Sky War Soul

C431 It was actually him?

C431 It was actually him?

It's actually him?    


"Let's not waste time. Let's begin."    


Fu Xueyi's beautiful eyes swept over the crowd before saying indifferently, "It's still the same old rule. A spar is a spar; you can't kill yourself. Otherwise, I won't show mercy."    


The other young masters all nodded. No one had any objections.    


Chu Yun watched on from the side, more or less surprised.    


When he first came here, he had heard from the Wang Chengying that the Young Master Jiu Lu, Fu Xueyi, was the only woman amongst the Ten Young Masters. Her status was extraordinary, and she could be considered the one with the most authority among the Ten Young Masters.    


Every time there was a gathering between the Ten Young Masters, she would be the one to initiate it. The other young masters treated her with both respect and fear.    


What Chu Yun was curious about was what kind of background did Fu Xueyi have?    


Or was it because he was too strong that the others were convinced?    


Logically speaking, there was no lack of rebellious people within the Tenth Gongzi. Everyone treated her with such respect. This could only mean that she was indeed extraordinary.    


The Tenth Gongzi stood in a straight line, each of them with a different expression on their faces.    


Like Chu Yun, it was very casual, not even bothering to raise its eyelids.    


The Star Lord Ye Guxing had a smile on his face. However, he didn't look at the other geniuses that came to challenge him. Instead, he turned his gaze elsewhere. It was unknown what he was thinking in his heart.    


Bloodknife Young Master Xiao Chi and Kirin Young Master Yu Qi both had rather flamboyant personalities. Their eyes met with the challengers arrogantly, as if challenging them, "Choose me if you can!"    


As members of the Tenth Gongzi, they were not afraid of challenges.    


Although there were some geniuses with extraordinary strength among the challengers, they weren't worried at all.    


The fact that he could stand here meant many things.    


In next to no time, the first challenger stood up.    


It was a woman that was as beautiful as a flower. After her beautiful eyes swept across the crowd, her gaze landed on Chu Yun.    


"Young master Shui Tian, I want to challenge you."    


The woman spoke with obvious confidence.    


"Come up and pick me."    


Chu Yun scratched his head. He had originally wanted to watch another show, but he did not expect himself to be the first to be challenged.    


"My name is Shang Yiling, I heard that you are an expert in sabresmanship, a rare young sabre artist."    


The girl was full of confidence as she raised her hand to draw out a magic sword that was emitting a cold aura. She enunciated word by word, "Coincidentally, I am a swordsman. See if it's your blade or not, but my sword! "    


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows. Wow, the first person to challenge him was a swordsman. It looked like the strength of the challengers was not weak.    


There was a reason why Shang Yiling was so confident.    


That magic sword of hers, which was emitting a chilling aura, was surrounded by two golden lights. It was a powerful second level heaven level martial spirit.    


Even within the four great clans, this was still very rare.    


"Alright, come on."    


Chu Yun took the initiative to walk out of the queue and stood on the flat ground.    


Shang Yan Ling was a little angry and could not help but berate, "Why don't you use your martial spirit, do you look down on me?"    


"No, I'm afraid that if I use my Martial Spirit, I won't be able to stop it and hurt you."    


Chu Yun answered very sincerely.    


His words were sincere and from the bottom of his heart, but in Shang Yanling's ears, it was an obvious taunt!    


Gritting her silver teeth, her almond eyes were filled with anger as she said, "Fine, then let me see how you'll hurt me!"    


Before she finished speaking, Shang Yan Ling had already condensed her sword intent, the cold sword in her hand drew a sharp cold star in the air, thrusting straight at Chu Yun.    


This strike, based on Shang Yiling's current level of strength, was more than she could handle.    


Although it looked simple, in reality, she had pushed her sword intent to its limits. Accompanying it was the bone-piercing chilliness of her martial soul. With two combined, it eventually turned into a cold star.    


Warriors of the same realm would surely be flustered when faced with this sword.    


"Good sword!"    


All the surrounding challengers' eyes lit up. Since Shang Yan Ling dared to be the first one to step forward, she definitely had an extraordinary level of skill.    


Chu Yun's expression did not change from start to finish. Seeing that the sword was about to stab his own chest, he unhurriedly stretched out two fingers, and said faintly: "Sword intent, is not something that you can use."    


The speed of these two fingers was very slow, like a snail's, but in that instant, the entire space seemed to freeze, and all aura stopped flowing.    


