Strongest Replication

C353 The Sensation after the First Victory

C353 The Sensation after the First Victory

Chu Zhongtian was pleasantly surprised to find out that as long as he continued to maintain such a fierce attack, in another ten minutes at most, his first Beginner saber technique would be able to break through to the Peak Stage.    


The power of a Peak Stage Beginner saber technique was no weaker than the advanced saber technique that he had mastered. In fact, to a certain extent, it had already surpassed the advanced Sword Method Martial Technique.    


Unfortunately, Guo Zhaolee's surrender had caused him to lose the opportunity to break through to the next realm. This made Chu Zhongtian, who had won, look at Guo Zhaolee with eyes filled with grief.    


"Number thirteen, Chu Zhongtian, wins!"    


After Zhong Faqin used the Power of the Divine Soul to announce Chu Zhongtian's victory loudly, the tens of thousands of disciples under the Arena who had been suppressed for a long time immediately cheered.    


"Chu Zhongtian!"    


"Chu Zhongtian!"    


"Chu Zhongtian!"    


Originally, after Chu Zhongtian climbed onto the Arena, many disciples suspected that Chu Zhongtian, who was only at the Eighth Layer Peak of the Body Refining Period, had many shady secrets.    


If it wasn't for the fact that there were eight Divine Soul Period Stage elders, Tian Jun, and Jiao Enjun sitting on the high platform, some of the disciples would have protested loudly.    


However, with Chu Zhongtian's Eighth Layer Peak of the Body Refining Period cultivation base, he was able to easily defeat Guo Zhaolee, who was at the Half-step Qi Transforming Period. The doubts in the hearts of the tens of thousands of disciples instantly dissipated. At the same time, they couldn't suppress the excitement and worship in their hearts. They began to shout and discuss.    


"Senior brother, why have I never seen this senior brother called Chu Zhongtian before?" Not far from the Arena, a delicate and handsome young man with a thin body asked a ninth level Body Refinement disciple beside him.    


"Not to mention you, even I don't know about Chu Zhongtian's background!" The disciple who was asked shook his head and said with a puzzled expression.    


Fifty meters away from the Arena, there was a group of people wearing green clothes with a brush embroidered on their sleeves. One of the Half-step Qi Transforming Period disciples ordered.    


"Listen carefully. Chu Zhongtian's true strength will definitely rank in the top ten disciples of the Outer Sect. The Wind Pavilion didn't have any records about this. This was an unforgivable mistake. "    


"That's why you should quickly investigate Chu Zhongtian's background and rewrite the ranking of the top ten disciples of the Outer Sect based on his strength!"    




Under the Arena, Hsu Hwa from the Law Enforcement Peak looked at Chu Zhongtian who was walking down the Arena with an ugly expression on his face.    


Because the Guo Zhaolee who was defeated just now was one of the top ten in the Law Enforcement Peak. However, after he was defeated and injured by Chu Zhongtian, it was very likely that he would not be able to enter the top ten. This made Hsu Hwa extremely uncomfortable.    


However, at this moment, Hsu Hwa felt even more guilty in his heart. He blamed himself for lacking foresight and not being broad-minded enough.    


Chu Zhongtian's true strength would definitely rank in the top ten disciples of Outer Sect. His talent and potential wouldn't be any weaker than Tian Jun's.    


No matter what kind of excessive conditions Chu Zhongtian proposed, he had to agree to them and pull him into his camp.    


Otherwise, he would definitely become one of the most powerful enemies of Law Enforcement Peak in the future!    


On the high platform, besides Jiao Enjun who was as steady as Mount Tai, the remaining eight elders and Tian Jun looked at Chu Zhongtian with admiration and desire in their eyes.    


Chu Zhongtian had the strength of at least four to five Minor Stage warriors. Geniuses like him were something every major power yearned to obtain.    


Jiao Enjun, who was sitting on the black throne, nodded his head in satisfaction, as if Chu Zhongtian's performance was within his expectation.    


Chu Zhongtian didn't know how much shock he had brought to the crowd after defeating Guo Zhaolee. He walked down the Arena with an unhappy expression and walked to Dongfang Yun'er and the others' side.    


"Mr Chu, do you know who you just defeated? He is the disciple ranked tenth in the Outer Sect!" As if she didn't see Chu Zhongtian's unhappy expression, Dongfang Yun'er tightly grabbed Chu Zhongtian's arm. She said with an unusually excited expression.    


Just now, she found out about Guo Zhaolee's true identity and strength from the disciples beside her, and she was pleasantly surprised in her heart.    


Although she knew that Chu Zhongtian was an outstanding genius, he had always been a genius who could jump realms. However, she had never thought that Chu Zhongtian, who came from the remote and weak Chu Family in the Qi Country... In just three months' time, he had successfully entered the top ten disciples of the Floating Cloud Sect's Outer Sect. This made her happy, but also made the pressure on her feel heavier.    


"Yun, this is only the beginning!" Dongfang Yun'er's unusually excited expression made Chu Zhongtian's originally unhappy mood a lot better. To be able to make Dongfang Yun'er happy, Chu Zhongtian felt that everything he did just now was worth it.    


Facing the chaotic situation below, Zhong Faqin used the Power of the Divine Soul to cough lightly. After waiting for the audience to quiet down, he continued to announce.    


"Number two contestant Lui Cong versus number twelve contestant Ma Baohua!"    


When he heard that the contestant for the second match was Lui Cong, Chu Zhongtian quickly ended his chat with Dongfang Yun'er. He paid full attention to Lui Cong, who was walking step by step onto the Arena.    


On the last page of the book Shi Guangliang gave him, the number one expert among the disciples of Outer Sect was Lui Cong, who was climbing up the Arena step by step.    


Lui Cong came from the Lui family in a remote kingdom. He was 18 years old this year, and a year ago, he had entered the Floating Cloud Sect with a 9th level of Qi Refining Stage Perfection cultivation base.    


He had a Mid level 7 Cultivation Talent, a Half-step Qi Transforming Period cultivation base, and a First Grade Qi Transforming Period Peak cultivation base. He was good at using Sword Technique, and he was good at using different levels of Sword Technique martial skills. He was ranked first among the disciples of the Inner Sect.    


The last page of the book Shi Guangliang gifted to him, besides the above records, it also specifically recorded some of Lui Cong's living conditions after he entered the Floating Cloud Sect.    


Ever since Lui Cong entered the Floating Cloud Sect, he had either gone out to cultivate or entered the secret realm to cultivate. He rarely interacted with other people's disciples.    


In just a year, not only had his cultivation base advanced to the Half-step Qi Transforming Period Peak, he had also become the number one disciple of the Outer Sect. He was definitely one of the most talented geniuses in the past hundred years of the Floating Cloud Sect.    


As Lui Cong stepped onto the Arena step by step, not only did the disciples who knew his true identity stare at him with their eyes wide open, even Tian Jun who was standing on the tall platform had an excited look in his eyes.    


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