Nine Flames Sovereign

C577 Heaven Rank Six Star!

C577 Heaven Rank Six Star!

After leaving the Martial Skill Tower, Han Feng counted the points in his hands and shook his head with a bitter smile, "If that's the case, there really won't be much left. "    


More than 100,000 points were really spent like flowing water.    


After thinking for a moment, Han Feng came to the Inner Academy's shop. He wanted to see what else he could buy with the points in his hand.    


It would be great if he could buy something that would be helpful for his Cultivation base's breakthrough.    


Blinding items appeared in Han Feng's line of sight. Han Feng was so seduced that he almost drooled. However, when he saw the points below, it was as if cold water had been poured onto him, and his enthusiasm was extinguished.    


These items, if they were useful to him at his current stage, were not less than 10,000 points.    


Some of the items that were useful to Late Heaven Rank Peak of the Heaven Rank were as light as a feather, and all of them had over 100,000 points.    


Han Feng's mouth twitched. In the end, he chose a Heavenly Profound Pill.    


Heavenly Profound Pill was a Pill that could allow a Heaven-rank Five Star Martial Cultivator to break through a small stage. For example, it could allow a Heaven-rank Five Star Early Period to break through to the intermediate stage, or it could even break through from the intermediate stage to the late stage. Breaking through from the late stage to the peak.    


Currently, Han Feng had already reached the peak of the Heaven-rank Five Star. It was impossible for him to break through to the Heaven-rank Six-star with the help of the Heavenly Profound Pill, but it could make the bottleneck even thinner, allowing him to break through to the Heaven-rank Six-star with just two or three Heaven-ranks or three to four Six-stars.    


Without the Heavenly Profound Pill, perhaps he would need seven, seven, eight Heaven-ranks or even more in order to break through to the Heaven-rank Six-star Early Period!    


It wasn't that there weren't any Heaven-ranks here that could allow a peak Heaven-rank Five Star to break through to the Heaven-rank Six-star. For example, one of these Heaven-ranks was called the Nine Profound Pill. It could allow a peak Heaven-rank Five Star to easily break through to the Heaven-rank Six-star Early Period, but it required more than thirty thousand points!    


Currently, Han Feng didn't have that many points. Purchasing the Heavenly Profound Pill was already his limit.    


Just as Han Feng was about to leave, his eyes swept across the place, and his expression changed instantly.    


There was actually a Pure Essence Fruit for sale here!    


From this Pure Essence Fruit, Han Feng could feel that the Pure Essence Fruit in his hand was completely incomparable to the pure aura.    


This was an even higher level Pure Essence Fruit condensed from the purest and more majestic energy.    


"I never thought that there would be a high level Pure Essence Fruit here. I just don't know if it's a Medium-class or a Upper-class. Or a Top-quality?"    


Han Feng was annoyed. If he had known earlier, he would have come over to take a look.    


However, when Han Feng swept his gaze over the points token and the introduction below the Pure Essence Fruit, Han Feng instantly became dispirited.    


This Pure Essence Fruit was a Upper-class, and its points were actually above 200,000!    


Even if he had entered the inner court when he first entered, I can only see and can't afford it.    


At this moment, Han Feng's mentality of accepting missions to earn points became even more urgent.    


. . .    


After returning to the courtyard, Han Feng immediately went into seclusion to prepare for his breakthrough.    


Now, Han Feng had completely lost his points. He didn't even have the points to cultivate in the Third Grade lava zone.    


"Lord, Lord Zhan has already accepted the mission and left. Before he left, he asked me to tell you something. Lord Zhan wants you to not relax. When he returns to the inner court, he wants to fight you!" Before Han Feng went into seclusion, Little Seven told Han Feng what Zhan Fuyu had left behind.    


Han Feng raised his eyebrows. "That guy has already left? He is really fast. "    


"He wants to fight me when he returns. Could it be that Zhan Fuyu is so sure that the Cultivation base will surpass me this time?" Han Feng rubbed his chin and asked curiously.    


"I don't know about this little one. " Xiao Qi shook his head.    


