Super Devouring System

C224 Return to Lianyun City

C224 Return to Lianyun City

After staying in the Great Song Empire for three days, Ye Xuan had also left on his great roc. This time, Sone Caijing was also going to the Profound Yang Empire.    


At this time, Ling Xiao had already entered the Profound Yang Empire.    


"Little girl, don't be nervous. An ugly daughter-in-law will see her parents-in-law sooner or later. What's more, my father isn't home." Ye Xuan caressed the hair of the beauty beside him.    


Hearing that, Sone Caijing immediately pouted. "Who are you calling ugly?"    


"Haha, it's just a metaphor. Of course you're not ugly." Ye Xuan knew that he had said the wrong thing and anxiously tried to explain.    


Just a few minutes after they entered the Profound Yang Empire, Ling Xiao had already flown above the Lianyun City.    


"We're here."    


Ye Xuan stood up, looked at the large city ahead, and could not help but say: "In not even a year's time, you have already developed a large city."    


He remembered that he had left the Lianyun City after the new year, then went to the Cloud Breaking Sect, then the Southern Forest City, then the imperial city, and finally the Ling Xiao Palace.    


Now that he thought about it, it was going to be the new year soon.    


Sone Caijing also stood up, and when that nervous and embarrassed expression fell into Ye Xuan's eyes, he couldn't help but give it a kiss.    


However, at this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly thought of a question. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you something.    


"What?" You were engaged? You want me to be your concubine? " Sone Caijing immediately cried out in alarm, and asked two questions in a row, as sparks flew from his eyes.    


"Don't be nervous. I just forgot to tell you. The person you're engaged to is a playmate of mine when I was young. However, at that time, she didn't want to marry an ugly monster, so she used me as a shield."    


Ye Xuan quickly explained, he felt that Sone Caijing was about to pull out her sword.    




Sone Caijing snorted, she was satisfied with this explanation, but she did not mind how many women Ye Xuan had, as long as he did not disappoint her.    


After all, her royal father had more than ten concubines, and her brother had already married three of them.    


Of course, besides not letting her down, there was another request, and that was to not let her be a small one.    


"Alright, let's go down." Ye Xuan laughed, then gently hugged Sone Caijing. The latter also habitually wrapped her arms around Ye Xuan's neck.    


When Ye Xuan gently leaped, they immediately fell from the sky, and after two seconds, they abruptly landed on the ground.    


The place where he landed happened to be one of the courtyards of the Ye Family and there were three middle-aged men in the courtyard.    


The three middle-aged men were in the middle of a discussion when a loud sound scared them half to death.    


When they turned their heads around, they discovered that one of the walls in the courtyard had already collapsed. Smoke and dust filled the air, and soon after, two figures walked out.    


"Uncle, I'm back."    


Ye Xuan walked out from the smoke and dust, and said while smiling.    


The three people in the courtyard were Ye Zhang, Xue Hai and Lin Ming.    


"Ye Xuan?"    


Ye Zhang thought that there was a thief who had snuck into the Ye Family, he never expected that it was Ye Xuan who came back.    


Then, the three of them looked at the lady in white behind Ye Xuan at the same time.    


"Hello uncles." Sone Caijing was a little nervous as she called out softly.    


"Ye Xuan, this is" Ye Zhang looked at Ye Xuan.    


Ye Xuan directly held onto Sone Caijing's small hand, and introduced her. "Great Song Empire's princess."    


This action allowed Ye Zhang and the other two to understand the relationship between the two of them.    


However, when they heard Ye Xuan's words, they were so shocked that they almost fainted.    


Princess of ? Great Song Empire?    


I cut the grass!    


A single empire could be compared to hundreds, or even thousands of Profound Yang Empire s!    


As for the Ye Family?    


It was merely an unremarkable family in the Profound Yang Empire.    


In the eyes of Ye Zhang and the other two, Ye Xuan had already grown to an extent that they could not imagine.    


"Come, come, sit, sit." Ye Zhang was grinning from ear to ear as he quickly pulled Ye Xuan and the other two to sit.    


They were family members after all, so they quickly started a conversation.    


A year after Ye Xuan left home, there were huge changes to the Lianyun City as well. The Profound Yang Imperial Family took care of the Ye Family extremely and sent many people to help with the construction.    


Not only that, even Ouyang Ming had come to watch over the Lianyun City.    


The development of the Lianyun City was very good, and it was also very harmonious. Nothing big had happened, which allowed Ye Xuan to be at ease.    


As for Liu'er and Xue Qingqing, they were also living a good life. They were only suitable for this peaceful life.    


This time, Ye Xuan brought a lot of good things with him.    


Other than cultivation resources and Earth Realm s, there were also treasures exchanged with Devouring System s. For example, Tranquil Heart Jade Pendant that could increase one's cultivation speed, a Guardian Puppet that was comparable to the peak of the True Profound Realm, etc.    


Although the Profound Yang Empire is just a small empire, but being strong is still a good thing, just in case.    


With these, the Ye, Xue, and Lin Families would definitely become one of the strongest clans in the Eastern Region.    


After leaving Ye Zhang's place, Ye Xuan also returned to his own small courtyard.    


Before they had even entered the small courtyard, a burst of cheerful laughter could be heard coming from inside. It was obvious that the two little girls were playing around.    


Ye Xuan immediately pushed open the gate and walked in with Sone Caijing.    


When the two little girls inside saw Ye Xuan, they also immediately ran in front of him.    


"Young Master, you're finally back."    


Liu'er rushed into Ye Xuan's embrace, excited to the point that her eyes were red.    


"Haha, it's been a year since we last met. Liu has grown taller as well." Ye Xuan gently caressed Liu'er's head.    


"You scoundrel, you're going to ignore us once you become the country's great general? It's been so long since I've come back. " Xue Qingqing walked over angrily and pointed at his nose.    


Back then, I was pressed for time and directly left the Profound Yang Empire.    


Ye Xuan laughed, then gently pulled Sone Caijing who was standing at the doorway over, and introduced him: "Let me introduce you, this is my sister Liu'er, and this, uh, is also my sister Xue Qingqing."    


Even before he finished speaking, Xue Qingqing said in a dissatisfied tone: "Who's your sister? I'm your fiancee. Hmph, I knew you were restless.    


Ye Xuan stared blankly. He suddenly remembered that the last time he had celebrated the New Year, he had brought Guan Lan back.    


I wonder if Guan Lan is doing well now?    


But he didn't think too much about it. He would head over to the Cloud Breaking Sect later to see if Guan Lan had returned.    


"You are just an imposter. Also, you are my fiancee, we should get along well in the future," Ye Xuan laughed awkwardly. He had already seen Sone Caijing's devouring gaze.    


He also knew that Sone Caijing shouldn't be making a fuss about it with Xue Qingqing, but was instead paying attention to the other beautiful big sister that Xue Qingqing was talking about.    


"Forget about it this time. The next time you bring it back, I'll bite you to death." After Xue Qingqing finished speaking angrily, she actually went over to Sone Caijing's side and said intimately: "This sister, let's go inside the house and chat, don't worry about him."    


Ye Xuan rolled his eyes, change in expression was truly faster than changing the sky.    




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