Ancient Dragon Spell

C3933 Mountain and Sea Scripture

C3933 Mountain and Sea Scripture



What Qin Feng's father and mother did not expect was that Qin Feng actually managed to become the top scorer of the college entrance examination.    


Full marks for all subjects, including essays!    


All of a sudden!    


All of the netizens in Blue Star were in an uproar. No one had expected someone to get full marks for the college entrance exam.    


This was too unbelievable!    


One had to know!    


In the entire history of China's Empire's college entrance examination, there had never been a true top scorer who had achieved full marks in the college entrance examination.    


Qin Feng had simply created a miracle at this moment!    


Under such a perfect score in the college entrance examination, any famous university in the entire Blue Star Country was open to Qin Feng. He could choose any university he wanted to study in, and he also had a rich scholarship. . .    


Qin Feng's parents were naturally very happy after getting Qin Feng's college entrance exam results. The day they got their results, they invited their family and friends to celebrate.    


Among them!    


Of course, it also included Jiang Xiaoyu's father and mother. This time, Jiang Xiaoyu's results were also very good. She was also ranked in the top 20 in the entire urban area. Normally, she would be able to attract people's pride. She could be admitted to any famous school in China, but compared to Qin Feng, who had a perfect score in all subjects, she was undoubtedly inferior.    


Because of this, Jiang Xiaoyu's parents should be celebrating their daughter's good results. However, because they were suppressed by Qin Feng, who was the "national champion," they could not be happy about it.    


In short!    


Because Qin Feng didn't keep a low profile this time, he instantly shocked the world and became the "genius scholar" that everyone in Huaxia talked about.    




In Huaxia, the top few famous universities simply could not resist the excitement of snatching talents. They would not wait to send out an acceptance letter. They directly sent people to Qin Feng's house the next day and started to propose their conditions to rope Qin Feng into their schools.    


Regarding this, Qin Feng's father and mother were naturally happy to close their mouths and earn enough face.    




Because there were too many famous schools that came to invite Qin Feng to join them, and the professions that could be chosen by Qin Feng were even more numerous. . .    


If that was the case!    


Qin Feng's father, mother, and sister had started to make it difficult for them to choose which profession they wanted to join.    


With Qin Feng's sister's thoughts, Qin Rou wanted Qin Feng to sign up for the medical specialization with her during the college entrance examination. With Qin Feng's talent in learning, he would definitely become an expert in medicine in the future.    




Qin Feng's father did not agree with Qin Feng choosing the medical specialization because he thought that medicine was too long and completely wasted Qin Feng's talent. He thought that Qin Feng should choose the aspect of intelligent information on the Internet, which was the industry with the most promising future.    


Qin Feng's mother also had different opinions about this. She thought that although learning the knowledge of the Internet had prospects, it was too tiring, and it was easy to work overtime. Many young people even became bald. She valued finance more, and wanted Qin Feng to walk the path of business in the future.    


As for Qin Feng's grandparents, they were more old-fashioned. They just wanted Qin Feng to become an official in the future, or even a teacher or doctor.    


Of course!    


No matter what other people suggested, the most important choice would still depend on Qin Feng himself.    




What Qin Feng's father and other family members did not expect was that Qin Feng actually chose an extremely unpopular profession. It could even be said that he had no future and was about to be forgotten in the corner.    


And this major was precisely China's Beijing University's history and archaeology major!    


China's Beijing University was one of the top universities. Of course, the history and archaeology department could be considered to be the best among all the big schools.    


If an ordinary person was able to get into such a school, it would already be a blessing from eight lifetimes. How could they care about what major it was?    


But the problem was -    


Qin Feng was the top scorer in the college entrance examination!    


He was the first person in history to get a perfect score in the college entrance examination!    


He actually chose a history archaeology major that no one knew about?    


If he had chosen such a major at the beginning of the establishment of China, it would have been quite popular.    


However, after so many years of development, China was already different from the past. They had basically excavated all kinds of historical sites. This profession basically had no future. After graduating, apart from being a professor, it would be very difficult to find a good career direction.    


To put it bluntly!    


This profession did not earn money!    




After hearing that Qin Feng had chosen such an unpopular profession, Qin Feng's father and mother firmly disagreed.    


Even the more open-minded older sister could not help but persuade Qin Feng to consider it carefully.    


However, Qin Feng's grandparents surprisingly did not object. They even said that this profession was not bad and that they could learn the history and culture of China.    


In short -    


Qin Feng's personality was stubborn. No matter how others tried to persuade him, he was determined to choose the subject of history archaeology.    


As for the reason!    


It was very simple!    




When Qin Feng was in high school, he had already memorized the modern knowledge of physics, chemistry, quantum science, and so on.    


It could be said that his current knowledge control was even greater than the database stored in famous universities.    


And the knowledge he controlled would also far exceed any professor, expert, or teacher.    


In other words!    


In this world, no one was qualified to teach him any more knowledge.    


Since that was the case, why would he waste his time choosing those subjects that were easy to earn money and jobs?    






If Qin Feng really wanted to earn these two things, what kind of difficulty was there to talk about?    




From the beginning until the end, Qin Feng had never been interested in money, wealth, or anything else. He only wanted to leave this world as soon as possible, and find a way to control the power of the Great Dao Laws in this world.    


And now. . .    


The modern scientific knowledge that Qin Feng had learned could not help him at all. Then he could only start from studying history archeology and see if he could find any clues in the dust of history.    




This was the most mysterious subject!    


This was because many things had long been destroyed by the erosion of time. However, no matter what, there would still be some imprints.    


In reality!    


After Qin Feng had learned about the various historical cultures on the Internet, he had always been interested in archaeology.    


Among them!    


The book that Qin Feng was most curious about was the Mountain and Sea Scripture that recorded many ancient Demonic Beasts.    


The Demonic Beasts and world environments described in the 'Mountain and Sea Scripture' seemed so real, as if they truly existed.    


Among them, there were some Demonic Beasts. Even Qin Feng had seen similar descriptions in the ancient records of Sky Martial Continents.    


If that was the case. . .    


This undoubtedly made Qin Feng even more curious. Just who was the one who wrote the 'Mountain and Sea Scripture'?    


Did the ancient people on Blue Star personally witness the world of the 'Mountain and Sea Scripture'?    


Or perhaps -    


The former Blue Star was in fact the environment described by the Mountain and Sea Scripture. However, after some sort of change in the world, it developed into a world of its own. And now, this era that was impossible to reach?    


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