Sky War Soul

C100 Yang Ming of Tragedy

C100 Yang Ming of Tragedy

"Who is senior brother demon night fighting against?"    


Chu Yun frowned, he looked into the distance and continued to ponder in his heart.    


demon night's figure was blurry, but he could still see clearly that he was in a bitter battle. Beside him, there were a few figures surrounding and attacking him.    


"Forget it, let's hurry over!"    


Without hesitation, Chu Yun unfurled his body and with a undulation, he appeared a hundred meters away.    


"demon night, a wise man knows when to stop. Why must you struggle to hold on? As long as you agree, I will give you 10% of my final gains! "    


A young man wearing a gold robe had a calm smile on his face. He held a sharp disk in his hand and relied on his agility to fly up and down, dodging the attacks of the demon night.    


While dodging, the young man left a large scar on demon night's body.    


No matter how strong the demon night's body was, he wouldn't be able to block the sharp disc's cutting!    


Beside the young man were two other people.    


Each of their martial souls had their own unique characteristics. One was a green gale that was constantly being strangled, while the other was a Zhanmadao as tall as a person.    


A total of three people attacked together. Even though demon night had tyrannical fighting strength, he was still covered in wounds and blood all over. The Earth Bear martial spirit on his back roared loudly, its claws shaking the void, but it was unable to catch up to the three of them.    


"Yang Ming, do you think I will work with a despicable and shameless person like you?"    


demon night snorted. Even though he was at a disadvantage, he still carried a thick sense of pride on his face.    


His bulging muscles were lacerated to the point that his bones could be seen. His smooth bald head was covered in blood, giving him a particularly sinister appearance.    


"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits!"    


Yang Ming laughed, and then his eyes became gloomy: "demon night, if you help me, I will split the benefits between you, and we will win! If you don't help me, I'll immediately kill you. Then, I'll think of another way, and we'll both lose! The two choices are right in front of you! "    


"I choose your mother!"    


demon night roared out, his fists fiercely smashing the ground, causing the ground to shake instantly.    


Immediately afterwards, three shockwaves were shot out from the crack, causing the three of them to retreat in a sorry state.    


"You refused a toast and refused a forfeit!"    


Yang Ming clenched his fists and said with a sinister look, "Then you can go and die!"    




Just as he finished his sentence, the sharp disk in Yang Ming's hand suddenly flew out, bringing along a series of afterimages as it streaked across demon night's back!    


Blood gushed out, and another terrifying wound appeared on demon night's body.    




The young man with the Zhanmadao laughed, and with the force of splitting a mountain, he slashed the sword towards demon night. The power was so strong that even the heaven and earth were trembling!    


demon night's eyes were bloodshot. He raised his fist to receive the blade and was forced back. At the same time, his legs sank into the ground with a cracking sound.    




A green gale turned into a wind blade, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced through demon night's leg.    


demon night was in so much pain that his face changed greatly, his entire leg went soft in a moment and he almost fell to the ground, but he resisted falling, his eyes ignited with flames as he roared: "Yang Ming, even if I die, I will drag you down with me!"    


"Unfortunately, you will never get another chance!"    


Yang Ming pretended to shake his head in regret and sighed, "I placed such a great opportunity in front of you for you to take, yet you actually rejected me. Then, don't blame me for being ruthless."    


demon night clenched his fists tightly and observed the situation on the battlefield.    


Yang Ming was not weaker than himself, and the other two were also at the Fourth Stage of Qi Condensation. Wanting to break out of this predicament, that was just wishful thinking.    


"Senior Brother demon night!"    


Just as demon night was determined to pull Yang Ming onto her back, a voice came from afar.    


When the demon night heard it, his expression suddenly lit up, it's Chu Yun!    




Yang Ming frowned and looked at the figure that had rushed over. He could not help but sneer, "Another one seeking death has come!" Your Tian Dao Sect is really loyal, even you, who are on the verge of death, have to extend your hand and pull it! But unfortunately, if he can't pull you up, he'll instead sink into the pit himself! "    


"Zhao Ke, go kill that kid for me!"    


Yang Ming said coldly.    


"Yes, boss!"    


The young man licked his lips with his tongue, a look of bloodlust in his eyes. Before Chu Yun could get close, he took the initiative and chopped at him!    


Bladeqi crisscrossed everywhere as the sky and earth changed color.    


Chu Yun clenched his fists tightly, his body not only did not stop, but instead sped up even further. When the blade qi approached him, he suddenly unleashed the Raging Thunder Fist!    


"Boom boom boom!"    


The shadow of the powerful fist mixed with the crackling of thunder collided head-on with the Zhanmadao.    




A loud sound rang out as the Zhanmadao's blade was split apart. Zhao Ke's hands that were gripping the Zhanmadao could not withstand the impact and shattered into a mist of blood!    


"Ah, my hand!"    


Zhao Ke was so terrified that he almost fainted.    


Chu Yun rushed over, his figure crossing paths with Zhao Ke. A cold light flashed and the heavenly blade appeared in his hand out of nowhere. He saw Zhao Ke's body freeze on the spot, his pupils contracting intensely. Zhao Ke didn't even see how he died.    


A line of blood gradually became clear on his face, and his entire body actually split into two!    


"Boss, he killed Zhao Ke!"    


When the youth with the cyan tornado saw this scene, he was shocked and immediately condensed two tornadoes in panic, charging towards Chu Yun from both sides. The tornado contained countless tiny wind blades, and with a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye, it crazily cut through Chu Yun's body.    


However, Chu Yun completely ignored him. To him, this level of attack was like the bites of a mosquito.    




The youth screamed in fear. Before he even finished speaking, Chu Yun had already rushed to his back and his hand that was holding onto the heavenly blade had unknowingly been drenched in blood.    




