Super Devouring System

C550 Test

C550 Test

Ye Xuan thought for a while in his heart before he left. After that, he spent some money to inquire about the Hundred Territory Summit.    


The Hundred Territory Summit would be held in Rosa City, and at that time, countless geniuses would gather there. These geniuses were mostly from the various places in the Sand Territory, and there were also geniuses invited from other territories.    


The most important thing was that the Hundred Territory Meeting was a reading of the invitation letter, so he didn't look at anyone.    


Therefore, Ye Xuan's invitation letter could be used!    


Immediately, Ye Xuan rushed towards Luo Sha City.    


This Rosa Territory was larger, and its area was at least ten times larger than the one in the Bluestone City. It took Ye Xuan about a week to reach this Rosa City.    


"We've finally arrived. Seven days from now will be the Hundred Territory Summit. I need to ask around."    


After Ye Xuan entered Rosa City, he immediately headed towards the registration area.    


The Hundred Territory Summit was actually also known as the Hundred Territory Competition. Although it was called the Hundred Territory Meeting, only people from high level territories came.    


Previously, Ye Xuan was in the Bluestone Territory, and was at the bottom of all the higher level territories in the Luosha Territory. Therefore, he wasn't very strong, and only Lu Shaoyu had received the invitation letter.    


There were a total of fifteen high level territories stronger than the Qingyan territory, and the Territory Lord Luosha had sent over a hundred invitation letters to the powers in these territories.    


Simply put, Ye Xuan already had over a hundred opponents.    


Moreover, it did not include the people in Rosa's collar.    


Ye Xuan came to the registration office for the Hundred collar summit. He originally wanted to use an invitation letter to register, but discovered that he could do so without an invitation.    


Without the invitation letter, one would have to go through a round of tests. After all, not everyone could participate, and at the same time, they would give those who did not belong to any faction an opportunity.    


"With an invitation letter, I can directly participate in the Hundred Territory Summit. If I directly sign up, I only need to participate in one round of tests!"    


Ye Xuan squinted.    


With the test, there might be a battle, and his realm might be able to rise as well.    


One had to know that his current attribute transformation did not even reach 30%, and ever since he had entered Lothar City, he had encountered many people whose auras were stronger than his. These people all had at least 30%, or even 40%, 50%, 60%!    


He felt a huge pressure!    


Thus, he chose to give up on this invitation letter and sign up directly.    


"Sir, you have already registered. Please come to take the test the day after tomorrow." A servant of the Hundred Territory Summit said to Ye Xuan and passed him a special order badge.    




Ye Xuan nodded, and then immediately left.    


Right now, he was still rather unfamiliar with the Hundred Territory Summit, so he had to ask around.    


The Hundred Territory Summit was organized by the Territory Lord of Luosha Region. Every five years, before each gathering, there would be over a thousand people invited to join.    


This summit was actually very simple. It was just a comparison of who was stronger.    


If one was able to stand out in the Hundred Territory Summit, or was chosen by an expert, then their future would be limitless. It was more likely to be recommended by the Domain Lord to participate in the War King Hall's palace guards test.    


The War King Hall was one of the three hegemons of the Eastern Continent, while the other two were the Beast King Hall and the Artifact King Hall.    


The three great King Palaces were originally one, but they were split into three and divided into the Eastern Continent s.    


In short, if he could join the War King Hall, then it would be considered as stepping into the heavens.    


And what interested Ye Xuan the most was the reward he would get from standing out in the Hundred Territory Summit.    


This reward was a place called the Five Elements Pool. As long as he soaked in it for a day, he would be able to greatly increase his affinity to the attributes. And the number of days he would be soaked in would be determined by his ranking.    


Ye Xuan's current affinity with the earth element was medium level, so if he could enter the Five Elements Pool, then his affinity with the earth element could be raised to the upper level of the Epic-tier.    


The increase in his affinity for attributes would increase his cultivation speed by a small amount, but the most important thing was that it could greatly increase his Martial Arts's attack power, and also increase his Profound Truths.    


Ye Xuan had already cultivated the Earth Splitting Sword to a hundred percent mastery, adding the Eight Desolations Sword, Sword Saint Bloodline and the Earth Pulse, his attack could instantly kill any expert with the transformation of attributes to forty percent.    


If his affinity was increased by one more level, he might be able to instantly kill 45%, or even 50% of Strongman.    


The most important thing was, the higher the affinity of the attribute, the stronger the Martial Arts would be, and the easier it would be to comprehend the Profound Truths.    


The Earth Pulse had now transformed into two, and the next two would probably be three, or even four. Of course, there was also the possibility of him breaking through to the 4th and 8th layer.    


Therefore, Ye Xuan had to obtain this reward no matter what!    


As long as he kept getting stronger, he would be able to catch up to Jiang Tian and take revenge!    


Two days passed quickly.    


When the Hundred Territory Summit arrived, Ye Xuan had already arrived at his designated location to wait.    


At this time, there were several hundred people who had come to participate in the Hundred Territory Meeting. None of them were weak, and each of them had at least 30% of their attributes.    


was the only one who had not achieved thirty percent of the transformation. He was still missing two points.    


Just then, a white armored middle aged Strongman flew up into the sky and shouted: "Everyone, follow me!"    


"It's the domain lord's Tornado General!"    


Someone recognized him.    


Therefore, no one dared to hesitate and immediately flew out of the city, following the whirlwind.    


They flew for a long time before finally landing on a large grassland.    


"Alright, let's begin the test!"    


Tornado looked around at the hundreds of people and said, "Next, come out one by one and then attack me with your strongest attack. "For the first round, I want to test your attack power."    


It was a test of attack power!    


When these words entered everyone's ears, their eyes all lit up.    


Most people mainly focus on attacking Martial Arts and support movement Martial Arts, so they are very confident in their own offensive power.    


"Number one!"    


The people here were all experts, they were all swift and decisive, and the examiners were all domain lords, they didn't dare to slight them.    


Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, a person had already landed in front of him.    




This person did not waste any words, he raised his hand and a Golden Sword appeared.    




The Golden Sword flew through the air, but it was destroyed by the tornado.    


"So powerful!"    


Everyone's heart skipped a beat.    


This Warrior had a 40% stats. His attacks could threaten 50% of people, but they were easily defeated by the tornado. This was the suppression of realms.    


The tornado had transformed to eighty percent of its original attributes!    




the silver-armored man shouted.    


This was only the first round of the examination, so Warrior Number One did not take out her guard skill, and the rest of the people did the same.    


Those who had the same opinion were arranged together by the tornado, and suddenly four square formations appeared.    


Ye Xuan arrived a bit later, with a number of 438. Although it was not good, after all, he was still at the back, so he could first check on the strength of the others.    


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