Sword Emperor

C5611 The Situation Was Dangerous!

C5611 The Situation Was Dangerous!

At the same time, the Chaos Heavens, which was currently gathering reinforcements, immediately stopped its footsteps, and its face was filled with complexity.    


"Didn't I tell you to hide for the time being? Why did you suddenly appear on the Abbot's Immortal Island?"    


Hearing this, the Sanctuary Heavens could not help but be speechless for a moment. However, it quickly recovered and explained hurriedly:    


"I saw that Mount Tai's power was great, so I wanted to gather some reinforcements. But I never thought that the Human Emperor would also come to the Abbot's Immortal Island."    


"Right now, we are only barely able to hold on under the attacks of the Human Emperor and the Nine Li God. Please save me, brother."    


Hearing this, although the Chaos Heavens was filled with helplessness, it could only turn around.    


After all, the Sanctuary Heavens could be considered one of the top existences in the entire Primordial Chaos. If it was left alone, it would be a great loss for the Primordial Chaos.    


In addition, the Abbot's Immortal Island could be considered one of the top in the entire Chaos Heavens. The Abbot's Heaven that it was born with was definitely not weak.    


Recalling the urgency that the Sanctuary Heavens spoke of earlier, the Chaos Heavens thought of something and the Creation Jade Plate appeared above its head.    


The Great Dao of Space bloomed with a bright light, and then its figure instantly disappeared from where it was.    


Although the Abbot's Immortal Island was similar to the Penglai Immortal Island, which was changing its position almost at all times.    


Fortunately, not long ago, the Sanctuary Heavens had already told him the pattern of the Abbot's Immortal Island. Thus, with this step, he could cross space and arrive at the periphery of the Abbot's Immortal Island.    


But at this moment, Sun Bing, who was fighting with Abbot Sky, seemed to have been blessed by the heavens. He subconsciously transmitted a message to the Haechi.    


"Regardless of the price, we must get Abbot Immortal Island to leave this place and head to other places."    


Although he did not know what exactly had happened, Sun Bing was now their lifesaver.    


Therefore, after hearing this, the Haechi did not dare to hesitate at all. He used all his strength to resonate with the entire world.    


Abbot Sky also saw the Haechi's action. Such an accident made his expression turn ugly, and he instinctively wanted to stop the Haechi.    


However, the Haechi's action was still faster than his. The surrounding space and time shook, and Abbot Immortal Island was directly teleported to an unfamiliar environment.    


As for the Chaos Heavens, after passing through endless space and time, they could only see a chaotic void.    


This situation made him frown slightly, and he muttered softly,    


"What's going on? According to the information given by the Sanctuary Heavens, Abbot Immortal Island should be here at this time."    


As he spoke, his figure once again shuttled through the vast Chaos. In a short period of time, he went to several places.    


Unfortunately, even so, he still did not find where Abbot Immortal Island was.    


This situation made his expression turn ugly, because according to the information he had received, if there was no external force controlling it, Abbot Immortal Island should have appeared in these places.    


Now that he was no longer here, it was obvious that he had encountered some accident. If that was the case, things would be quite troublesome.    


Without any hesitation, the Chaos Heavens immediately contacted the Sanctuary Heavens with the unique method of the Heavenly Dao.    


"Where is the abbot's immortal island now? I can't find it at all!"    


These simple words made the Sanctuary Heavens' Dao Heart tremble. In order to resist the Buzhou Seal and the Chaos Calabash, he had already used up all his strength.    


He had thought that reinforcements would arrive very soon, but he never expected such an unexpected turn of events.    


In such a life-and-death situation, he was very decisive and immediately replied,    


"This is my position. Please save me..."    


His words were filled with anxiety. Before he could finish speaking, Sun Bing keenly sensed his movements and could not help but sneer.    


"I never thought that at such a time, you would still have the leisure to communicate with others. It seems that the pressure I gave you was not enough."    


As his words fell, the power in his body circulated at the same time. The Buzhou Seal and the Kunlun Mirror immediately emitted a bright light.    


For a moment, the Sanctuary Heavens' face turned red as if he had endured a great pressure.    


Facing such pressure, even he did not dare to be distracted. He could only revolve the energy in his body with all his might to resist the suppression of the two supreme treasures.    


However, in order to maintain the image of the Ying Continent Immortal Island, he had to consume an extremely vast amount of Heavenly Dao Origins at every moment.    


At this moment, it could be clearly seen that the originally solid image was becoming illusory at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


It was not only the Ying Continent Heaven, but also the Abbot Heaven on the other side.    


The Chaos Calabash could devour a vast amount of Heavenly Dao Origins at any time. Under such extraction, even the Abbot Heaven could not endure it.    


Even though he had such an advantage, Sun Bing did not feel too complacent. He could not help but continue to transmit his voice to the Haechi.    


"Fellow Daoist, time is of the essence right now. I only hope that you can control the Abbot Immortal Island to move freely in the vast chaos in the future. Otherwise, the reinforcements of the Heavenly Dao will arrive."    


The Haechi, who was originally thinking about why he had to move the Abbot Immortal Island, suddenly shrank its pupils when it heard these words, and then it hurriedly nodded.    


"Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist. Even if I have to risk my life, I will definitely not allow the reinforcements of the Heavenly Dao to arrive."    


As he spoke, the Origins in his body were already burning. He was fighting with the Abbot Heaven to seize the authority to control the Abbot Immortal Island.    


After noticing the Haechi's movements, a hint of worry appeared on Sun Bing's face.    


Although it was formed from the sacrifice of all living beings, its cultivation was really too low. It was inevitable that an accident would occur in such a confrontation.    


When he thought of this, his mind moved, and two rays of light immediately flew towards the Haechi.    


"These are two Innate Spiritual Fruits, they will help you recuperate your body."    


Hearing that, a warm feeling surged in the Haechi's heart. Then, without saying anything, he immediately put the two Innate Spiritual Fruits into his mouth.    


In the next moment, the aura that erupted from his body suddenly rose by a level, and he fought for the authority of the abbot with great force.    


Immediately, the vast Abbot Immortal Island was filled with fighting. The many aftermaths could distort space and time, and it was a spectacular scene.    


Time gradually passed, and everyone could clearly feel the changes in the Heavenly Dao aura. It was no exaggeration to say that as long as they followed the steps, the final victor would definitely be Sun Bing and the others.    


Seeing that time continued to pass, the Chaos Heavens still had not descended, and the瀛洲天的 heart was already filled with anxiety.    


Because in such an environment, he could almost feel that he was constantly walking towards death.    


Endless danger came face to face, and he no longer had any scruples. He let out a roar that was filled with desperation.    


"Abbot, don't you know the current situation? Don't worry about anything else, quickly use the trump card you obtained in the ruins."    


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