With a light sound, the young man's body was split into countless small pieces and scattered on the ground.    


Yang Ming was stupefied by what he saw. The corners of his eyes twitched, and the hand holding the sharp disc trembled.    


"Senior Brother demon night, are you alright?"    


Chu Yun stopped by demon night's side and asked with concern.    


"Hahaha, they are all small wounds, so it's fine!"    


demon night rubbed his bald head, completely unconcerned. Although his recovery rate was not as good as Chu Yun's, it was still much stronger than an ordinary warrior's. As long as he had enough time, all of these injuries could automatically heal.    


"But Chu Yun, you really make me look at you in another light, those two both have the strength of the fourth stage of Qi Condensation, to think that they were actually killed by you as if you were cutting vegetables."    


The demon night sighed.    


Chu Yun laughed, and did not explain anything, he turned to look at Yang Ming, and said: "You should be a disciple of Aoyun Sect, right? I was just worried that I wouldn't have a place to find you! "    


"Chu Chu Yun!"    


Yang Ming was trembling from head to toe, he recognized that the youth in front of him who had a harmless smile, was the Chu Yun who killed Zuo Yunfei in the exchange competition with a single slash.    


It was he who made the Aoyun Sect lose all face, use money to redeem someone, and became the laughingstock.    


Before leaving, the sect master had even specially instructed Yun Che to be especially careful not to be bewitched by his realm. The combat power he displayed was no longer something that he could possess at his level!    


"Senior brother demon night, do you have enmity with him?"    


Chu Yun asked with interest.    


"There were some minor conflicts before. What happened?"    


demon night didn't know how to react for a while.    


"What I mean is, if you have any grudges against him, I'll let you personally take his life!"    


While Chu Yun was chatting and laughing, he had already treated Yang Ming as a dead man, which was why he was so confident!    


Yang Ming's face paled. He knew very well that if Chu Yun joined forces with the demon night, there was no possibility of him surviving. Originally, he had casually held demon night's life in his hands, but he never thought that Chu Yun's appearance would disrupt everything!    


demon night suddenly raised his head and stared at Yang Ming: "What help did you ask me for just now?"    


Yang Ming's expression changed and he couldn't help but take a step back. Gritting his teeth, he said, "You'd better not ask too much. This is what senior Mu wants. If any of you dares to touch it, the Nine Clan will be exterminated!"    


"Mu Yuanlong?"    


demon night's expression changed slightly as a hint of shock flashed past his eyes.    


"That's right, to tell you the truth, I am here on his orders. "You better be careful. If you offend Senior Brother Mu, no one will be able to protect you!"    


Yang Ming let out a sigh of relief in his heart. If Mu Yuanlong's name could frighten them, he could have saved his life.    


"Who is Mu Yuanlong?"    


Chu Yun was confused, the demon night was famous for being fearless, and had an open mind, no matter who he was facing, he did not have any scruples. Why did it feel like Mu Yuanlong's name had changed the moment he heard it?    


Could this Mu Yuanlong be terrifying?    


"Mu Yuanlong is the strongest core disciple in the Aoyun Sect, his strength is terrifying! A year ago, when he was fighting with a Genuine Force expert, in just three moves, he had caused that Genuine Force expert to vomit blood and admit defeat. "    


When he mentioned Mu Yuanlong, the demon night was evidently a little fearful. Even his tone was a little cautious.    


"Genuine Force?"    


Chu Yun could not help but be shocked. The Genuine Force was above the Qi Transformation Stage.    


If Mu Yuanlong was able to defeat a Genuine Force Ranker in three moves one year ago, then how terrifying would his true strength be?    


"Then compared to Yu Hang, who is stronger, Mu Yuanlong?"    


Somehow, when he mentioned Mu Yuanlong, Chu Yun instinctively thought of Yu Hang. The first ranked core disciple of the Tian Dao Sect. She has a low profile and mysterious personality, but she has no idea how strong she is.    


"You mean Senior Brother Yu?" Three years ago, he had fought against Mu Yuanlong. After three days and three nights, there was still no clear victor! "Seems like he should be around the same age as us!"    


demon night thought for a moment and replied.    


Hearing demon night's words, Chu Yun had a rough idea of what was going on.    


He had seen Yu Hang before, his aura was indeed terrifying, and was definitely not something he could match.    


Seeing that both of them seemed to have restrained their expressions, Yang Ming thought that they were frightened and could not help but ridicule them, "Let me go now, there is still room for salvage. If you kill me and senior Mu doesn't get what he wants, then he will definitely vent his anger on you! "When the time comes, hmph!"    


Chu Yun regained his senses, and upon hearing Yang Ming's words, couldn't help but look at him as if he was looking at an idiot.    


Yang Ming was still unaware of this, so he continued to blabber on.    


After he finished enjoying himself, Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said: "Now you are begging us to let you go, right?"    


Stunned, Yang Ming couldn't help but refute, "That's right, but if you dare not let me go, senior Mu will definitely …"    


"F * ck, you're clearly begging us to let you go, yet you still dare to be so arrogant!"    


Chu Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold, he raised his hand and slapped Yang Ming.    




The sound was very clear. Yang Ming covered his face and was stunned by this slap.    


"Your life is now in our hands, who gave you the courage to be cocky here? Wasn't Mu Yuanlong awesome? No matter how powerful he is, can he come in and save you? "Can you!?"    


Chu Yun could not help but kick Yang Ming to the ground, following that, he stepped on Yang Ming's face and ruthlessly crushed him a few times.    


"Now, take me to the thing that Mu Yuanlong wants. Otherwise, I will make your death miserable!"    


Chu Yun said coldly.    


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