Sky War Soul

C229 Come to the door

C229 Come to the door

"Chu Yun, how about you give me some pointers?"    


The Great Sage rubbed his palms with a look of urgency. He had spent a lot of effort on the Destroyer Seal, it was like he was scratching his heart with a hundred claws. The more he failed to learn, the more anxious he became.    


"Think about it yourself, don't bother me! Can't you see I'm hurt? "He was severely injured!"    


Chu Yun curled his lips in annoyance and walked into the cave.    


The Great Sage gnashed his teeth in anger, then sat down on the ground after venting his anger.    


Chu Yun laid on the stone bed, feeling the nourishment from the huge jade stone inside the stone bed, it was like he was soaking in a hot spring, he only felt that all the fatigue in his body had disappeared, it was extremely comfortable.    


"Ji Wuming is truly strange. He clearly ordered some people to recruit me into the sect, but he refused to see me. If he doesn't value my words, why would he promise me two top-grade pills every month? If he values me, why hasn't he seen me yet? "What is my position in his eyes?"    


"If I don't get noticed soon, how am I supposed to enter the forbidden area of the sect?"    


Chu Yun frowned, and started to ponder over these questions.    


"Has he not completely trusted me yet?"    


Chu Yun turned it over and over again, but he still couldn't figure out the reason. Helpless, he could only put this matter aside, and focus on cultivating everyday, peacefully waiting for the opportunity to come.    


A month's time passed in the blink of an eye.    


In this month, other than Zheng Qichu who had come twice for medicine pills and martial skills, there was no one else who visited.    


Chu Yun also restrained his impetuous emotions and trained seriously every day, no different from when he was in Tian Dao Sect. If one had to talk about the difference, it was that the spirit energy in the cave was much richer than the Tian Dao Sect, and the entire sect's cultivation atmosphere was thicker as well!    


Thoughtless Sect was an existence at the top of the top sects, and was even completely capable of charging into Super Large. All of the core disciples seized every opportunity to get stronger.    


After all, the Thoughtless Sect was a stage where one could display their talent.    




Chu Yun exhaled, his expression extremely satisfied.    


His hard work during this period of time was not wasted. The rich spiritual energy of the heaven and earth plus the two quality pills, caused Chu Yun's realm to increase again, reaching the 4th level of the Genuine Force.    


Although there was only a little more than a month left, Chu Yun's mood was much calmer than before.    


With white cold overseeing the clan, even if Xiao Tianchen wanted to take action, he would only return empty-handed.    


Xiao Gang's martial spirit was a mirror treasure, so its battle power was naturally not as good as white cold's. Unless Xiao Tianchen went back to his clan to request for reinforcements, they would definitely not be able to break into his clan's strength.    


However, Xiao Tianchen would definitely not go back and request for reinforcements, because this would go against his philosophy. He wanted to prove to everyone by himself, so naturally, he did not want the other brothers of the clan to interfere.    


There was still more than a month left before the deadline of March.    


If an opportunity came, allowing him to enter the forbidden area, he would still have enough time to search for Nine Directions Purgatory Pagoda.    


"May I ask if Senior Chu is here?"    


Just as Chu Yun was thinking, a voice came out from outside the cave.    


This voice was like a silver bell, clear and melodious. It echoed in one's ears, causing one's heart to tremble.    


Chu Yun was very suspicious. Other than the fight at the Delicious Restaurant, he was usually very low key and rarely interacted with the other disciples of the sect. Why would there be a woman looking for him?    


With that in mind, Chu Yun walked out of the cave.    


He saw a young girl standing outside the cave. Her skin was white and her muscles were tender, and her face was like peach blossoms. She was wrapped in a pink dress, and was slim and graceful. Her clear and beautiful eyes carried a hint of bashfulness, and her dark red lips slightly curved upwards, causing others to be unable to shift their gaze away from her.    


"Junior Sister Yang?"    


Chu Yun was startled, the young lady in front of him was obviously a well-dressed Yang Xiao.    


Why was she here?    


"Senior Chu, you left in a hurry that day. I don't even know your name. After some investigation, I finally got some information about Senior Chu! "    


There was a hidden bitterness in Yang Xiao's eyes, but her eyes which were filled with love, caused Chu Yun to feel a headache.    


Damn it, don't tell me this girl really likes me?    


But I'm not here to pick up girls!    


"Not long after entering the sect, Brother Chu could be promoted to a core disciple and even live in this cave. I heard that after you defeated Senior Brother Song, someone from his side came to find trouble with you.    


Yang Xiao's beautiful eyes gained an odd luster. She originally thought that she would be a little reserved after seeing Chu Yun, but she didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to completely control her agitated mood.    


"Uh, I'm not injured. It was senior sister Jiang who saved me that day."    


Chu Yun was extremely embarrassed. After an entire month had passed, his injuries should have been healed no matter how heavy they were.    


Yang Xiao blinked her beautiful eyes, quietly sizing up Chu Yun's tall and strong figure, she could not help but blush.    


The scene of Chu Yun losing against Song Zhou resounded continuously in her mind. His heart was beating loudly, his little deer was bumping around, those so called genius disciples, were not even worth mentioning when compared to Senior Brother Chu!    


It was only then that Chu Yun realised that it was inappropriate for a girl like Yang Xiao to stand outside the whole time, but if he really were to invite her in, it was inevitable that she would not do something that was out of line. Under the clash of thoughts, Chu Yun still had the right to take the light between the two evils, and braced himself to say: "Junior sister Yang, the competition in the sect is too big, and cultivation missions are too busy, if you …"    


"I've completed nearly a month's worth of training tasks!" Senior Brother Chu, you don't have to worry about me! "    


Yang Xiao smiled so sweetly, she naively thought Chu Yun was worried about her cultivation.    


Chu Yun was immediately at a loss for words, and could only helplessly say: "Alright, Junior Sister Yang, come in and speak!"    


Chu Yun sat in front of a stone chair, brewed a pot of tea, and poured a cup in front of Yang Xiao.    


However, he noticed that Yang Xiao was completely focused on him, her beautiful eyes were staring at him without blinking, completely devoid of any desire to drink tea.    


Being stared at by such a beautiful lady, even with Chu Yun's thick skin, he was unable to bear it. He coughed twice, and was prepared to change the topic: "Junior sister Yang, that day when I was spectating, I realized that your mutated martial soul was not ordinary, can you show it to me?"    


Yang Xiao smiled and nodded: "Of course not, how about I play a song for Senior Chu!"    


Without waiting for Chu Yun to reject, Yang Xiao took out the pipa, and pulled it into her embrace, half covering her face, she first played a few times with the zither, she was obviously extremely proficient, and then started to play with it.    


The moving strings of the zither vividly expressed her longing for him. Her technique was very delicate. Gently twirling it, she would slowly twist it, wipe it, and pick it.    


The sounds intertwined with each other, like countless pearls falling on a jade plate, or like the smooth chirping of birds under a flower.    


The sound of the lute was mixed with a dense amount of spirit energy, causing Chu Yun to sink deep into the water, and become extremely intoxicated.    


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