Sky War Soul

C418 How dare you fall down?

C418 How dare you fall down?

How dare you fall?    


Hearing Chu Tiankuo's words, Chu Yun's heart also warmed. "Father, this has nothing to do with strength!"    


"No, it does matter!"    


Chu Tiankuo's voice suddenly increased by an octave, and then, he said with a serious expression: "Yun'er, father knows that you have always been under a lot of pressure, no matter what, you will always maintain your peak fighting spirit, be prepared to fight at any time, and don't even want to rest for even a moment, to be able to cultivate at any time, do you know why?"    


Chu Yun was startled, and did not quite understand his father's words.    


"Because of what?"    


Chu Tiankuo said seriously: "Because you don't dare to fall down, there's no one behind you!"    


Hearing this, Chu Yun felt his brain rumbling.    


His father's words had really entered his heart.    


That's right, he had been redoubling his efforts and training as hard as he could.    


He didn't have an illustrious identity, nor a powerful clan. In fact, he even had to take care of every single part of the clan.    


Under this kind of pressure, he had no choice but to keep getting stronger, so strong that he didn't need to rely on anyone.    


"You have no one to rely on, so no one can carry it for you. Other people all have families, teachers, or fathers as their backing, but you don't. You can only rely on yourself, it's not that you don't want to rely on them, it's just that you can't. "    


Chu Tiankuo's eyes were filled with gentleness. He knew that he owed this son far too much, to be able to reach his current state, it could be said that he had not helped him in any way.    


Chu Yun was choked with sobs.    


"But now, you have a shield. After I awaken my grade seven heaven level martial spirit, I will only cultivate even harder than you. The reason is so that when you are not a match for my opponent, you can let me bear it for you with peace of mind! During the competition for the Venerable Family, you were also able to proudly say that you are my, Chu Tiankuo's, son! "    


Chu Tiankuo's words were resolute and decisive, loud and clear.    


Everyone present was speechless.    


Wang Chengying rubbed her sore nose, her impression of Chu Tiankuo also changed: It seems that little aunt had not misjudged him.    


Ten thousand words. Chu Yun didn't know what to say to express the emotions in his heart, and in the end, he could only say four words. "Father, thank you very much."    


"I've looked through some ancient books, but I haven't found any about the Lava Sky Spirit Beast."    


Jing Ran walked in from outside, her face full of helplessness: "Maybe the details written in these ancient books are not detailed enough, I'll go look for them somewhere else later."    


"It's alright, Ran'er, there's no need to check."    


Chu Tiankuo laughed and waved his hand. He didn't care about the origins of the Martial Spirit at all.    


The most important thing was that he did indeed have a seventh grade heaven rank martial spirit.    




Just at this moment, an expert with a dense aura came in through the door.    


The newcomer was dressed in a black robe and wore a black mask. He looked extremely mysterious.    


Seeing the other party's attire, Chu Yun instinctively jumped, his eyes filled with vigilance.    


Heavenly Policy Army.    


"Patriarch Chu, Lord Emperor of the Tang has invited you to the Lingxiao Pavilion."    


That day, after commanding the troops, he didn't say anything unnecessary and turned around to leave.    


Only now did Chu Yun realize that he was somewhat too sensitive.    


It was just that there was a traitor within the Heavenly Policy Army, not just anyone.    


"Lord Emperor of the Tang wants to invite me over?"    


Chu Tiankuo was a little shocked.    


"Patriarch, congratulations!"    


Situ Binghe, white cold. Some of the elders of the Chu family also congratulated him from the bottom of their hearts.    


The fact that he could be invited showed that the Emperor of the Tang highly valued Chu Tiankuo's martial spirit.    


"Father, this Emperor of the Tang wants to express his goodwill."    


Chu Yun immediately explained the essence of the matter.    


Chu Tiankuo took a few deep breaths consecutively, his expression flushed red from excitement.    


Who was the Emperor of the Tang, the Human Emperor of the Four Great Clans, one of the strongest and most powerful people in the Central Region!    


As for himself, before he entered the Tang Dynasty, he was only the Patriarch of a small clan in the Da Xia Empire.    


Even the sect heads of the middle rank sects had to be polite when they saw him, afraid of offending him in any way.    


But now, he was actually summoned by the Emperor of the Tang.    


It was like a beggar that everyone looked down on suddenly being summoned by the emperor on the streets. That kind of excitement was not something that could be expressed with words.    


"I want to slow down first."    


Chu Tiankuo closed his eyes, his face flushed red and his voice trembling.    


"Father, when we arrive at the Ling Xiao Palace, you must not act too humbly or humbly. If it's just a conversation, I just have to maintain my respect. Although he is a Emperor of the Tang, you are not bad right now, and don't even mention that you have a son like me! "    


Chu Yun's lips curled up into a smile. The actions of the Emperor of the Tang was partly because he was shocked by the grade of his martial spirit, and partly because he wanted to win over his family.    


After all, it was just a matter of time before two absolute geniuses emerged from a clan, and their rise to prominence in the future would be a matter of time.    


Not to mention, his father was still in his prime and had hundreds of years to live. With his help, it wouldn't be difficult for him to create his own clan in the future.    


If Emperor of the Tang wanted to win his over, one reason was to show his goodwill, and another reason was because he was truly afraid.    


