Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

C4 The Secret Chamber

C4 The Secret Chamber

Lin Hao didn't waste any time. He took all the pills from these people and picked up Ruoshui who was still unconscious. He rushed towards the back garden not far from where he was at an extremely fast pace.    


He had already taken care of the guards here. On his way to the garden, he saw one or two people patrolling. When they saw him, they were shocked. By the time they realized what was going on, he already disappeared from their sight.    


As soon as he got to the back garden, he arrived in front of a rock. He slapped it with his palm, it caved in and split open, thereby showing a pitch-black passageway below.    


This secret place was only known to the successor of the Lin family. Originally, it was used to protect important figures of the family in times of danger.    


Although the Grand Elder of the Lin family took the strongest group of people to the Ancestral Land, the family house was still empty. Lin Hao wasn't afraid of a battle. However, Ruoshui's injuries were very severe and she was also in a coma. If they had stayed where they were some minutes ago, they would have to face an even more intense battle. By then, he would not be able to adequately take care of her. For now, he didn't want anymore accidents. That was why he made this choice.    


After going through the passageway, they arrived at a secret underground room. There were many night pearls embedded around the room, which was why the place didn't appear so dark.    


Lin Hao laid Ruoshui down carefully and checked her injuries. They were still bleeding profusely. She was just a weak girl without any cultivation. It was not easy for her to go through such cruel torture. Even some men with strong physiques might not be able to withstand such kinds of injuries.    


As luck would have it, Lin Hao had just killed Wang Gui and the others and had also gotten a lot of pills from them. He picked out two healing pills and put them into her mouth. He also placed one on her back. The Sword Essence in his body turned into pure Elemental Energy and flowed into Ruoshui's body. It helped her refine the energy of the healing pills and heal her wounds.    


After a quarter of an hour, the two healing pills were completely refined. The wounds in her body started to close up and stopped bleeding. Her pale face also began to brighten up.    


In no distant time, she would be able to wake up.    


Seeing this, Lin Hao relaxed. Then he threw the remaining medicinal pills into his mouth and swallowed them.    


If someone else saw this, they would be so shocked to the extent that they would open their mouths in surprise. They would even think that Lin Hao had gone berserk!    


These medicinal pills were of different types and had different effects. Consuming them rashly would make the energy from these pills cause an extremely terrifying collision within his body and this could even make him explode!    


But as far as Lin Hao was concerned, he didn't worry about things like this.    


The Law-Defying Sword Manual was a technique that defied the heavens and could also break through all possibilities.    


Even the broken Dantian could be recast using the Sword Essence. The energy of this tiny mixed medicinal pill would not have any negative effect on Lin Hao.    


The Sword Essence revolves in his meridians, suppressing the energy that erupted from the pill and cutting it into various pieces. Every strand of energy revolved within Lin Hao's body in an orderly manner without any form of conflict.    


As the energy of the pill was being refined, his strength continued to increase. The Sword Essence, once again, rushed into the Dantian, thereby solidifying it even more.    


On the other side...    


In the main hall of the Lin family.    


Lin Kai and the deacons of the Lin family, who were in their thirties, kept bowing in front of a man from the Xiao family.    


Early that morning, Grand Elder took all the powerful warriors of the Lin family to the Ancestral Land. Lin Kai, who was an Open Pulse Stage eighth level, was in charge of guarding the family.    


The Xiao family sent a representative to the Lin family. His name was Xiao Zheng, an expert at Open Pulse Stage, Level 6. Although Lin Haowas abolished and left to die in the woodshed by Grand Elder, it was estimated that he would not be able to live for more than a few days. All the same, the Xiao family was still worried, which was why they sent Zheng to find out the situation of things there.    


Although, Xiao Zheng's status in his family was very low, his strength was far from being as strong as that of the Deacons. But under his command, Lin Kai looked respectful and didn't dare to make any refutation. He just looked on like a slave.    


Truth be told, Grand Elder borrowed the power of the Xiao family to control the Lin family. This was already tantamount to surrendering to the Xiao family.    


"Lin Kai, I want you to understand one thing. We didn't kill Lin Hao because we were worried that the people of Green Cloud City would gossip about us. No... However, Lin Hao must die! Do you understand?" Xiao Zheng said authoritatively.    


Lin Kai bent his waist and nodded slightly. He said with assurance, "Don't worry, I have already ordered some people to see if he is dead or not. They haven't returned yet. I'm sure that they are busy throwing his corpse out of the city to feed wild dogs."    


At that moment, a guard from the Lin family rushed in with anxiety and said, "Master Deacons, something terrible has happened..."    


With a frown, Lin Kai ordered, "Speak!"    


"Master Deacons, the young master..."    


Before he could finish speaking, Lin Kai snorted loudly and yelled, "Right now, there is no young master in the Lin family. If you say something wrong again, I'll bundle you out of here myself!"    


In front of the representative of the Xiao family, he had to show his absolute loyalty.    


Quickly, the guard tried to rephrase his statement, "Master Deacons, that Lin Hao is still very much alive. In fact, he killed Steward Wang and a group of our brothers in the backyard..."    


"What did you just say?" Lin Kai asked in shock.    


At the same time, Xiao Zheng said in a cold tone, "It is obvious that the people of the Lin family cannot be trusted to deliver..."    


"Lin Hao is already a useless man. I will bring my men to finish him right away. I promise to give the Xiao family an explanation for this," Lin Kai said pleadingly.    


"I no longer have any confidence in the Lin family. I will kill this Lin Hao with my bare hands!"    


That being said, Xiao Zheng walked out of the hall in anger. Lin Kai hastily gathered his men and asked them to follow him.    


In the secret chamber underneath the garden...    


Lin Hao had refined all the pills and his Dantian was now even more solid. His cultivation had also advanced to the Open Pulse Stage, Peak of Level 3. It was only a tiny bit away from reaching the Fourth Level of the Open Pulse Stage.    


Ruoshui, who was sleeping all this while, just woke up. When she opened her eyes and saw Lin Hao, the first thing she said was, "Young master, the Lin family is very dangerous for you. You have to leave this place quickly. Don't worry about me."    


This statement touched Lin Hao's heart. He said to her, "Ruoshui, you should try to recuperate well here. After I deal with those people outside, I will come back to pick you up."    


In disagreement, Ruoshui said, "No, don't fight with them, young master. Your safety is very important right now."    


Lin Hao smiled as he shook his head. He assured her, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."    


When she looked at how calm and confident he was, she nodded gently and said, "All right. I believe that you will be able to solve the crisis in the Lin family. I will stay here and wait for you."    


In this secret chamber...    


After it was opened from the outside, there was a Protection Barrier inside. After Lin Hao brought Ruoshui in, he activated the Protection Barrier. Even if his whereabouts got exposed and others knew that he was here, they would not be able to come in.    


But then, things needed to be resolved and he could not stay here forever.    


He removed the Protection Barrier, opened the entrance of the secret chamber, and walked out. He noticed that there were a total of twenty to thirty people standing on guard around the entrance.    


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