Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C624 It's Been a Lifetime

C624 It's Been a Lifetime

In an instant, Lieh Xiaoruan's hands trembled.    


Then, as if she couldn't believe it, she quickly went to the Weibo that she had praised.    


"How could I like it?" She was still talking to herself when she felt her throat tighten.    


Because in her thumbs-up record, there was the Weibo post that she had clicked on ten minutes ago.    


In an instant, Lieh Xiaoruan even had the urge to die.    


She hurriedly canceled the thumbs-up that she had just clicked on, but she did not know that it was the same. Her hands were just slippery.    


However, even if it was clear, would she believe it?    


As expected, when she reposted, a new Weibo post appeared - -    


"Black Wing's co-resident girlfriend clicked on it ten minutes after the sharp-eyed netizens found out that she liked it. It was canceled.    


" However, our netizens have already screenshotted the Weibo post that gave a thumbs-up in advance. "See Figure 2."    


Lieh Xiaoruan looked at it and felt that there was nothing left to live for.    


She dejectedly locked the phone and decided not to look at it anymore.    


However, if she went to the company tomorrow, she would probably be gossiped by her colleagues. Sigh, why was she so miserable even when she participated in an event?    


At this moment, Chi Jingyu had already arrived at the entrance of Lieh Xiaoruan's community.    


He parked the car and got off with her. Just as he was about to send her to the elevator, he received a phone call.    


He saw that it was his father calling. Chi Jingyu answered the call. "Dad."    


"Jingyu, you are very efficient!" Father Chi teased, "What, you are already living with your Uncle Lie's daughter?"    


"Living together?" Chi Jingyu frowned. "What do you mean?"    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this, she immediately guessed what Chi Jingyu's father was talking about. She only felt her face heat up because the signal in the elevator was not good, so she mouthed something to Chi Jingyu, saying that she went in first and said goodbye.    


If it was any other time, Chi Jingyu would send Lieh Xiaoruan up. At least wait until someone entered the door before he would leave.    


However, his father's words were too horrifying. He was afraid that there would be some misunderstanding between them, so he nodded at Lieh Xiaoruan and pointed at his phone, meaning to send him a message.    


Lieh Xiaoruan nodded and walked into the elevator.    


Along the way up, she was still sighing. Why did it become like this after attending an event? So, even when she walked to the door to open the door, she did not find a familiar person in the corridor.    


While Luo Tianqi was waiting for Lieh Xiaoruan, he also turned over his phone. Therefore, he saw the Weibo just now.    


He couldn't tell what he was feeling. It was as if he was masochizing himself. He had read all the posts and even enlarged the expressions of the two people in the photos and their hands that were holding each other's hands.    


When he finished reading, he thought that this was the end.    


Unexpectedly, he also saw her thumbs-up.    


For a moment, the phone seemed to want to slide down from his palm due to the lack of strength.    


Luo Tianqi looked at Lieh Xiaoruan's thumbs-up for a long time and swiped it many times, but he found that it really wasn't his imagination.    


Was she really with Chi Jingyu? And they even lived together?    


He still remembered that day when he went to play in the manor, she and Chi Jingyu played games together, as if there was no one else around.    


He had heard people say that the magnetic field between people was very magical.    


Some people got along with each other every day but never got along with each other, while some people got along with each other at first sight.    


If his guess was correct, that was the first time Lieh Xiaoruan and Chi Jingyu met, right?    


However, they had been playing games all along, and they did not even notice his approach.    


After that, because of Fu Xiner's matter, he completely separated from her. After that, he stayed in J Country for two months.    


In total, They hadn't seen each other for two and a half months, right?    


During these two and a half months, had she always been with Chi Jingyu?    


His heart felt like it was being torn by something. Luo Tianqi discovered that one day, he was actually afraid that she wouldn't even give him a slap!    


Until they appeared in his line of sight.    


It was already so late. Were they really going to stay together? Didn't Lieh Yuanchen care?    


Or is it that everyone has already tacitly agreed? And he was the only one who didn't know anything?    


Seeing the two of them walk into the neighborhood happily, Luo Tianqi laughed self-deprecatingly.    


He had thought of many scenes of reunion with her, but he didn't expect that a real reunion would be even crueler than he had imagined!    


He got up before they got close and strode to the elevator.    


He wanted to see if they really lived together.    


When the elevator door opened on her floor and he heard the footsteps of only one person, Luo Tianqi realized that his heart, which was on the verge of breaking, seemed to be temporarily safe again.    


However, she did not notice him at all. Instead, she walked straight to the door by herself. Red. Her lips were slightly pouted, as if she was upset about something.    


He rarely saw such a cute little girl like her. He didn't know if it was because of Chi Jingyu. That was why she had such a side to her?    


Luo Tianqi felt so jealous.    


When he found that Lieh Xiaoruan really did not notice him, he finally opened the door when she opened it. He could not help but say, "Xiaoruan."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this greeting, she was even dazed for two seconds.    


After which, she reacted and slowly turned her head.    


She hadn't seen Luo Tianqi for more than two months. She hadn't even heard any news about him.    


Therefore, she felt that his existence was somewhat unfamiliar to her.    


However, at this moment, when she heard that familiar name, she discovered that the things that she had deliberately concealed in the past were actually just temporarily sleeping, waiting for his awakening.    


However, even if she awakened, she was no longer the past her.    


She would no longer foolishly like him like in the past. She would be happy because of his happiness, and sad for his sadness.    


That day, outside the Qin family's villa, she had been running for him during the forty hours of rain that she had been drenched in. However, he had been preparing for the day and night of the wedding, and it had already extinguished all of her expectations and feelings.    


She no longer liked him.    


Therefore, after a moment of stiffness, Lieh Xiaoruan had already greeted Luo Tianqi with a composed expression. "Hello, Mr Tianqi."    


Although she still called him that, the politeness and alienation in her tone made Luo Tianqi feel that it was much more obvious than the first time they had met.    


He tried his best to swallow the bitterness in his mouth, and then said, "I came to find you a long time ago, but I didn't know you had an appointment today. So now..."    


He was explaining why he appeared in front of her house so late at night.    


Mhm. " Lieh Xiaoruan did not enter the house, nor did she let Luo Tianqi enter. She just continued to maintain a distant and courteous smile. "What do you want from me?"    


Luo Tianqi suddenly did not know how to respond.    


He had too many things he wanted to say to her. However, when he saw the repulsion in her eyes, he didn't know how to tell her. He was wrong. He wanted to redeem himself.    


Seeing that Luo Tianqi did not say anything, Lieh Xiaoruan smiled again. "If there is nothing else, I will go in. I still have to go to work tomorrow, so I have to sleep early."    


Luo Tianqi did not move. He still looked at Lieh Xiaoruan. A few seconds later, she ignored him and directly opened the door.    


Seeing that she was about to disappear, he instinctively took a step forward and reached out to grab Lieh Xiaoruan's arm.    


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