Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C592 This Is the Last Time You Drink Medicine

C592 This Is the Last Time You Drink Medicine

He can stop hurting people, or he can't let anyone hurt himself like that!    


At this moment, the feeling of the dagger piercing into his chest was still clearly imprinted in his palm. Xuanyuan Che looked at the blood that was continuously flowing out of Wang Feng's chest. Without any hesitation, he pulled the dagger out.    


Instantly, the blood was brought out. His hand was also stained with boiling hot temperature.    


His heartbeat couldn't help but increase a bit.    


After all, this was the first time he had killed someone.    


However, if he didn't defend himself... He would be the one to die.    


In front of him, Wang Feng looked at the bloody hole in his chest in disbelief. He only felt that the cold feeling was corroding his soul bit by bit.    


He softly fell down, his eyes wide open. "Xuanyuan Che, how dare you..."    


Xuanyuan Che only looked at him coldly. "No one will always be passive."    


He had endured enough. Be it to Xuanyuan Lin or the people from J Country. He could not be passive anymore. Otherwise, it would only be him and his family who would be in trouble!    


On the other side, Aa Mian was about to subdue the caviar, but Xuanyuan Che opened his mouth and said, "Aa Mian, wait a moment. Let's keep him alive first."    


Aa Mian, on the other hand, was quick. He removed the arm and chin of the caviar and kicked him to the ground.    


"Mr. Xuanyuan, I'll arrange for someone to clear the place immediately." Aa Mian said and made a phone call.    


Soon, the subordinates who had been waiting nearby had arrived. They even brought things that were specially used to clear the place.    


Xuanyuan Che and Aa Mian left together with the caviar.    


At this moment, Soong Yiren received a call from Xuanyuan Che.    


Hearing this, Soong Yiren walked to the bedside and raised the corners of her lips. "Thank you, cousin."    


This was the first time she had called him that. Xuanyuan Che was a little surprised, but then he smiled. "I thought you wouldn't call me that."    


"I won't call Momo sister-in-law." Soong Yiren immediately said.    


Xuanyuan Che was also amused by her and his hostility was swept away. "Ruonuan, I will tell you after I take care of this side. What about your side?"    


"It has nothing to do with him." Soong Yiren thought about Shangguan Yan's performance just now. Clearly, he was innocent.    


Originally, she had also considered moving with Xuanyuan Che and the others. However, this was a good opportunity to test Shangguan Yan.    


After all, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Xun were brothers. As for who her brother was, although her brother looked innocent, she had to be wary of him.    


But at this moment, Soong Yiren heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed like her judgment of Shangguan Yan was correct.    


"Alright, you should rest early. There will be a press conference in a week." Xuanyuan Che said.    


"Okay. After you have settled things over there, you should go back early to accompany Momo. I suddenly said that I would have a meeting today. Did I disturb you?" Soong Yiren hinted.    


"Ruonuan." Xuanyuan Che was a little helpless. "I finally know why you guys got to know each other at first sight."    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Alright, alright. I won't tease you anymore."    


Xuanyuan Che, however, said, "When do you plan to return to J Nation with me?"    


Soong Yiren knew that he was talking about the marriage. She thought for a moment and said, "Next month, our game will be released."    


"Yes." Xuanyuan Che responded. He knew Soong Yiren was talking about the game - the one that would shock the whole world!    


However, everything was still confidential.    


Outside the office, Shangguan Yan rushed in when he saw Soong Yiren hang up the phone. "Were you suspecting me just now?"    


"Yes." Soong Yiren did not hide anything. "You should know why I suspected you."    


"You think I am from J Country?" Shangguan Yan's eyes were red. "So, I know that you can't see all my efforts! You think that I am colluding with those people! "You also think that I am the one who leaked the design plans for this company! "In your eyes, I'm so pathetic!"    


Soong Yiren looked at the young man in front of her who was so angry that his chest rose and fell, and felt that it was somewhat fun.    


What an impulsive young man, even though he was already 26 years old.    


She waited for him to fly into a rage in front of her until he could not jump, could not move, and could only stand by the side and sulk for the rest of his life. Soong Yiren then opened her mouth and said, "Is there any arrangement for tonight?"    


Shangguan Yan ignored her.    


"I will treat you to supper." Soong Yiren smiled as if nothing had happened. "I still have something to give you."    


Shangguan Yan was still angry and ignored her.    


Soong Yiren did not care and walked outside. Li Huo, who rushed over, said, "Li Huo, let's go and eat supper."    


Li Huo was also busy with her club's matters. At night, Soong Yiren went out and she was Soong Yiren's bodyguard.    


At this moment, when she heard about supper, she immediately nodded her head. "Okay. Go to our place. Recently, we have just invited a few chefs. Their culinary skills are very good!"    


"Sure, let's go over there!" Soong Yiren replied.    


She was really hungry. Using her brain in the middle of the night was especially taxing on her stamina, alright?    


In the office, Shangguan Yan saw Soong Yiren inviting him. He was angry and did not want to go. She left alone with someone else, which made him even angrier.    


He rushed out and shouted at Soong Yiren, "Didn't you treat me to a meal? Was it that insincere? I knew it, you and that old man..."    


Li Huo turned his head." Who is the old man?! "    


She had just entered university, and her lolita face was full of gelatin, but her eyes were sharp.    


"Where did this brat come from? She's still wet behind the ears." Shangguan Yan said disdainfully, "Did this lord speak to you?"    


However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a blur in his eyes and a gust of wind swept past him. Then, he didn't know what happened. After a while of spinning, he was already on the ground.    


His face was slapped on the carpet, and it hurt.    


"F * ck!" He realized later on that he had been thrown over his shoulder. The one who had thrown him was still the yellow-haired girl in front of him!    


Shangguan Yan could not care less about the pain. He flipped over and was about to cause trouble for Li Huo.    


Soong Yiren stopped him. "Shangguan Yan, you have thought it through. She had grown up since she was young and now she works as my bodyguard."    


Shangguan Yan thought about the speed at which he left the fire and was a little afraid. In order to find a way out for himself, he could only divert his attention. "It's still not you. I said I would treat you to an apology, but in the end, I did not have any sincerity!"    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Let's go. It's full of sincerity. What do you want to eat? I'll treat you!"    


Shangguan Yan was not willing to follow her. He had a tsundere look on his face.    




That night, it was as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, on the Starry Night side, how to advertise on the market would be the same as how to do it. It would not be affected at all.    


Just like that, three days passed. Soong Yiren took the last bag of medicine and prepared to drink it. Just at that moment, there was movement from outside. It was Gong Lingye who had returned.    


"Nuan, was it the last time you drank the medicine?" Gong Lingye just changed his shoes and came over. He smelled the smell of medicine at home.    


Soong Yiren smiled, "Didn't you say you can only come back the day after tomorrow?"    


Gong Lingye went to the kitchen to get the honey for Soong Yiren and his voice became a little low. "Wife, do you know why I came back so early?"    


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