Nine Yang Martial God

C2553 Silver Divine Power!

C2553 Silver Divine Power!

"Red divine power is the strongest divine power?"    


Qin Ke was surprised.    


"Qin Ke, do you know what color our divine power is?"    


Li Qingyun looked like she had seen a monster as she looked at Qin Ke and asked.    


As soon as she finished speaking, Li Qingyun's divine power rushed out!    


His divine power was like a torrential river as it converged into the Spirit Stone. Instantly, the light on the Spirit Stone began to flicker!    


Finally, the light on the Spirit Stone turned blue!    


Blue divine power!    


Li Qingyun's Divine Power was the fourth level of the seventh level Divine Power!    


Qin Ke was even more surprised!    


He did not expect that even the first deputy dean only had blue divine power!    


"You should know that we old men have blue Divine Power. The students in the academy are all only at the third level of blue godly power! Only those outstanding ones have reached the Five Levels Divine Power! Currently, in our academy, only Xu Jiaoyang possesses the Five Levels Divine Power!"    


The more Li Qingyun spoke, the more she looked at Qin Ke with a strange expression.    


Qin Ke's first attack was a seventh grade Divine Power!    


Even he, an old man who had cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, felt ashamed of his inferiority!    


"In the Infinite Source, there is a legend that says that one can cultivate the red divine power. All of them are the Gods of this world! According to what the natives here said, there is a supreme Secret Method here. Only those who have cultivated the red divine power can comprehend it!"    


Li Qingyun spoke of the key point. Qin Ke's eyes lit up as he curiously asked, "Is there really such a thing?"    


"It is absolutely true!"    


Li Qingyun nodded and said, "Legend has it that this kind of supreme Secret Method exists in the deepest part of Infinite Source. In an ancient palace! The palace was surrounded by terrifying lightning seals. If one did not cultivate the red divine power... Once you touch it, you will be instantly killed by the lightning seal!"    


"Supreme Secret Method? I wonder who is stronger and weaker compared to the Supreme Tao Technique I have comprehended?"    


Qin Ke rolled his eyes and said to himself.    


His Supreme Tao Technique was a Dao Art that combined everything!    


No matter what Dao Art it was, it could be organized by him and merged into the Supreme Tao Technique!    


Therefore, when Qin Ke heard that there was a supreme Secret Method in the Infinite Source, he was tempted. He wanted to comprehend it and integrate it into his own Supreme Tao Technique!    


"Dean, may I know where the palace you mentioned is?"    


Qin Ke asked.    


"That palace is just a legend in Infinite Source!"    


Li Qingyun said, "Even the natives of Infinite Source have never seen that palace before!"    


Qin Ke was a little disappointed.    


This meant that no one knew where the palace was!    


It was just a legend!    


"You don't have to worry. We have only been in Infinite Source for a few decades. Maybe we can find the palace in the future?"    


Li Qingyun comforted Qin Ke.    


Li Qingyun left the place.    


Qin Ke once again stood in front of the Spirit Stone. This time, he released all of his divine strength!    


Instantly, the light on the Spirit Stone soared to the sky!    


The color of his Divine Power continued to change after it turned red!    


It actually became silver!    


Silver like silver!    


"That's not right! Just now, the dean said that the divine power here is divided into seven levels. The red divine power is the strongest. Why is my divine power silver?"    


He thought to himself. This discovery made him curious and pleasantly surprised. He muttered, "Could it be that the divine power is not only at seven levels?"    


However, Qin Ke had nowhere to ask about these things. He could only suppress his excitement.    


As the light on the Spirit Stone disappeared, waves of surging divine power rushed out from the Spirit Stone and gathered in Qin Ke's body!    


Qin Ke could clearly sense that in this short period of time, his Divine Power was equivalent to decades of cultivation!    


"This Spirit Stone is really miraculous. With this Spirit Stone, I can definitely shorten the time of cultivation by dozens of times!"    


Qin Ke's eyes rolled and he began to think. "I wonder if I can get more Tempering Spirit Stone? If possible, send these Tempering Spirit Stones to the Netherworld and into my world!"    


Whether it was sending the Tempering Spirit Stone to the Netherworld, letting Hades use it for cultivation, or sending it to Qin Ke's inner world, letting the living beings in it cultivate was extremely good!    


As time passed, the world within Qin Ke's body had already become very powerful!    


The outstanding cultivators amongst them had already entered the Divine Gate Stage, and their strength was even stronger than Divine Gate Stage expert's in the Master The World!    


These weren't urgent matters. Qin Ke simply suppressed his temper and walked out of the courtyard, arriving under the quiet glass tree!    


This Glazed Quiet Tree contained a powerful Rule of Domination. Cultivating under this Glazed Quiet Tree would allow him to comprehend the Rule of Domination even faster!    


Qin Ke was now at the peak of the Divine Gate Stage. This was the critical moment for him to comprehend the Rule of Domination and break through to the God Domination Stage!    


This tree was perfect for Qin Ke!    


He sat cross-legged under the glaze quiet tree, and immediately, he made a shocking discovery!    


Every leaf on the glaze quiet tree, if one looked closely, one could see the detailed flow of Rule of Domination!    


One leaf was a type of Rule of Domination!    


This kind of Rule of Domination, there were strong and weak ones, and there were a myriad of types!    


Countless Rule of Domination finally gathered on the tree trunk, forming and condensing on the tree trunk of the Tranquility Glass Tree!    


Qin Ke could tell with a single glance that within the tree trunk, there was a kind of strongest Rule of Domination that was being condensed!    


Once this kind of Rule of Domination was cultivated, it would be the strongest Law that encompassed countless Rule of Domination!    


However, this Law was surging within the Glazed Calm Tree trunk, but it could not be formed!    


After all, it was not easy to gather numerous Rule of Domination like stars and eventually become the only type of Rule of Domination!    


Qin Ke could see all of this, but it was not easy to comprehend it!    


He activated his Divine Eyes and wanted to comprehend the strongest law within the tree trunk, but he found nothing!    


He couldn't even catch a trace of it!    


After countless attempts, Qin Ke could only give up!    


He looked at the leaves!    


Each leaf contained a complete Rule of Domination.    


This glaze quiet tree was not big, but if one looked closely, it was a layer of leaves covered by a layer of leaves. The leaves extended into the depths of the void, seemingly endless!    


Qin Ke raised his head and looked as if he had seen a starry sky!    


The leaves of the tree were more than a hundred thousand, even more than a million!    


There were so many leaves, and it was precisely this many Rule of Domination leaves!    


If he wanted to comprehend all of these Rule of Domination, he might not be able to do it even if he spent his entire life!    


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