, and I did not sleep for about 20 hours before."    


Soong Yiren did not know whether to laugh at him or to feel sorry for him. "Although Miss Helian said so, we do not need to be so anxious... Are we very tired now? I will go to the bathroom to help you with the water."    


Gong Lingye pulled her into his arms. "Let me hug you for a while."    


He finally accepted working overtime and returning home, but his wife came back with the reality of menstruation. Gong Lingye took a shower and went back to his bedroom to sleep.    


The next day, it was the weekend. Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren went to Gong's Mansion together.    


Helian Qing was looking at the medical skills and when she saw the two of them coming over, she was not surprised but said, "Madam Gong has finished taking the medicine, right? I am here to take a look at your pulse."    


Soong Yiren handed her hand over and after Helian Qing took her pulse, she said, "En, there are no more problems. You can ask for the baby at any time."    


Soong Yiren did not forget what Helian Qing said to her previously that she could have two babies. Thus, she deliberately lowered her voice. "How can I have two more babies at once?"    


Helian Qing smiled, "I will help you with acupuncture."    


"Okay." Soong Yiren replied.    


On the other side, Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren and Helian Qing chatting for a while and could not help but ask, "Nuan, what are you two talking about?"    


"It's confidential." Soong Yiren raised her chin.    


When she had a baby, if they were twins, he would definitely be surprised, so it was better not to tell him in advance.    


On the same day, the two of them ate in Gong's Mansion.    


Three days later, another mobile game 'Galaxy Destiny' was released on Starry Night.    


This game was a type that both men and women liked. This was because girls could fall in love inside, while boys could build a world and expand in all sorts of ways.    


That day, Soong Yiren held a game press conference in the biggest conference room on Starry Night.    


At the venue, various media outlets, as well as many celebrities and gods from the 2D world were invited.    


Everything at the start went exceptionally smoothly.    


It was only when the game started counting down that the digital clock appeared on the screen.    


The moment the clock rang, the scene on the screen exploded. Instantly, the entire IMAX screen was filled with the promotional animation of Galaxy Fate.    


When the animation was played for more than ten seconds, people below the stage began to discuss.    


"Isn't this the scene of the Hua Yan Family? Why did he wear a shirt?"    


"That's right. This is the scene design of last week's Hua Yan. Why is it the same for Star Night?"    


"It can't be plagiarized, right? This plagiarism is too arrogant, right?"    


"I don't think so, because if it was plagiarized and even Hua Yan published it, how would Starry Night dare to continue to publish it? " Isn't this deliberately stretching out his face for others to hit? "    


"That's not true either. What if Star Night doesn't know about the scene design of Hua Yan's game? Because, Huayan originally released a new version of the game a week later, but it was suddenly brought forward."    


"Could it be that Huayan discovered that it was plagiarized, so she released it in advance?"    


"I don't know, let's see how Starry Night will explain later!"    


"Look, the officials on Hua Yan's side have updated it! Just now!" Someone took out his phone and started to read -    


Flowery Face Game V [A few days ago, I discovered that the database of the scene design was attacked, so I was worried that the scene would be leaked, so I could only release the game in advance. Recently, I received feedback from some players saying that the game wasn't running smoothly enough.] "For this, we will improve it within a week. Thank you for your support!"    


Someone looked at Weibo and was immediately shocked: "Oh my god. Didn't Hua Yan say that she was openly copying it at Star Night? Who gave you face? "    


At this moment, the animation that had been on stage for a few minutes had already been completed. The scene was grand, and there was no lack of beauty. It could be said that it was really a masterpiece from the same era.    


However, the reporters below the stage could no longer sit still. "Director Yu, Starry Night's Galaxy Destiny and the Flower Dance released by the Flower Face Game Company last week, the scene design is the same. May I ask if your company has plagiarized it?"    


"Director Yu, just now Hua Yan Game Company released a Weibo post. The content is..." Another reporter read the Weibo post and said: "Does this mean that Xing Ye copied Hua Yan's scene design?"    


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