Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C600 You Have to be too Careful in Order to Have a Baby!

C600 You Have to be too Careful in Order to Have a Baby!

Chi Jingyu was not in the mood to joke. "Let's talk about it later."    


"What do you mean we'll talk about it later?" The J still did not give up. "Hey, tell me, is a girl beautiful? How old is she? Where is she from?"    


"I'll show them to you another day." Chi Jingyu said.    


On the other side, everyone exploded. "D * mn, is this for real?"    


The married Brother Hua became a mentor. "First of all, love after marriage. Some people are suitable, while others are not. You have to think about it carefully."    


Old Wu also said, "Yeah, you'd better meet her first and try to get along with her. Don't delay yourself, and don't delay her."    


Chi Jingyu smiled and didn't say anything.    


Actually, he had met Lieh Xiaoruan more than ten years ago.    


At that time, he and his father went on a vacation. When they were skiing, they separated.    


At that time, his leg was injured and his phone was lost. He stood halfway up the mountain and did not know where to go.    


Lieh Xiaoruan appeared at that time.    


She had been with an auntie and had covered her whole body tightly. She looked like a cute little dumpling.    


When she saw that he was alone, she took the initiative to give him the dry food in her backpack. Then, she took her phone and helped him contact his father.    


While waiting for his father to come over, Lieh Xiaoruan had been there accompanying him.    


At that time, the weather was very cold and the tip of her nose was red from the cold. He said that he could do it himself but she did not leave. She said that he did not have communication equipment and that it would be dark soon. What if his father could not find it?    


At that time, when they were chatting, he asked her for a QQ number. She also said that she basically didn't use QQ in Country G. However, her mother was from China, so she also applied for a account number.    


Then, he applied for his number, and she applied to add him.    


After that, Father Chi came over and was very grateful to Lieh Xiaoruan. He originally wanted to treat Lieh Xiaoruan to a meal, but she smiled and said that it was not necessary.    


After Chi Jingyu returned to the country, he immediately turned on the computer and accepted Lieh Xiaoruan's friend request.    


However, he discovered that she was basically not online.    


At least for the next few years, he also thought of her from time to time. He thought of the mixed-blood girl who didn't even know her name.    


He had also set up a special reminder on QQ, but he had never seen her come online.    


Many years later, everything in the past was a blur in his memories. He had also had several girlfriends. When they were separated, he had long forgotten about the girl called 'Xiaoxiao'.    


That was until he arrived at Starry Night and logged into his QQ account. Then, he received some notifications that his friends were online. Among them was Xiaoxiao.    


Thus, his forgotten memories were once again awakened. Chi Jingyu added Lieh Xiaoruan, and then he brought her along to fight monsters.    


He did not know whether he liked her or not. However, every time he went online to play games with her, he felt very happy.    


And that day, when they went to the hunting villa and she sat down to ask him how to clear the game, he also felt relaxed and happy.    


He knew about the general situation between her and Luo Tianqi, but it didn't seem to have much to do with him.    


After all, in his memory, she was still that lively girl who was willing to help others.    


When it came to marriage, Chi Jingyu had some concerns, but he also felt that he was looking forward to it.    


He took out his cell phone and opened WeChat. He sent a message to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Xiaoxiao, are you playing a game?"    


Ever since Lieh Xiaoruan returned from J Nation, she would go play games every night.    


At this moment, when she received Xinghe's message, she immediately responded. "Okay, let's play the Galaxy Destiny that just came out of the Galaxy Night, right? In other words, this name is similar to yours."    


Chi Jingyu did not say it. He had casually named it at that time.    


He replied, "Yeah, what a coincidence. I'll wait for you in the Star River Valley."    


It was already ten o'clock in the evening. There were still two hours before the press conference at midnight.    


The Star Night Building was brightly lit. Apart from the CEO's office, it was completely dark there.    


Of course, in the lounge, the curtains were not drawn, so when the neon lights and starlight fell into the room through the floor-to-ceiling window, it added a charming atmosphere to the room.    


Soong Yiren had already been tormented to the point that she could not take it anymore. She looked at the clock and felt a little broken.    


Why was there still two hours before the press conference?    


Why did she not set the press conference at ten o'clock at night?    


Having tasted the pain of being cheated by her, Soong Yiren quickly lost the room to think.    


Yet, Gong Lingye still asked her, "Wife, tell me, I'm so hardworking. Could the baby have already taken root in your stomach?"    


Soong Yiren,... ""    


She was about to give up her life when she suddenly thought of something and quickly said, "If you want the baby so much, you must not have it when you have the baby. For a long time. Oh!"    


Gong Lingye said, "En, then we will have to sacrifice your little hand."    


Soong Yiren: "Ah! Ah!"    


She was going to beat someone up! Seriously, seriously!    


At the end, Soong Yiren only had one last breath left.    


She rolled her eyes. "Is it 12 o'clock?"    


Gong Lingye hugged her and took a shower in the bathroom in the lounge for a while. He said, "Baby, what do you think?"    


She felt that he was getting more and more annoying, but she could not raise her spirits at all. At this moment, her legs were trembling.    


"There's still ten minutes left." Gong Lingye helped Soong Yiren put on her clothes. "You should rest well later. I will be fine when I go out."    


"No, I want to go too!" Soong Yiren was very angry. Gong Lingye had deliberately set the time.    


As expected, if she said it would be released at eleven o'clock, she might be ravaged for an hour less.    


"My wife is so professional." Gong Lingye said and carried Soong Yiren out of the lounge.    


He put her on the sofa and kissed her. "I'll go out and see what's going on."    


Soong Yiren gave him a weak look.    


Tonight was just an ordinary day for many people.    


However, no one would expect such an ordinary day. When the midnight bell rang, what did it mean to the entire world?    


0 points, the game 'Creation' was officially released to the world.    


At the same time, all the shops in the world put up the first batch of Holographic Helmet for sale in the market.    


On the Internet, due to the trending effect during the day, many people deliberately stayed up all night until midnight to see if their guesses were correct.    


Thus, when everyone opened the home page of Starry Night and saw the introduction of the game, they were all shocked to the point that they thought that Starry Night was joking.    


Some players, on the other hand, were much smarter.    


They had already gone to the relevant stores and waited until midnight to buy the Holographic Helmet.    


However, when many players saw the price, they could not help but shrink back.    


After all, buying a Holographic Helmet for more than 100,000 yuan was simply burning money!    


However, after all, there were still quite a number of pay-to-win players online. What they did not lack the most was money.    


When they saw the introduction on the Starry Night homepage, they immediately rushed to the store to see if the creation of the world was really as miraculous as the Starry Night officials had publicized.    


After all, there was really no one at the moment... They dared to say that they had developed a Holographic Online Game.    


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