Han Feng chuckled. "Fine, let me see how much the Cultivation base will grow after Zhan Fuyu returns. "    


"I won't disturb your cultivation. I will take my leave. " Little Seven only conveyed the message left behind by Zhan Fuyu. The message had already been conveyed. Little Seven respectfully retreated and left.    


. . .    


Looking at the closed door, Little Seven sighed with emotion. Just over a month ago, the direction of the wind in the inner courtyard was still leaning towards Yu Bin. No one thought that a little newbie could cause much trouble.    


And now. . .    


Thinking of the worries and advice that his friends had for him, as well as some strange schadenfreude, as well as the joy and envy of his friends, Xiao Qi found it funny.    


Back then, he had only felt that as a servant, he had to be honest. So what if he really gave up on leaving? Would the other inner court Martial Cultivators be willing to accept him?    


If he could give up Han Feng, he would be able to give up on the others in the future.    


Now, Xiao Qi was very glad of his decision.    


If Han Feng really had a great fortune in the future, he would also be able to obtain a lot of benefits. Perhaps, he would also have a share of the Heaven-rank deacons in the future.    


Secondly, it would be good if he could follow Han Feng and leave this place.    


. . .    


Inside the room, Han Feng refined the Heavenly Profound Pill into a origin fluid and began absorbing it for cultivation.    


At the same time, in a certain villa.    


Jia Cheng was somewhat irritated. "Lord Sub-Division Leader hasn't come out of seclusion yet, and he's at the critical moment of his breakthrough. We can't disturb him, but if this continues, who knows how much stronger that brat will become?"    


Although Kong Wanyue was a little angry that she had lost face back then, compared to Jia Cheng, Kong Wanyue was still much calmer. "Don't worry. Lord Sub-Division Leader will come out in two to three months at most. At that time, the Sub-Division Leader will personally decide what to do. "    


Jia Cheng sighed. "So what if Lord has come out? That kid is protected by Flame King. "    


Kong Wanyue sneered. "So what if Flame King is protecting him? Don't forget that the one who covets Yuan Yijin is not only Flame King, but also a powerhouse on the semi-Saint ranking. Flame King can be considered upright and upright. That person is not one. "    


"This person has not returned from his mission. When he returns, as long as he knows about the relationship between Yuan Yijin and Han Feng, he will definitely make a move. "    


"Relationship? What relationship?" Jia Cheng was confused.    


Kong Wanyue looked at Jia Cheng with disappointment. Jia Cheng was quite big, but his brain was. . .    


"Stupid, it doesn't matter. We can spread rumors. We just need to make that person suspect us. Even if it's not true, that person will not like Han Feng because of this rumor. "    


"When Flame King stops that person, Han Feng will have to face the battle alone. I hope Yuan Yijin will help at that time. If that's the case, even if the rumor is spread, that person will most likely believe it. "    


" If it's only twenty to thirty percent suspicion, that person might still be lenient to Flame King, but with seventy to eighty percent suspicion, it's useless for Flame King to stop him! " Kong Wanyue's face was cold.    


Jia Cheng's eyes immediately lit up.    


After thinking for a while, Kong Wanyue continued, "But we can't entrust everything to that person. If that person realizes that he has been schemed against and used, then that person will realize that he has been used. We won't have a good end either. If we can solve it ourselves, then we'll try our best to solve it ourselves "    


"I heard that kid can already take on missions and leave the academy. We'll send people to keep an eye on him. Once he leaves the academy, we. . . "Kong Wanyue's eyes flickered with a dense light.    


Jia Cheng also nodded slightly. "We can't be careless with this kid. Let's attack together. We can't give him the chance to escape. "    


. . .    


The courtyard.    


Han Feng's house. Waves of energy were suppressed and absorbed by Han Feng, turning into energy in his dantian.    


After absorbing all the energy from the Heavenly Profound origin fluid, Han Feng was only a paper-thin bottleneck away from the Heaven-rank Six-star.    


Without any hesitation, Han Feng swallowed the Pure Essence Fruit and origin fluid.    


After absorbing the three origin fluids, Han Feng's body shook, and even more majestic auras appeared.    


After absorbing and refining for several days, Han Feng had finally broken through to the Heaven-rank Six-star Early Period!    


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