Imperishable War God

C392 Cut down Grass and Root!

C392 Cut down Grass and Root!



The violent fist power that carried the power of thunder directly punched a big, smooth hole into the woman's chest!    


That demoness' body was pushed back by that terrifying force, creating a long gully in the ground!    




Ye Chenfeng caught up to Monster King of the Mosquitoes quickly and lashed out with his right leg which hit Monster King of the Mosquitoes's head right on the head like a whip!    




Monster King of the Mosquitoes's head was kicked away and it exploded in the air!    


A storm rose from Monster King of the Mosquitoes's body.    


In the next moment, a headless mosquito demon appeared and fell to the ground.    


The mosquito demon King, who had messed up the Xiyun Mountains, had no power to resist. All that was left was a headless corpse.    


Ye Chenfeng stood on the scorching ground, pointing at the butterflies with his fingers and rapidly changing a few times.    


The entire "quadruple array" immediately shook violently!    


The flag of five elements turned into five streaks of light and flew over from the ground.    


As soon as the formation was removed, the scenery in front of them changed dramatically …    


The illusion formed by the massive array, the land of lava that was boiling with heat, vanished into thin air!    


A brown barren valley appeared in front of Ye Chenfeng and the others.    


Ye Chenfeng's body rose into the air and he waved his hands several times!    


"Hu hu hu hu!"    


Clouds wrapped around the people guarding the four nodes of the great array and moved all of them below him!    


After leveling up to the Fulfillment Stage, Ye Chenfeng's strength was comparable to the peak of the Fragmentation Realm.    


Moving a large group of people over would not require much effort at all.    


After this large group of people were moved over, some sharp-eyed people immediately found the corpses of Monster King of the Mosquitoes and the Rock Eating Giant …    


"Look, it's Monster King of the Mosquitoes's corpse!" I've succeeded, I've really succeeded! "    


"That's the corpse of the Cliff-eating Giants's Patriarch! Heavens, he actually killed a Fragmentation Realm!"    


"Look over there, it's the Taiqing Sect's Master Zhi Xin and Master Fang Wu!"    


"That's great, we're really saved!"    


Everyone was discussing.    


Many people cried tears of joy.    


"These people are …" Fang Wu was stunned for a moment.    


Zhi Xin said in a deep voice: "Looking at their clothes, they are disciples of some sects in Xiyun Mountains."    


"He must have been kidnapped here by the mosquito demon and the Cliff Giant."    


"I didn't expect Junior Brother Chen Feng to save them all when he was breaking the array."    


At this time, the two Taiqing Sect s who had been healing themselves opened their eyes.    


The two of them made a gesture, and with the support of Zhi Xin and Zhi Xin, they stood up and walked towards Ye Chenfeng.    


Although the poison in their bodies had already been expelled, it was still very weak.    


Just after a few steps, and with the support of Zhi Xin and his sister, the two of them began to pant heavily.    


However, even though he was weak, the aura emitted from the Second Layer of the Fragmentation Realm did not lessen by much, and no one dared to underestimate him.    


Seeing this, the disciples of the various sects immediately opened up a path respectfully.    


Fang Wu laughed heartily and waved at Wu Tie, who was in the air, "Junior Brother Chen Feng, come down and greet the two martial uncles, right?"    


"Yes." Ye Chenfeng's figure flashed and fell from the sky.    


Fang Wu pointed to the middle-aged man with a pale face and said, "This is Master Zhi Yan from the Purgatory Peak, Master Zhi Yan is Zhi Xin's father."    


Without waiting for Ye Chenfeng to speak, Fang Wu pointed to another person and said, "This is Di Kuangfeng and Martial Uncle Tianhan."    


Ye Chenfeng slightly bowed towards the two seniors: "Disciple Ye Chenfeng greets the two uncles."    


"Hahahaha!" Zhi Yan laughed out loud. "Good, good, good. You're really a young hero …"    


"Apprentice Nephew Chen Feng, if it weren't for you taking action this time, I'm afraid the old bones that I made with your Martial Uncle Tian Han would really be finished here!"    


Xiang Tian did not speak, but admiration appeared in his eyes as he nodded his head.    


"You flatter me, Uncle-Master." Ye Chenfeng slightly nodded and said, "It was Senior Sister Zhi Xin and Senior Brother Fang Wu that used up their cultivation to help me breakthrough. Only then did I have the power to kill those two demon kings …"    


"Ai!" Zhi Yan waved his hand and interrupted Ye Chenfeng: "It's not a bad thing for a young person to be modest, but it's too modest and too hypocritical."    


A brilliant light blossomed in Zhi Yan's eyes. He looked at Ye Chenfeng as if he was looking at a priceless treasure, and said: "Zhi Xin had already told me in detail what happened after we fell unconscious."    


"Whether we seize control of the 'quadruple array', break through cultivation, and then kill the two Demon Kings …"    


"The methods that you have displayed are truly unimaginable and extraordinary!"    


"If this news were to spread out, the entire misty region would probably be shaken!"    


Ye Chenfeng frowned and said, "Disciple has a calm personality and does not want to be too flamboyant."    


"If you can... I hope that you all can keep today's matter a secret, so as to not attract too much trouble. "    


"This …" Zhi Yan and Tian Han looked at each other, their eyes filled with doubt.    


There were many young people these days, and they were young and full of vigor and vigor.    


Every bit of achievement he made was like a hen laying eggs. He couldn't wait to let the whole world know.    


Ye Chenfeng was only seventeen years old, yet he had already used a thunderous method to kill a Fragmentation Realm Second Layer … Such strength was something that had never been seen before!    


As long as this matter spread, he would definitely become famous and become the focus of everyone's attention!    