Chu Yun's finger lightly tapped on the tip of the Cold Ice Magic Sword, clashing with Shang Yan Ling's perfect sword intent.    




With a light sound, the tip of Shang Yan Ling's sword started to crack.    


There was no sign at all, and this was beyond everyone's imagination.    


It was obvious that Shang Yiling had condensed the perfect sword intent, and no one dared to underestimate the power of this strike.    


However, how did Chu Yun do it? He only used two fingers to break the thick sword intent, and shattered Shang Yan Ling's Martial Spirit.    


The frost sword shattered. Shang Yan's pupils violently contracted, and she could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood, retreating a few steps.    


The moment her fingers touched Chu Yun's, Shang Yan's inspiration received the sword intent that was being spat out from Chu Yun's fingers.    


The sword intent seemed to transcend everything. In this world, nothing could compare to it. It was pure to the extreme!    


Compared to his sword intent, his own moves were as laughable as a child playing with a house.    


Shang Yan Ling could not understand, wasn't Chu Yun the assassin, why did he use such a pure sword intent that she could not even catch up with him?    


What was even more terrifying was that he had used his two fingers to shoot out a sword intent. He had not even used his sword.    


Shang Yan Ling's confident expression immediately dimmed. She stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth and said dejectedly, "Thank you for holding back, I am convinced of my defeat."    


Chu Yun retracted his finger, and smiled indifferently: "You still have a lot of room for improvement, don't be discouraged."    


After defeating Shang Yan's Spiritual Martial Soul, Chu Yun took back his sword intent in time to prevent it from harming Shang Yan Ling.    


The reason why she vomited blood was due to her broken martial soul.    


Even if it was a swordsman with a higher level of proficiency, it would still be very difficult for them to achieve this.    


It could be said that his scope of vision far surpassed everyone else's.    


"So powerful."    


The eyes of the challengers narrowed.    


Shang Yanzhen was the first to appear, reminding them of this.    


Amongst the Ten Young Masters, Chu Yun's fighting strength was definitely at the top.    


Shui Tian gongzi, what a great 'Shui Tian gongzi'.    


"Saber intent and sword intent, fuse together."    


Fu Xueyi stared at Chu Yun with her beautiful eyes, as she recalled his earlier point in her mind.    


Rumor has it that he possessed a sword intent that was far superior to Saber Intent and Sword Intent. He wondered if he would be able to personally witness it this time around.    


He was truly a rare genius!    


On the other side, Star Lord Ye Guxing took a deep breath. He had already viewed Chu Yun very highly, but it had still exceeded his imagination.    


Too strong.    


"I'm not as good as him."    


Just by one finger, Ye Guxing had come to a conclusion.    


If he were to fight Chu Yun, he would very likely be defeated miserably.    


No wonder he was able to make it through the difficult Family Competition of the Infernal Realm.    


The challenge continued.    


Because Shang Yan Ling had challenged Chu Yun first, those people behind her also deliberately avoided Chu Yun to challenge some of the relatively weaker and weaker young masters.    


For example, Crimson Flame Young Master Lin Yan, Core Young Master Zhang Hailin, Cold Wind Young Master Song Chaofeng and the others were clearly weaker than Tenth Young Master, so there were a lot of people who challenged them.    


Chu Yun leisurely stood at the side, sizing up the remaining nine Young Masters.    


Other than the unfathomable Nine Supremes Young Master Fu Xueyi, the other eight people were not that strong.    


Among them, the Blood Blade Young Master, Qilin Young Master, and Star Young Master were stronger than the other young masters by a level, but only by a level.    


To the current him, even if they attacked together, they wouldn't pose any threat at all.    


In other words, Fu Xueyi was the only one of the Tenth Gongzi who deserved his attention.    


Most of the challengers had decent strength, and their martial spirits were mostly at the first or second rank of the heaven class. Since they dared to challenge them, they must have some skills. Otherwise, they would only be asking to be humiliated.    


But unfortunately, their thoughts were too simple.    


Most of the challengers didn't cause much trouble for the Tenth Gongzi.    


Occasionally, there would be one or two that would light up, but that was only to this extent.    




A challenger with a surging aura walked forward, his eyes stared straight at Chu Yun as he said: "Chu Yun, I want to challenge you."    


Chu Yun turned his head and was shocked when he saw the challenger.    


It was actually him?    


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