Strongest Replication

C185 Concocting Dongfang Yongping

C185 Concocting Dongfang Yongping

"Senior Brother Dongfang, I have something important to discuss with you." Chu Zhongtian walked to Dongfang Yongping's side and said in a low voice.    


Dongfang Yongping was the number two Arena Lord with eleven High Rank of the Qi Transforming Period Arena, and his combat strength was ranked second among the eighty plus Arena Lord present.    


When everyone was attacking the Cyan Gate with all their strength, although Dongfang Yongping had also used all his strength, with his profound cultivation base, the consumption wasn't as serious as he had imagined.    


At this moment, Dongfang Yongping was putting on a look as if he had consumed too much energy and was trying his best to adjust his condition, mainly to show others. At the same time, he was also considering how to open the Cyan Gate in front of him.    


After Dongfang Yongping heard that Chu Zhongtian had some important matters to discuss with him, he stood up with a frown and avoided the people around him.    


"Speak!" After avoiding the crowd, Dongfang Yongping's expression was indifferent, and he said in a cold voice.    


"Senior Brother Dongfang, I have a way to temporarily open the Cyan Gate and allow some people to enter the Cavern." Chu Zhongtian knew that a proud person like Dongfang Yongping didn't like to beat around the bush, so he went straight to the point.    


"Oh!" He heard Chu Zhongtian say that he had a way to temporarily open the Cyan Gate and allow some people to enter the Cavern. Dongfang Yongping's originally calm expression slightly trembled, but when he saw Chu Zhongtian's tender face... * Hong Long...... *    


"I know. You might not believe that I have a way to open the Cyan Gate. But please be patient and listen to my detailed explanation." Chu Zhongtian saw Dongfang Yongping's cold expression instantly. He knew that he wanted to convince Dongfang Yongping with just a few words. Also, it was impossible for Dongfang Yongping to cooperate with him to activate the formation, so he was not in a hurry.    


"Continue." Dongfang Yongping, who had regained his calm expression, said in an emotionless tone.    


"I wonder if you have noticed the 36 buttons on the door?" Chu Zhongtian did not immediately explain. Instead, he pointed at the Cyan Gate and asked.    


Dongfang Yongping nodded and did not respond to Chu Zhongtian's question.    


Chu Zhongtian did not care about this. He continued, "Senior brother, these 36 buttons are not decorations for the Cyan Gate. They are the eye of the formation. Only by attacking these 36 buttons can the Cyan Gate be opened for a short period of time."    


Hearing Chu Zhongtian say that only by attacking the 36 round buttons can one open the Cyan Gate, Dongfang Yongping's face revealed a trace of displeasure. His tone was unusually cold as he said.    


"Junior brother, the cultivation and knowledge of these Arena Lord far exceeds yours. Don't tell me you think we haven't done this before!"    


Ten minutes after attacking the Cyan Gate, Dongfang Yongping and a few Tenth Layer Great Perfection of the Qi Transforming Period Arena Lord had already noticed the round buttons on the door, and they had also attacked the round buttons with all their strength. In the end, they had no effect at all.    


"Senior Brother Dongfang, you don't have to be in a hurry. Please listen to me slowly!" Hearing the dissatisfaction in Dongfang Yongping's tone, Chu Zhongtian was not in a hurry. He still spoke in a calm tone.    


"Senior Brother Dongfang, I think when you attacked the button on the door just now, you attacked randomly, regardless of the order, right?"    


Dongfang Yongping nodded his head, but his facial expression didn't change at all.    


"No wonder!"    


"Senior Brother Dongfang, although I am not a great master of formation, I have seen this kind of formation before when I went out to cultivate. I know how to attack the button on the door."    


"Oh!" Hearing Chu Zhongtian say that he had seen this kind of formation before, Dongfang Yongping's cold face eased up. At the same time, he was interested to continue listening.    


"Senior Brother Dongfang, this formation is called the Thirty-six Astral Formation. It is a formation that is set up by 36 Top Grade spirit weapon as the eye of the formation. It is difficult to break through a Formation Master that is not at the Divine Soul Stage or above, but I have a way to stop this formation for 30 seconds." The formation described just now was told to Chu Zhongtian word by word by Elder Huang in his mind. He only repeated it in its original form.    


As for what the Thirty-six Astral Formation was, and what the eye of the formation was, he had no idea at all.    


"How confident are you?" Not only did Chu Zhongtian mention the name of the formation, he even knew how it was formed. At this moment, Dongfang Yongping somewhat believed that Chu Zhongtian could temporarily break the formation.    


"If you all listen to my orders, I'm 80% sure." Chu Zhongtian lowered his head and thought for a while, then finally said an 80% chance.    


In fact, according to what Elder Huang had said in Chu Zhongtian's mind, as long as Dongfang Yongping and the others could follow Chu Zhongtian's orders, the success rate would be 100%, but Chu Zhongtian had left some leeway.    


Because the human heart was unpredictable, it was impossible for everyone to be willing to listen to your orders. Besides, there were too many people whose cultivation and strength were higher than Chu Zhongtian's. It would be strange if they could believe Chu Zhongtian with 100% confidence.    


"What do you need me to do?" Dongfang Yongping nodded his head when he heard Chu Zhongtian say that he was 80% confident. In his heart, he believed that Chu Zhongtian could temporarily break through the Cyan Gate in front of him. Therefore, his tone became friendly.    


"There are a total of 36 round buttons on the door of the Cyan Gate. The order of each attack is different. Moreover, each round button requires at least two people, so I hope you can convince the other Arena Lord. Join us. "    


"Alright, wait for me for a moment." Attacking one round button required two people, while 36 round buttons required 72 people. In other words, most of the Arena Lord present had to participate in the attack. Dongfang Yongping felt a trace of pressure at this moment.    


There were more than 80 Arena Lord present, and each of them had an extraordinary background. It wasn't an easy task to make them listen to Chu Zhongtian's commands. Therefore, Dongfang Yongping needed to join forces with some of the strongest Arena Lord, and then rely on their strength and prestige. Talent! In the end, he could convince the other Arena Lord to agree.    


He had already told them the method. As for whether or not those Arena Lord would agree in the end, at this moment, Chu Zhongtian was observing the round button on the green door in front of him. He was listening to Elder Huang's description of the next attack in his mind.    


"Dongfang Yongping, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that your current method is too excessive. Just now, when we attacked the Cyan Gate with all our strength, you didn't say that you had a way to open the door. Now that our spiritual power and physical strength have been consumed too much, you suddenly said that you have a way to open the door. Are you teasing us? "    


After Dongfang Yongping contacted a few Arena Lord who had a good relationship with him, he finally expressed his stance to the strongest and most hated opponents present. The result he got was an unreasonable provocation from his opponent.    


"Lang Yun, don't mislead everyone's thoughts. I didn't mean that at all. When I attacked the Cyan Gate just now, I did my best. I'm sure everyone present saw that." Facing Lang Yun's slanderous words, Dongfang Yongping didn't get angry, nor did he feel nervous. He only used facts to prove his innocence.    


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