Unexpectedly, he actually had someone keep it a secret for him?    


Zhi Yan was silent for a moment, then slightly nodded his head and said: "Since you don't want to be too flamboyant, fine, then as you say …"    


Saying this, Zhi Yan turned around slightly, sweeping his gaze across the disciples of the surrounding sects.    


Seeing that, everyone quickly waved their hands, "We will not say anything about this either, we guarantee it! Senior, please rest assured! "    


"Very good!" Zhi Yan nodded his head in satisfaction, then turned to Ye Chenfeng and said: "Martial Nephew, what are you going to do next?"    


Killing intent flashed in Ye Chenfeng's eyes as he said coldly: "Defeat the mosquito demon and the Cliff Giant, and get rid of them!"    


"Cut the grass at its roots?" Zhi Yan and Xiang Han were both stunned, their eyebrows knitted slightly.    


The hostility that Ye Chenfeng revealed was something that even expert of their level felt deeply uneasy about.    


Zhi Yan hesitated for a moment before saying: "Junior Disciple, the two great demon kings of the mosquito demon race and the Cliff-eating Giants, have died in your hands."    


"The s of the mosquito demon and Cliff-eating Giants were also in a mess, with heavy casualties."    


"The current mosquito demon s and Cliff-eating Giants s no longer have the climate to do anything. They can't even create any big waves. Why must they go all out to kill them?"    


Seeing that Ye Chenfeng was silent, Zhi Yan continued: "Martial Nephew, your talent is extraordinary and your cultivation is strong, but your hostility is too strong and your killing intent is too strong. This will be detrimental to your future cultivation."    


"After I reach Taiqing Sect, I'll need to train my body and mind. Otherwise, I'll easily fall into the wrong path and fall into the evil path!"    


Zhi Xin and Fang Wu looked at each other without saying anything.    


They also saw Ye Chenfeng's ruthless killing and decisiveness.    


Although everything he did was to deal with the enemy, Zhi Xin and the Liu Family could still clearly feel the cruelty that came from the bottom of their hearts. Therefore, they also deeply agreed with Zhi Yan's words.    


As for the mosquito demon and the Cliff Giant, even though these two demon clan members were savage, they had still paid a huge price this time.    


It seemed a little too much to still insist on eliminating them by the roots.    


"Thank you for your guidance, Martial Uncle." Ye Chenfeng slightly raised his head and said: "Regarding me, I will settle it myself. As for the mosquito demon and Cliff-eating Giants Clans …"    


"This Dragon Confining Valley is the last barrier in the mosquito demon territory. After we pass this Dragon Confining Valley, we will reach the territory of the mosquito demon."    


"After a while, Martial Uncle and the rest of you enter the mosquito demon territory, and after searching for a while, make a decision."    


"If the two Junior Masters were to see those things, I would choose to let go of the mosquito demon and the Cliff-eating Giants. I have nothing to say."    


When Ye Chenfeng said "those things", he meant that after the mosquito demon and Cliff-eating Giants captured the humans alive, they extracted their souls and refined them, then raised them into "medicine men".    


On the way to the "quadruple array", Ye Chenfeng took the time to extract the mosquito demon's memories with the Time Space Nature's Bell. Then, he saw these things in the mosquito demon's memories …    


At that moment, the killing intent in his heart reached its peak!    


At that moment, he made up his mind. He wanted to raze the mosquito demon and the Cliff-eating Giants to the ground!    


What kind of scene was that? The corpses formed mountains, and the blood flowed like rivers.    


Many of the humans captured by the mosquito demon race had their souls extracted and their limbs cut off. It was as if they were raising a ghost baby silver inside a jar …    


That tragic scene, it was simply enough to make a Fulfillment Stage expert's mind fall into disarray in an instant, and go berserk!    


That hellish negative information could simply destroy a expert's spirit and drive them insane!    


The mosquito demon s and Cliff-eating Giants s that were not much different from normal Spirit Demon beings were simply demons wearing the clothes of demons!    


Even the beasts were thousands of times stronger than them!    


"Entering the mosquito demon territory to investigate, could it be that there is some other problem with the mosquito demon race?"    


Zhi Yan and Tian Han looked at each other, a little puzzled.    


Ye Chenfeng didn't say anything more. He waved his sleeve and a vast and mighty cloud energy enveloped everyone and rose into the air.    


The wind and thunder rose up into the air above the valley, and rain and clouds began to gather on all sides.    


With Ye Chenfeng's power wrapped around them, the group of people quickly passed through the Dragon Confining Valley and appeared at the edge of the mosquito demon's territory!    


Under the setting sun, the cicadas in the forest chirped one after another, causing the hot air to heat up a little.    


However, an eerie wind was blowing from the three mountains ahead, causing one to feel as if they had fallen into an icehouse, chilled to the bone!    


The three great mountains of the mosquito demon territory were as steep as knives and hard to reach.    


From afar, it looked like three giant fingers.    


These three "fingers" were shrouded in a black mist, appearing and disappearing, giving off a sinister and terrifying feeling as if they had entered the ghostland.    


"Who dares to trespass into the mosquito demon s!"    


A few shouts came from below. Four figures shot into the sky like arrows, heading straight for the group of people.    


Ye Chenfeng was expressionless. He pointed his left hand at the four mosquito demon and made a grasping motion!    




The surrounding air gathered towards the four mosquito demon like a tide.    


The four mosquito demon felt as if they had been trapped in a swamp, and were unable to move at all!    


The air continued to converge, an unimaginably terrifying pressure, pressing down on the four mosquito demon s until they bled from their seven orifices!    


The four mosquito demon were terrified, they tried their best to struggle free, but it was too late.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ye Chenfeng opened his fingers and clenched them lightly …    


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