Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C614 I Can't Wait to Move the Entire Mall Home

C614 I Can't Wait to Move the Entire Mall Home

"Baby, I'm eating in J Country. When are you coming with me?"    


Beiming Mo quickly replied: "Hey, you don't know what happened to my Boss Lie recently. He's working overtime like crazy. It's killing me. I'm so busy."    


"Oh, then I'll have to enjoy it myself. I'll pack a serving for you before I return to the country." Soong Yiren said.    


She put away her phone and asked Xuanyuan Huo, "Dad, do you usually not like to go out to play or find some friends to have a gathering?"    


Because she realized that Xuanyuan Huo seemed to be very unrecognizable in Jin City.    


For example, in the shopping mall today, no one knew who he was. No one knew that he was a direct descendant of Xuanyuan Family.    


If it was Xuanyuan Lin, the two salespeople would have put on smiles on their faces a long time ago.    


"I usually like someone." Xuanyuan Huo said, as if he was afraid Soong Yiren would misunderstand, and quickly explained, "But if you come over, I will be happier."    


Soong Yiren smiled, "Father, with your character, even I suspect that you have never been in a relationship before."    


After she finished speaking, she blinked her eyes and gossiped, "Tell me about the past between you and your girlfriend."    


Xuanyuan Huo definitely did not expect that there would be a day when his daughter would gossip about his relationship history.    


He was a little embarrassed, but he still said, "Actually, it was many years ago. At that time, I was still in university..."    


He narrated the process of getting to know that girl, and the process of falling in love with her. His eyes were somewhat distant.    


In the past, her liver had been broken because of her death. Now that he thought about it again after so many years, he did not seem to feel that bad anymore.    


As expected, the most terrifying thing in this world was time.    


His heart had long since calmed down over a long period of time. Even if he revealed the past, it would only be a narration of that experience.    


Soong Yiren listened with great interest and did not forget to comment after listening. "Dad, you were quite romantic when you were young!"    


Xuanyuan Huo was a little helpless and smiled, "How can you make fun of Dad like this?"    


"Haha, I need to know you in all aspects." Soong Yiren smiled and pushed a plate of dishes in front of Xuanyuan Huo. "I took a bite of this. I can't eat it."    


Xuanyuan Huo did not hesitate and took it and ate it.    


When Soong Yiren saw this scene, she suddenly remembered that she had such a moment many years ago.    


At that time, she was not really picky about food, but as a girl, there would always be one or two things that she did not like.    


And every time at this time, she would push the things on the plate to Soong Yuncheng and said with a smile, "Dad, you eat this. It suits your handsome appearance."    


Then, Soong Yuncheng did not expose her and took a big bite.    


Now that the scene had reappeared, Soong Yiren suddenly felt that her eyes were burning and her throat seemed to be blocked by some kind of emotion. For a moment, she had lost control of her emotions.    


She hurriedly lowered her head and tried her best to hold back the tears that had just welled up and ate another Mustard Duck Palm.    


Instantly, the smell of the Mustard Mustard rushed into her nose, stimulating her to the point where tears immediately flowed out.    


She hurriedly took a deep breath and went to get the paper. She even continuously used her hands to fan the wind.    


On the opposite side, Xuanyuan Huo had already given her the paper first, as if coaxing a child. "Nuan, the mustard on J Country's side is very suffocating. Eat bit by bit at a time."    


Soong Yiren nodded and finally wiped away the tears that she did not know if it was because she choked or because of her feelings.    


She slowly ate and looked at the man opposite her. In her heart, she said to Soong Yuncheng, "Dad, I think you are back."    


Everything she had lost... Bit by bit, in other ways, she had made up for it.    


She was Soong Yiren, and also Yu Ruonuan.    


In the end, Soong Yiren really could not eat that many snacks and she was a little vexed. Just now, she could not hold it in and ate until her stomach was full.    


However, there were still a few things that she liked. So, she called the waiter to pack.    


After coming out of the restaurant, Soong Yiren was really too full and did not want to take the car, so she pressed the road with her father.    


Not long after they left, Xuanyuan Huo saw a jewelry store in front of them, so he brought Soong Yiren in.    


"What would you like to see?" The guide asked.    


Xuanyuan Huo did not have a good impression of the shopping guide, so he did not care. He only said to Soong Yiren, "Nuan, let's see if there is anything you like."    


Soong Yiren knew that Xuanyuan Huo did not buy anything for her just now. Now, he definitely wanted to bring all the other things that she liked home.    


She also could not bear to let go of her father's consciousness. Hence, she carefully chose them one by one.    


Therefore, every time Soong Yiren looked at things for a few more seconds, Xuanyuan Huo called the shop assistant, "Wrap this necklace up."    


"We want this pair of earrings too."    


"And this bracelet..."    


Soong Yiren did not know whether to laugh or cry, but she still kept everything in her bag.    


On this side, the first floor was filled with jewelry, and the second floor was filled with boxes. Xuanyuan Huo brought Soong Yiren upstairs to sweep the goods.    


When the two of them came out, the three bodyguards' hands were full of shopping bags.    


Xuanyuan Huo was very happy. He finally bought a full set of clothes for his daughter.    


Soong Yiren was also very obedient. At that time, she put on the earrings and bracelet that he gave her. She also took apart a bag and directly carried it on her back.    


It was already evening when they finished strolling like this. Xuanyuan Wei's side already had people call to inform the two of them to go home for dinner.    


Thus, the two of them got into the car and returned to the Xuanyuan Family.    


When they got out of the car, they happened to run into Xuanyuan Yao.    


Xuanyuan Yao had been sick for half a month by Shangguan Xun. Now she had recovered, but it seemed like she had not recovered yet.    


Her face was a little haggard, and her entire body seemed to have suffered a round. Her eyes seemed very big, but they did not look good.    


Seeing Soong Yiren and Xuanyuan Huo come down together, she looked at the car in puzzlement, but she did not see Gong Lingye.    


She was puzzled and went forward to greet, "Third Uncle."    


After saying that, she looked at Soong Yiren again and said in an indifferent tone. "What wind blew Fourth Young Madam over?"    


Soong Yiren only smiled at her and her eyes were polite and distant politeness, "Fourth Young Miss, good day. The weather is not bad today, so I went out to buy some things."    


In the car behind, the bodyguard had already carried the big bag and small gift bag from the trunk.    


Then, Xuanyuan Huo said to Soong Yiren, "Nuan, put them in your room first?"    


Soong Yiren nodded, "Okay."    


When Xuanyuan Yao heard this, her face was full of doubt.    


Why did it look like Xuanyuan Huo bought so many things for Soong Yiren?    


A guess arose in her heart, but she felt that it was impossible.    


After all, Gong Lingye was the person who wanted to become the master of Shangguan Family. Soong Yiren could not be so stupid as to give up Gong Lingye. Instead, she wanted to rely on Xuanyuan Huo, who did not have much real power in Xuanyuan Family.    


However, she wanted to ask but felt that he wouldn't say anything even if she asked. Just as Xuanyuan Yao was in a dilemma, Soong Yiren had already left while chatting and laughing with Xuanyuan Huo.    


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