Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C643 My Family Asked Me to Marry You will You

C643 My Family Asked Me to Marry You will You

When those people disappeared from his sight, Lieh Xiaoruan's car drove out from the other side of the garage.    


About twenty meters behind her, Luo Tianqi's driver also drove out.    


He parked the car in front of Luo Tianqi. Seeing that Luo Tianqi did not come over, he quickly opened the driver's door and walked quickly to Luo Tianqi's side. "Director Luo, I'll help you over."    


Luo Tianqi nodded and handed his arm to the driver.    


The driver held him and went down the stairs.    


On the other side, the little boy was carried by a woman. She looked over.    


When he saw Luo Tianqi walking, he blinked and said to himself, "So it's a cripple, no wonder..."    


On the other side, the driver helped Luo Tianqi into the car and said with concern, "Director Luo, your leg..."    


"It's fine. I stood a little too long just now." Luo Tianqi leaned against the back of the chair and said faintly.    


The driver said again, "Are you going to the hospital now or?"    


"Go home." Luo Tianqi closed his eyes. He seemed to be exhausted. "The doctor also said that this is not something that can be taken care of. It is useless to treat it."    


When the driver heard him, his lips... The petal moved, but in the end, he did not say anything and started the car.    


Very quickly, the car drove into the darkness of the night and disappeared.    


At the traffic light at the intersection in front of them, Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the rearview mirror and was slightly stunned.    


Why did she seem to have seen someone helping Luo Tianqi just now?    


However, she still wanted to see clearly when a car blocked her line of sight from behind, so she could not see anything.    


However, Luo Tianqi had always been fine when he was with her, so how could he possibly need someone to support him? She must have seen wrongly, right?    


After all, when the car at the back of the car left, she even specially took a look. She only saw an adult carrying a child. It should be because she had seen wrongly just now.    


After getting rid of the doubts in her heart, she continued to drive home.    


Beside her, the phone in the front passenger seat lit up. It was a message from Chi Jingyu. "Xiaoxiao, I have a friend celebrating his birthday this weekend. He also likes to play with cars. Shall we go together?"    




Although Soong Yiren was pregnant and did not have any pregnancy, she still had three babies in her belly. Therefore, Gong Lingye basically did not allow her to be too busy these few days.    


She did not give up on her business trip, and the company also had strict restrictions on overtime.    


Therefore, she, who was stuck at 2: 00 PM every day, still felt depressed.    


Although Gong Lingye did his best to get off work early, because of a project problem, it was already 9: 00 PM when he returned home.    


Soong Yiren had already had dinner and was sitting on the sofa in her bedroom. She was a little tired.    


The weather outside was already quite cold. It was easy to catch a cold if she went out at night. She was pregnant and could not soak in the hot spring. Plus, she was always sleepy and did not have the energy to write the robot program.    


Soong Yiren did not raise her eyes when she heard Gong Lingye's return. Instead, she stayed on the sofa and laid on the corpse.    


When he came back from outside, Gong Lingye still had some of the coolness of the night. He took off his coat and waited for his body to get warmer before he walked to Soong Yiren's side and sat down. He pulled her into his arms. "Baby, have you had dinner?"    


"Yes." Soong Yiren answered lazily.    


"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep early?" Gong Lingye asked again.    


"No." After Soong Yiren got pregnant, she insisted on one principle: No matter how tired she was, she had to persist until the last moment.    


In layman terms, she could not bear to sleep. It was a procrastination.    


Gong Lingye kissed her forehead. "I haven't eaten yet. Can you accompany me to eat?"    


Soong Yiren snorted and was led by Gong Lingye to the dining table.    


The maid had already heated up the food. After filling it up, she quietly left.    


In the dining room, the crystal light was bright. Soong Yiren laid in front of the dining table and quietly watched Gong Lingye eat.    


"I'm sorry, wife. I'm a little busy at work today. So I came back late." Gong Lingye picked up a piece of bamboo shoots and put it next to Soong Yiren's lips. "Do you want some more?"    


Soong Yiren did not open her mouth.    


Gong Lingye did not care and just ate it himself.    


Although he ate elegantly, But his speed was very fast, from start to finish, it only took him ten minutes.    


After waiting for him to eat, he was not in a hurry to leave the dining table. Instead, he took out something from his pocket in his pants and said to Soong Yiren, "Nuan, let's go to K City tomorrow."    


Soong Yiren was originally lazy, but when she heard this, her eyes immediately lifted up.    


Gong Lingye passed the two invitation cards in his hand to her. "These are the admission tickets to the Charity auction. I received the invitation over there. Shall we go together?"    


After saying that, he said, "It will only take you four hours to drive to K City. It won't be too hard for you. When we get there, we can play for two days. "    


Soong Yiren's eyes were completely bright. "Can I not be locked up in Imperial City every day?"    


Gong Lingye rubbed her hair. "Yes. Your pregnancy is almost three months. You can also go out for a walk."    


Soong Yiren instantly smiled. "Okay! You don't know, I'm at home every day. I'm about to suffer from depression!"    


Gong Lingye smiled. "We'll leave tomorrow morning. We'll leave when you wake up."    


Soong Yiren nodded. "I heard that there is a Flower Lantern Festival in K City at night. Can I go and see it?"    


Gong Lingye agreed very straightforwardly. "Okay, but we will bring the bodyguards."    


Soong Yiren was completely energized. She glanced at the dishes on the table and pouted. "Lingye, I am hungry."    


Gong Lingye immediately asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll ask the chef to cook."    


"I want to eat what you cook." Soong Yiren pouted and said," The pickled vegetables and rice soup you made is better than what the chef made. "    


Gong Lingye stood up. "Okay, I will make it right away."    


Soong Yiren walked to the kitchen door and said, "We need to add the minced meat you made the other day and also add chili. Oh right, we need more coriander..."    


Gong Lingye nodded and said, "Okay."    


After a while, a night of pickled vegetable fan soup had already been served.    


The golden minced meat, the snow-white rice noodles, and a layer of green coriander and red chili oil made people's appetite soar.    


Soong Yiren sat at the dining table and took a bite before bending her eyes in satisfaction.    


Gong Lingye reminded her from the side, "Nuan, be careful of the scalding. Don't eat too quickly."    


"Yes." Soong Yiren picked a stick and fed it to Gong Lingye, "You should eat some too!"    


There were many similar situations. Soong Yiren realized that Gong Lingye's culinary skills were getting better and better. For example, the pickled vegetables and rice soup were even better than the chefs at home.    


She ate halfway and thought of something. She took a picture of the rice noodles and sent it to Soong Ziheng. "Ziheng, look. It was made by your brother-in-law."    


Soong Ziheng, who was studying in Country R, had just finished class. When he saw the picture, he smiled.    


The next day, Soong Yiren woke up at nine o'clock and drove to K City with Gong Lingye.    


It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived. The two of them had lunch. They took a walk in the nearby park and waited for the auction in the afternoon.    


When they came out of the park, Gong Lingye saw Aa Mian looking at his phone from time to time. He could not help but ask curiously, "Aa Mian, what happened?"    


When Aa Mian heard Gong Lingye calling him, he quickly looked up. "Prince, it's fine."    


Just as he finished speaking, the phone in his hand sent another message.    


Wei Qianran said, "Ah Mr Mian, did you receive the message I sent?"    


On the screen, there were a few messages from Wei Qianran.    


"Ah Mr Mian, my uncle came to my house. I heard him say that he wanted me to marry him."    


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