"Don't worry, I won't throw your life away."    


Chu Tiankuo was obviously in a very good mood. With a calm personality, after experiencing so many years of training, he had long ago become like a boulder.    


He was too excited earlier, so after calming down, he could still suppress his emotions.    


After that, Chu Tiankuo gave a few simple instructions and went to the Soaring Sky Pavilion.    


"Yun'er, what do you think Lord Emperor of the Tang will say to your father?"    


Jing Ran sat at the side, obviously a little worried.    


A powerful being like the Emperor of the Tang would not show it at all, and no one could guess their personality.    


What if it was to make things difficult for Chu Tiankuo?    


"Rest assured Aunt Ran, this is not only not a bad thing, but also a rare good thing!"    


"I bet Emperor of the Tang called father over to increase the distribution of cultivation resources. He would then take out some martial skills for Father to train in."    


Chu Yun smiled, he had long since memorized the Emperor of the Tang's methods.    


This was most likely what the old cunning fox from the Emperor of the Tang did.    


"That's good."    


Jing Ran heaved a sigh of relief, they had never seen the world before, and would inevitably become flustered when encountering this kind of situation.    


"Then I'll have to trouble Aunt Ran to take care of the matters in the city first. I have some matters that I need to take care of first."    


Chu Yun stood up and looked at the Wang Chengying.    


"I'm leaving too."    


Wang Chengying also stood up.    


"No problem, I will handle this properly."    


Jing Ran nodded.    


Chu Yun and Wang Chengying walked out of the hall shoulder to shoulder. They walked along the street for a long distance before raising their heads.    


Neither of them spoke up first, as if they were maintaining a tacit understanding.    


In the end, it was Chu Yun who could not hold it in any longer, "Speak."    


"Say what?"    


Wang Chengying played dumb.    


"You only tell me if you want me to point it out?"    


Chu Yun glared fiercely at him.    


"I really don't understand what you mean."    


The Wang Chengying continued to play dumb.    


"God dammit, you can tell that it's a Lava Sky Spirit Beast at first glance, so how could you not know the secret behind it?"    


"I checked through ancient records and found out that this Lava Sky Spirit Beast was the martial soul of a genius girl from your Shadow Mountain thirty years ago. It's just that, why did my father awaken a Lava Sky Spirit Beast?"    


"Is my father related to the Shadow Mountain or not?"    


"And you. You gave me a present both times we met. You don't even have any conditions, so why are you being so nice to me?"    


"Earlier, you said that you were my brother, what happened?"    


Chu Yun asked a few questions in one breath, while staring at the Wang Chengying with her sharp eyes.    


He knew that the Wang Chengying had no ill intentions towards him, and his relationship with her own brother was also real. It was just that she kept so many secrets from, and this feeling made Chu Yun a little mad.    


Wang Chengying was speechless.    


Chu Yun asked these questions, and each of them were very sharp. They were also answers that he couldn't think of even after pondering for a long time.    


"You once said that your grandfather would invite the Tenth Gongzi to congratulate your grandfather on his birthday, and even said that you would make sure that I would solidify my position as the Tenth Gongzi. If my guess is not wrong, you want me to go to Shadow Mountain, and you want me to go there gloriously; as for why you want me to go there, and why you need to keep your noble name, I can't figure it out for the time being. "    


Chu Yun put his hand on Wang Chengying's shoulder and asked again: "Do you want to keep quiet with me all this time?"    


"I can only answer one of the questions you asked."    


After thinking for a while, Wang Chengying decided to open its mouth.    


You're asking me if Uncle Chu is related to the Shadow Mountain, yes! And it's very deep! "    


Wang Chengying's expression became serious: "Even more than that, I can't say it. Don't look at me with that eyes, you really can't say it. On grandfather's birthday, you can personally make a trip to the Shadow Mountain and everything will be clear! "    


"F * ck, hiding this from me so deeply."    


Chu Yun unhappily cursed, then laughed and asked: "Could it be that my father is someone from the Shadow Mountain? "Otherwise, how could he awaken the Lava Sky Spirit Beast?"    


"Don't ask, I won't tell even if you do."    


Wang Chengying kept her mouth shut, no matter how hard Chu Yun tried to force the question, she kept silent.    


"Fine, fine, fine. If you don't want to say it, then forget it. When I get to the Shadow Mountain myself, I will figure it all out!"    


Chu Yun shook his head, since the Wang Chengying said that she couldn't ask, then it meant that there was really something hard to say, and if she continued to force the question, she wouldn't be able to get anything out of it.    


"Just now, who was the one who awakened the Martial Spirit? Come out and fight me!"    


The moment Chu Yun's voice fell, the voice of a youth sounded from outside the city.    


The two of them immediately had a weird expression, especially for Chu Yun.    


There was actually a kid who wanted to challenge his father.    


"You're not coming out? Then I'll be going in!"    


The youth's voice rang out once more, and immediately after, the city gates was broken through, and a figure quickly rushed into the city.    


"So fast!"    


Chu Yun and Wang Chengying looked at each other, both were shocked.    


"It's you?!"    


When the black figure saw Chu Yun, its voice suddenly changed.    


He suddenly landed on the ground and roared aggressively: "I remember you. Last time at the portal, it was you who pushed me and stole my position, right?"    


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