Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C609 He Truly Loves You!

C609 He Truly Loves You!

"Brother, do you think I should go too?" Lieh Xiaoruan was a little hesitant. "Actually, I don't even know if I am prepared to start a new relationship or not. I feel that this is not fair to her, so..."    


"She did not agree to a blind date." Gong Lingye said, "You can go and take a look. If you don't like it, just reject it directly. Don't worry about your reputation. If the other party makes things difficult for you, call me at any time. Of course, if you think the other party is not bad, you can slowly get to know him from a friend. "    


Hearing this, Lieh Xiaoruan took a deep breath. "Okay, brother, I got it. I'll go talk to my adoptive father."    


She hung up the phone and sent a message to Lieh Cheng'an. "Dad, I can go, but I'm not sure if I can see him right. So, I can't promise you anything in advance."    


Lieh Cheng'an's relationship with the Phil family was close, and he had gained a lot of convenience in his business. Therefore, he did not care about Lieh Xiaoruan's marriage.    


Therefore, if he looked at her right, it would be a matter of adding icing on the cake.    


He was also very easy to talk to. "Alright, I'll arrange it. Wait for my news."    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan did not expect Lieh Cheng'an to do things so quickly. At noon the next day, she received a call from Lieh Cheng'an to tell her that everything had been arranged. The time, location, and contact details had been sent to her phone.    


Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the time of their meeting. It was actually this weekend!    


At this moment, Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren received a message from Xuanyuan Wei and asked them to go and get the appraisal report together.    


In the hospital, the doctor in charge of the appraisal took out a leather paper bag and handed it to Xuanyuan Wei.    


Xuanyuan Wei opened the seal on the bag. His eyes swept across the content in front of him with a quick glance and landed on the final appraisal result.    


Even though he had been mentally prepared for the whole day, his hand still trembled when he saw the result.    


Beside him, Xuanyuan Huo had already received the report. He even asked, "Dad, what is the result?"    


Then, before Xuanyuan Wei could reply, Xuanyuan Huo saw that sentence.    


The result of the paternity test: Out of the two samples, the probability of the children being born was higher than 99.9%.    


Suddenly, Xuanyuan Huo felt his heart being struck by some kind of force, causing his ears to buzz.    


He actually couldn't hear what someone had said clearly. His gaze was still firmly locked onto that line of words. After that, his eyes gradually surged with moisture.    


He felt that his eye sockets were somewhat swollen and painful. He blinked a few times and only then did he realize that there were actually tiny droplets of water on his eyelashes.    


He took a deep breath and slowly shifted his gaze to Soong Yiren.    


Although Soong Yiren already knew the result, she also thought that she could calmly face everything. Then, she crisply called Xuanyuan Huo.    


However, when she saw Xuanyuan Huo looking over with red eyes and doing his best to conceal the ecstasy in her heart, she felt as if her heart was enveloped by some sort of rolling emotion, causing her to be at a loss of what to do.    


Her heart was beating very fast, and there was a layer of moisture in her eyes. The hand that Gong Lingye was holding unconsciously increased the strength.    


However, he seemed to have sensed her emotions. He let go of her and gently patted her on the back. "Nuan, go over there!"    


Gong Lingye's Gong Lingye's words seemed to pull the two people who were completely stunned back to reality.    


Then, Xuanyuan Huo suddenly took a step forward and extended his arm towards Soong Yiren. "Nuan!"    


His voice trembled and carried a choking tone. "My daughter!"    


Soong Yiren held her breath and her eyes became watery. She also rushed over and threw herself into Xuanyuan Huo's arms.    


She was still not used to it. However, when she felt Xuanyuan Huo's trembling, she finally blurted out the word 'father'.    


That's right, the man in front of her was no longer young. He had some white hair on his temples. He was the father of her body!    


Soong Yiren called out and called out again, "Father!"    


When Xuanyuan Huo heard this, he finally could not hold it in anymore. Tears rolled down his face.    


This man, who had been calm and collected for so many years, had only cried once when his girlfriend passed away many years ago.    


He tightened his arms and hugged Soong Yiren tightly. "Nuan, my daughter!"    


Soong Yiren could not help but cry.    


She really wanted to say to Yu Ruonuan, "Ruonuan, look, Yu Chengzhi has never loved you. It is not that you are not good, nor that you are not good enough. It's because he is not your father! "    


"And your biological father, he is so happy because of you! He is so excited because of you. He truly loves you!"    


After a long time, Soong Yiren came out of Xuanyuan Huo's arms.    


She rubbed her red eyes and felt a little embarrassed.    


On the other side, Xuanyuan Wei was also very excited. "Ruonuan, from now on, you will be the fifth young lady of Xuanyuan Family!"    


After he finished speaking, he thought of something and discussed it with Xuanyuan Huo. "Mo, I plan to hold a welcoming banquet for Ruonuan. Then, I will announce to the world that I will acknowledge my ancestors and return to my home!"    


In the past, Xuanyuan Huo hated those ceremonies and formalities the most.    


But at this moment, thinking that the girl in front of him was his daughter, he wished he could hold the ceremony more grandly!    


He wanted to announce to the world that Xuanyuan Huo had a daughter, a smart, sensible, beautiful and capable daughter!    


As a father, he was proud of his daughter!    


As a colleague, he also wanted to make up for the time and fatherly love he had missed in the past to her from now on!    


On the other side, Xuanyuan Wei and Gong Lingye discussed the details of returning to their ancestral home. After that, they left the space to the father and daughter who had just reunited.    


Soong Yiren and Xuanyuan Huo were walking side by side. For a moment, neither of them knew what to say.    


After a long time, Xuanyuan Huo stuttered, "Nuan, can you tell dad about what happened when you were young?"    


Soong Yiren still remembered Yu Ruonuan's childhood. So she randomly picked some funny stories to tell.    


She talked about how Yu Ruonuan went to kindergarten when she was young. Because she was picky about food, she hid the dishes she did not like in a corner of the classroom.    


In the end, after a long time, the teacher realized why there were cockroaches in that corner. Only then did he see something.    


She counted carefully one by one. Xuanyuan Huo, who was beside her, listened attentively, afraid that he would miss out on that tiny detail.    


After she told him a few things, he asked again, "Nuan, when you were young, did your sisters bully you? Also, did your parents treat you well? "    


Soong Yiren said, "My two older sisters took good care of me and we have always had a good relationship. If there is a chance, I will bring you to Hua Country and you can also meet them."    


After saying that, she said, "My mother left us very early. So I have no impression of her. It was just that last year when she left with a serious illness, we gave her a gift."    


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