Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C587 It Hurts?

C587 It Hurts?

Seeing Hee Wanshuang's silence, Lieh Yuanchen rubbed her hair and said, "Xiaoruan only has two brothers. If you mind, she can come over every few days."    


He seemed to really have discussed with her and Hee Wanshuang was unable to reply.    


Being looked at by Lieh Yuanchen's burning gaze made Hee Wanshuang feel a little uncomfortable and could only say, "I don't mind."    


Lieh Yuanchen immediately hugged her. "Shuang, you are very kind. I like you because you are kind."    


Hee Wanshuang's body instantly stiffened. What was he saying? He said he liked her?    


Her heartbeat became a little strange. When Hee Wanshuang came out of Lieh Yuanchen's arms, she still felt a little uncomfortable.    


But he did not know at all. Instead, he went to the room furthest away from the stairs and said, "This is a children's room. There is only one for the time being. "If we give birth to a few more, we can go to the room on the third floor"    


Hee Wanshuang pursed her lips. Give birth to a few more? What was he thinking...    


"The rooms on the third floor are all empty, and there's also a gym. However, the equipment hasn't been transported yet. " So we're not going. " After saying that, Lieh Yuanchen pulled Hee Wanshuang to the balcony on the second floor.    


"Shuang, the balcony on the second floor is the bar counter. But it hasn't been set up yet. I originally planned to build it before moving it in. After all, that place is exposed to the wind and the sun. It needs to be maintained at any time." Lieh Yuanchen said. He pulled Hee Wanshuang to stand in front of the balcony on the second floor and pointed into the distance. "Shuang," he said. There is an artificial lake in front of us. I saw it last winter. It is very beautiful. Do you like it here? "    


On the balcony, the lights were a little dim, which made Lieh Yuanchen's face soften a little.    


Hee Wanshuang met his gaze and did not know what to say for a moment.    


After a few seconds, she said with a dry voice, "This place is very beautiful."    


However, before she could finish, her lips were suddenly blocked by a man.    


She was shocked and subconsciously wanted to push him away, but Lieh Yuanchen wrapped one arm around his waist and the other on the back of her head.    


She was imprisoned and could not move at all.    


His lips pressed down on her, not allowing her to escape at all.    


The tip of her nose was filled with each other's breath. Hee Wanshuang gradually lacked oxygen in this kind of breath. Then, her stiff body unconsciously became soft and she fell into Lieh Yuanchen's embrace.    


In the distance, it was unknown which family's child was playing the violin on the balcony. Although the music was not familiar, it was also quite melodious. In the darkness of the night, there was a more romantic feeling.    


Hee Wanshuang's heart beat like a drum. She knew that if she did not do anything, perhaps she and Lieh Yuanchen would have done it today. ...    


But they had already divorced. And he was also drunk, so he had no idea what he was doing.    


And she had already made up her mind to not have any more entanglement with him. They had been wrong from the beginning, but now, they were even more wrong.    


Although he had shown her the new house today, which made her unconsciously a little absent-minded, However, on that day, Lieh Yuanchen's words still clearly echoed in her ears.    


He said that he had never liked her. If it wasn't for the fact that she was pregnant with his child, he wouldn't have married her at all!    


And now, he was already engaged to that white girl. He was afraid that they would be married soon, right?    


Thinking of this, Hee Wanshuang's brain suddenly felt like it was electrified. She did not know where she got the strength to push Lieh Yuanchen away.    


Lieh Yuanchen was caught off guard. He was pushed back two steps and crashed into the fence of the balcony.    


Hee Wanshuang took the opportunity to run out quickly.    


She pulled open the door of the balcony and walked through the long corridor. She rushed to the staircase and strode down.    


At this moment, her phone rang again.    


She quickly picked up the phone and answered: "Hello"    


"Frost, didn't you just say that? She waited so long for you that the flowers were all gone!" The classmate said in grief.    


Hee Wanshuang wanted to say that she would go over immediately, but when she stepped on air, she suddenly fell down.    


She cried out in pain and her phone was thrown far away.    


Behind her, Lieh Yuanchen quickly walked over and went downstairs in two or three steps. He asked nervously, "Shuang, where did you fall?"    


Hee Wanshuang was in so much pain that she could not speak. After a few seconds, she said, "Your feet."    


Hearing that she was not injured, Lieh Yuanchen dared to bend over and pick her up.    


He carried Hee Wanshuang and walked to the sofa in large strides. He put her down and looked at the injury on her feet again.    


With that one move just now, her ankle should have been sprained, and it was a little red and swollen.    


Lieh Yuanchen put his palm on the red and swollen area. He did not dare to rub it. He just gently covered it and said, "Does it hurt?"    


Hee Wanshuang nodded her head and felt a little vexed.    


She thought of something and quickly said, "My phone."    


Only then did Lieh Yuanchen see the phone lying on the ground. It seemed to be still on the phone.    


He picked it up and ignored Hee Wanshuang's hand that was reaching out to him. He directly said to the phone, "Shuang has something to do. I will contact you tomorrow."    


When the high school classmate heard that it was a man and just now he heard Hee Wanshuang whispering something, his face immediately became hot. "Oh, oh, sorry! Are you Xiao Cheng? Then take good care of Shuang Shuang. "I'm fine here!"    


Before she could finish speaking, Lieh Yuanchen had already hung up.    


Xiao Cheng? That kid whose hair was not even fully grown?    


A bit of anger suddenly appeared in his heart. However, when he saw Hee Wanshuang's swollen ankle, Lieh Yuanchen still controlled his emotions. He picked up his phone and called his secretary. "I'm at the villa. Bring me a medical kit. There must be medicine for sprain inside."    


The secretary had always been very efficient. In less than half an hour, she had already arrived at the villa's entrance.    


Hee Wanshuang was still listening to the commotion at the door, worried that the secretary would say something when she came in.    


But it was obvious that the secretary was much more professional. She did not even mention the words "Miss Phil," and left after passing the medical kit to Lieh Yuanchen.    


Lieh Yuanchen carried the medical kit over and lifted Hee Wanshuang's foot, placing it on his knee. Then, he poured out some red flower oil and warmed his palm before covering Hee Wanshuang's ankle.    


He looked up at her and said, "Shuang, it might hurt a little. Bear with it."    


Hee Wanshuang lowered her eyes. She originally wanted to say that it was fine, but just now she did try and found that she could not walk at all.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen's warm and wide palm pressed on her ankle and gently rubbed it. Hee Wanshuang only felt that her ankle was in pain and there was still a surge of warmth.    


This warmth quickly followed her ankle up and up along with her nerves.    


She felt that her face was a little hot and quickly shifted her gaze away from her ankle.    


However, she still saw that the man was holding onto her little foot, making it appear that her feet were even more slender and small.    


Under the beautiful and complicated crystal lamp in the living room, Lieh Yuanchen's face appeared even more profound. He stood in the room with rich colors, as if he had merged into it, becoming a heavy painting.    


"Does it hurt?" Lieh Yuanchen raised his eyes and looked at Hee Wanshuang who unconsciously shrank her legs.    


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