Ancient Divine Dragon Transform

C770 Who Is the Bug

C770 Who Is the Bug

"Sir, we don't want the Demonic Jade Needle Vine anymore. We're leaving now."    


The first two demons that appeared looked at the two little fellows on Yun Fan's shoulder with fear and trepidation. They couldn't help but step back.    


"Let's go now. Let's go together!"    


Yun Fan followed the two demons who had their heads lowered and left. He only stopped when he saw no one else around him.    


"Gentlemen, I have no other intentions. I just want to ask, how do we get to the Heavenly Devil Palace?"    


The two demons heaved a long sigh of relief.    


If they had known earlier, they would have asked for directions, but they did not have to be so nervous.    


"The Heavenly Demon Palace is in the center. If we walk east from here, we will be able to see a huge city. In fact, the people who came here would take a look around, because it was the biggest city here.    


There is a black palace in the middle of the city. Although it has already collapsed, there is only one black palace in the entire city. It is very easy to find it."    


Yun Fan clasped his hands and thanked him, then turned around and left.    


Zi Qingyan and the others had been transferred. If anything were to happen, he would have to go there.    


There were only three days left. He couldn't afford to waste any of it. He rushed to the Heavenly Demon Palace without stopping.    


Just like what the two demons had said, two hours later, Yun Fan saw a huge city. If this city was placed in Western State, it would be as big as a kingdom.    


There were ruins everywhere, and not a single building could be seen. It was as if an earthquake had taken place.    


Many figures had also appeared in the surroundings. Of course, there were also figures of demons among them.    


As he headed straight for the center, he soon saw a black palace.    


Rather than calling it a palace, it would be more accurate to call it a pile of collapsed black rocks. Although there were still a few buildings left, most of them had collapsed.    


Just as he was about to step in, he heard a familiar voice. "Yun Fan, you're here too!"    


You Zixu came up to him with an excited face. The familiar and natural expression made Yun Fan a little stunned.    


They had known each other for less than two or three days. This girl acted like she had been around for many years, and that intimate look made it seem like she treated him as her best friend.    


"I happened to see this. I want to try my luck."    


"You have come to the right place. Let me tell you, the Heavenly Devil Ancient Realm is the place with the highest chance of obtaining treasures.    


Do you know where this place is? The Heavenly Demon Palace was the core of the Ancient Realm. If there were any treasures here, they would have hidden them all here.    


Take a look. I've already found a grade seven spirit artifact. Although it's a bit damaged, I'll go out and find an equipment forger to repair it. Its power isn't bad at all."    


You Zixu took out a slightly cracked Longsword and introduced it with a face full of excitement.    


It was a kind of joy to share with a friend. It was a kind of joy that Yun Fan would not hesitate to give the Longsword to the other party when he opened his mouth.    


You Zixu kept talking by her ear. Yun Fan was too embarrassed to refuse and listened as he walked in.    


There had obviously been a battle here. There were traces of swords and sabers on many of the black rocks. The deeper they went in, the more people there were.    


"Those few people from the Qinglei Devil City have not come out yet. All of the Flying Flames Devil City are here. I don't know what news they got, but they haven't left yet."    


Yun Fan stopped in his tracks. He was stunned and asked, "The Flying Flames Devil City has gotten the third place?"    


The Flying Flames Devil City could only be considered as a medium grade sect, not even a top grade sect. This time, they were able to enter the Heavenly Devil Ancient Realm, which surprised him a little.    


"That's right. This time, besides the Phantom Devil City, the Battle of Devil City has become the most unpopular sect. I wonder what is going on with this Flying Flames Devil City. They didn't suffer a great loss, and they even managed to get into the third place."    


Yun Fan nodded his head. The people of the Flying Flames Devil City knew his identity, so they might have been waiting for him at the exit for a long time.    


When they came out, they would seize the opportunity to rush out and get the third place. It was reasonable.    


However, the people of Flying Flames Devil City were all gathered here. Could it be that they had also received the news about the Infinite Devils Ruining Diagram? If that was the case, then Lei Hao and the others must be doing this for the Infinite Devils Ruining Diagram.    


"Where are they? Quickly bring me there!"    


You Zixu did not ask anything. She brought Yun Fan directly to the center of the palace.    


Just this palace alone was comparable to a Qinglei Devil City. It took them half an hour to reach the center.    


A broken palace appeared in front of them. It was very big. Although it had collapsed, the eight giant stone pillars around it were enough to tell how big it was.    


There was still a small portion of it that had not collapsed. One could see a part of the palace that had once been there. At this moment, Lei Hao and the others were carefully searching the palace. When they saw Yun Fan, they couldn't help but reveal a gloomy expression.    


"Senior, is there any way to find another entrance?"    


Yun Fan didn't search for it. It had been so many years, and this place was so eye-catching. If he could find it just by looking for it, it wouldn't be his turn.    


The Infinite Devils Ruining Diagram was here, and it wasn't something that could be found with his eyes.    


"I don't have any way to find it, but the two of them might be able to find it."    


The moment Absolute Heaven's words left his mouth, he saw the White Ball and Black Ball, the two little fellows, jump up and down. Their little claws waved repeatedly, meaning that we were very formidable.    


"I forgot to tell you, when it comes to treasure hunting, there really aren't many races that can compare to the two of them.    


One of them swallowed the void, while the other swallowed the solid. There were truly too many things that could be eaten. This taste was naturally becoming more and more diabolical. Back then, if it wasn't a heavenly treasure, they wouldn't have eaten it even if it was given to them..."    


Absolute Heaven's words had yet to finish when he saw the two little fellows charge up from left and right. One stood on the left shoulder, the other stood on the right shoulder, little claws wreaking havoc on Absolute Heaven's head.    


"Huhu, alright, hurry up and help me search!"    


As they spoke, the two little fellows rushed out.    


You Zixu looked at the two furry fellows in shock. Her eyes sparkled.    


These two little fellows were too cute. They walked in all directions, looking like they were very powerful, but no matter how she looked at it, it was still a ball.    


"Yun Fan, they..."    


"Don't think about it. They are my family, and they are even closer to me than you."    


With the Ancient Contract, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that they were my family. It could be said that these two little fellows entrusted their lives to him, even family members finding it difficult to accomplish.    


"Where did this bug come from? Get lost!"    


A Eighth Level of Essential Infant Stage from the Flying Flames Devil City kicked the unprepared Black Ball away.    


The Black Ball jumped up from the ground. At the same time, the White Ball also rushed forward. Just as it was about to attack, Yun Fan appeared in front of the two little fellows.    


He held the Black Ball in his hand and looked at it. After confirming that he wasn't injured, he turned his eyes to the Essential Infant Stage who attacked.    


"Who did you just say was a bug?"    


As soon as Yun Fan's words left his mouth, the surrounding people stopped their search and turned their heads to look at Yun Fan.    


Lei Hao and the others revealed a cold smile. He was happy to see these two groups of people fighting.    


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