Super Devouring System

C168 hunting hour

C168 hunting hour

"If Zhou Luan and the others were faster, they could knock down one of the watchtowers on the second day, and then go to the next one before Great Tang Empire can react. In less than a week, Great Tang Empire will lose."    


Ye Xuan thought.    


As for their side, Tang Tian was also preparing to cross the river with several hundred people, so they might be able to encounter Zhou Luan.    


"It looks like I'll have to make a move."    


Ye Xuan said in his heart, and then, taking away the Heaven & Earth Ring with the long hair, said: "I'll keep my promise, you can go."    


The long-haired Warrior was actually very nervous. How could he not know the cruelty of this world? For some things, even brothers could become enemies, let alone a promise?    


"Thank you brother!" The long-haired Warrior cupped his fists towards Ye Xuan, then quickly left.    


As for Ye Xuan, he hurriedly kept his spoils of war. Just the twenty Heaven & Earth Ring s alone was not a small amount, not to mention the things inside.    


"Two middle grade spirit artifacts and a huge pile of Treasures and crystals. Tsk tsk."    


Ye Xuan poured all of these things into the Devouring Space, and then engulfed them all. Their harvest was not bad, adding up to a total of a million Devouring Points.    


At this time, his Devouring Points had already reached five million. Another one or two million and he would probably be able to break through.    


After that, he headed in the same direction, the long-haired Warrior was directly sent to the Tang territory, he did not know the location of the watchtower, so he did not ask.    


Moreover, he was not looking for the watchtower, but for someone else.    


The first battle between empires was extremely crucial. This would determine whether an empire would go to the Heaven and Earth Prefecture or the Yellow River Prefecture.    


If he lost the first match and won the second, then he could only enter the Profound Department. If he won the first round and lost the second, he would at least be able to enter Earth Palace.    


Therefore, Ye Xuan prepared to give it his all.    


"If that person did not lie to me, those troops of the Great Zhou Empire should have already arrived at the river."    


Ye Xuan thought as he strolled along the Great River.    


According to the long-haired Warrior, the Great Tang Empire was divided into four groups. Two groups would be used to guard the two watchtowers, one group would be attracted by the river, and the last group would be Zhou Luan's group of four.    


Ye Xuan's goal was to find the third group, which was that of the close to ten other groups.    


Sure enough, after searching for over an hour, he came across a second team that had the same composition as the previous team ? twenty people.    


"Oh? And his team was even led by a peak True Essence Stage? "    


Ye Xuan hid in the bushes and felt around, but he was still far away from the other party, so he only guessed that he might even be in the middle stage of the True Essence Stage.    


Then, he crept closer.    


The twenty odd people moved together in a mess. Adding to that, Ye Xuan's footsteps were light, so no one noticed him.    


"Everyone, get ready to cross the river!"    


Suddenly, a loud and clear voice sounded. It was the Strongman that led the group.    


But right at this moment, Ye Xuan made his move.    


"Arrow of Chaos!"    


Nine rays of cold light shot out, and nine rumbling sounds instantly rang out. By the time the other side had reacted, there were only two people left.    


"Which scoundrel, do you dare to come out and fight me?"    


The brawny man shouted.    




Hiding in the darkness, Ye Xuan once again released his bow, killing the nineteenth person. Then, he started to attack the muscular man.    






But what surprised Ye Xuan was that the sturdy man actually dodged his Hundred Step Piercing Sun.    


"Looks like he is indeed at the peak of the True Essence Stage. I would like to see just how many times you can block!"    


Ye Xuan sneered in his heart, and then started to frantically attack.    


Hundred Feet Piercing Sun was just an Inferior Grade Spirit Level Martial Art, while he was already a True Essence Stage, so the consumption rate was negligible.    








The strong man's speed was very fast, he had actually dodged them all. This was the first time he had seen such a thing.    


"Middle ranked Spirit Level Martial Art?"    


Ye Xuan was shocked, his eyes revealing a look of greed.    


In the Devouring Space, even the cheapest spirit rank mid-grade Martial Arts required two million Devouring Points.    


"No wonder I was able to dodge. Since you asked me to come out, then I will come out!"    


Ye Xuan no longer hid himself, and after putting away the Star Chasing Bow, he rushed over like an arrow.    


In the forest, the two figures made contact.    


"Tiger Wolf Roar!"    


"Emperor's Fist!"    




The numbers in the surroundings started to sway. This time, they were actually evenly matched.    


"Middle stage of the True Essence Stage, how is that possible?"    


The brawny man was shocked.    


He could clearly feel that Ye Xuan was only at the middle stage of the True Essence Stage, one level lower than him. Furthermore, he was even using a middle ranked Spirit Level Martial Art, if he were to launch a sneak attack, it would be more than enough to kill a True Profound Realm Strongman.    


However, such an attack could only be considered a draw against the opponent. From this, it could be seen that the opponent wasn't an ordinary person.    


"Haha, do you think I am like this? Second roaring! " Ye Xuan suddenly laughed twice.    




This time, the brawny man was forced back a few steps, his face full of shock.    


It turned out that it wasn't because he was tied, but because he was at a disadvantage.    


"Try this move again!"    


As his voice faded, the brawny man saw a giant palm made of true essence flying towards him.    


"Emperor's Fist!"    




The brawny man's fist smashed into the giant palm of true essence, dispersing it.    


Although the Pagoda Palm was a middle tier Spirit Level Martial Art, it still released the true essence out of it. On the other hand, even though the tiger wolf's roar was only an Inferior Grade Spirit Level Martial Art, it was still able to wrap its true essence around its arm, so its might would also receive an amplification in strength.    


Therefore, the might of these two Martial Arts s were about the same.    


However, after this muscular man scattered the gigantic palm of true essence, his eyes widened. He suddenly realized that Ye Xuan had disappeared.    


No, it did not disappear. It was right in front of him.    




Ye Xuan bellowed, and punched the sturdy man's abdomen, the energy instantly rushed into the sturdy man's body, and shattered some of his organs.    


Following that, Ye Xuan twisted both of the big sized man's arms, crippling both of his arms, and then with a kick, the sturdy man only had one leg left to move.    




The sturdy man fell to the ground, blood continuously flowing out of his throat. He could not understand, his own peak level of True Essence Stage, had actually been defeated by someone stronger than him.    


"Give me two mid-grade Spirit Level Martial Art chants and I will let you live." Ye Xuan's voice fell into his ears.    


"Impossible." The brawny man had a determined look on his face.    


"Although the middle ranked Spirit Level Martial Art is precious, can it be compared with life? Don't worry, I'll keep my promise. " Ye Xuan continued.    


"Even if I die, I won't tell you." The brawny man stammered.    




Ye Xuan helplessly shook his head and then pierced through the brawny man's heart. He saw that the muscular man's gaze was completely different from the long-haired Warrior from before.    


It seemed like this strong man did not want his Empire's middle grade Spirit Level Martial Art to spread.    




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