Ancient Dragon Spell

C3942 Supreme Saint

C3942 Supreme Saint

Under such a continuous destructive war.    


The primeval world was finally completely shattered. Not only did the cultivation of the living creatures fall greatly, but they also turned into a world of destruction. Small worlds, including the Divine Martial Realm, the Demon Realm, the Blue World, the Sky Martial Continent, and so on and so forth...    


In short!    


In this world where Qin Feng was, all the planets of the major worlds were actually split up from the "primeval world."    


As for why, why did the originally prosperous Prehistoric World become like this in the end?    


The reason was very simple. It was precisely because of the controller of this world, the sole Daofather who stood above the Saints - Hongjun!    


Before this world was created, apart from Great God Pangu, in fact, outside of this world, there were some natural-born Chaos demon god. They were born with the cultivation base of Gods, and the strongest among them had reached the level of Saints.    


Back then, daofather Hong Jun was naturally an ancient Chaos demon god from the outer space of this prehistorical world.    


He had taken advantage of the fact that the only Lord of Origin of this primeval world, pangu, had created the world and evolved the Great Dao. His body was in a weakened state, and he had actually attempted to forcibly possess Pangu's soul origin, planning to take over the magpie's nest and gain complete control of this world, allowing him to step into an even higher realm of the Great Dao.    


However, as the master of origin of a world, pan Gu was extraordinarily powerful, and could not be dealt with by any ordinary means.    


In order to stop Hongjun's wild ambitions, he wouldn't let his own efforts fall into the hands of others.    


Pan Gu decided to use his own body to transform into all things in the world, and then use his soul Yuan Divine to form the Three Pure Ones.    


This way, because a portion of the world's origin had been lost, he would be able to prevent Daofather Hongjun from perfecting the origin of this world, and then be unable to step into the Great Dao.    


What a pity!    


Although Pangu's idea was very good, daofather Hongjun had still found a way to resolve it.    


Since all the living beings in this world had been transformed by Pangu and were related to his resting, then as long as he killed all of these living beings and devoured a portion of their Origin energy, he would naturally be able to completely erase Pangu's karmic ties.    


Apart from that, there were also the twelve most difficult to deal with, the twelve of them were formed from Pan Gu blood essence. Ordinary methods wouldn't be able to kill them.    


As well as the Three Pure Ones formed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit. They were all the sons of fortune of this world. If they were killed, it wouldn't be difficult for them to completely control the natural source of this world.    


However -    


There were far too many living beings in this world, far too many. If they were forcibly killed, they would definitely be infected with the power of karmic karma. In the end, daofather Hongjun was still unable to completely perfect the Origin of this world.    




Daofather Hongjun had thought of a good idea, and that was to take the Three Purities as his disciples. Then, he would secretly start a war between the liches, and even lead Nuwa to create the human race to eliminate the natives of the prehistorical era. The War of the Gods, the War of the West... One after another, they would consume the first batch of living creatures that had been born in the prehistorical world. He didn't need Hongjun to personally take action, so he naturally couldn't be said to be affected by the power of karma.    


There was no doubt about it!    


In the end!    


Daofather Hongjun had succeeded!    


The primordial world had completely ceased to exist. It had transformed into a miniature world, and its overall strength was completely inferior to the primordial world.    


The first and second batch of native creatures, such as Di Jun, east Emperor Taiyi, zhao Gongming, shen Gongbao, and so on, were all wiped out by the legendary great gods of the primeval era.    




Daofather Hongjun was still a little bit lacking. He couldn't be considered a complete success. At most, he was only considered to have succeeded by a small portion. He was infinitely close to the realm of the Great Dao.    




The greatest variable in this world had appeared... Qin Feng!    


Of course!    


This did not mean... The current Qin Feng wasn't the Heavenly Martial Great Emperor, but the first life of Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng had the same origin as Hong Jun!    


His true identity was a Chaotic demon god from the Chaotic World. He was Great Immortal Yang Mei, who had comprehended the Great Dao of Space. His true form was a hollow willow tree.    


In fact!    


At the beginning, Qin Feng had been deceived by Hong Jun, so he had joined forces with Qin Feng to deal with the other devil ancestor Rahu, who wanted to conquer the Chaotic World.    




Hong Jun was too insidious!    


After dealing with his biggest competitor, rahu the Demon Ancestor, he started to scheme against Qin Feng and the other helpers, trying to get rid of all of them. In the future, he would be able to threaten the Chaos demon god and the others who were in charge of the Chaotic World.    


How unfortunate!    


Qin Feng's identity in his first life was Great Immortal Yang Mei, who controlled the spatial law. Using the supreme mystery of the spatial law, he successfully hid a hollow willow branch that carried a wisp of soul in the endless space-time, waiting for a chance to reincarnate in the future.    


And during this period of time -    


Because Daofather Hong Jun had completely dealt with the Chaos demon god of these chaosworlds, he began to arrange all kinds of 'Boundless Tribulations', killing the first batch of Chaos creatures formed by Pan Gu, and seizing the origin power within them.    


In the end!    


Daofather Hongjun began to prepare himself for a fierce battle against Tongtian, the Grand Supreme, primitive, and Nuwa's disciples.    




Old Lord Taishang, who had the highest talent, had created the Daoism Scripture. Old Lord Taishang, who had the deepest understanding of the Daoism, had suddenly sensed something.    




It was a critical moment!    


Old Lord Taishang decisively destroyed his Sage Dao Fruit, causing his cultivation to directly drop to the Quasi-Sage realm.    


Then, under Tongtian, primitive, nuwa and the others' desperate resistance, he managed to escape into the endless space-time with the help of a hollow willow branch that suddenly appeared.    


At this moment, daofather Hongjun had yet to become the true controller of the primordial world's quintessence. The only Primordial Purple Dao Fruit that could sense Old Lord Taishang had been destroyed by Old Lord Taishang. In addition, great Immortal Yang Mei's control over the Dao of Space was far too powerful. He had completely cut off Daofather Hongjun's detection, even though he had personally seen Old Lord Taishang escape from time and space. However, he was still unable to find any trace of Old Lord Taishang.    


It was precisely because he had lost a portion of Old Lord Taishang's Origin energy that Daofather Hongjun had been unable to truly perfect the Great Dao Origin of this world, allowing him to step into the Great Dao Realm!    


After that!    


Great Immortal Yang Mei had used up too much energy to save Old Lord Taishang, so he was unable to maintain the Soul Power any longer. He had to undergo reincarnation as soon as possible in order to have a chance of survival.    




Only then did Old Lord Taishang transform into the "Dan Qingxuan." He used the identity of "Dan Qingxuan" to guide Qin Feng's previous life, the "Sky Martial Great Emperor," and set foot on the path of cultivation.    


That's right!    


Dan Qingxuan. Dan Elder was one of the legendary Three Pure Ones, the Supreme Saint!    


This was also why Dan Qingxuan's skill in alchemy was so great! Why was Pill Clarity Profound Hall a pill furnace refinement hall! Why did Dan Qingxuan have the Dao Comprehension Tea! Why did Dan Qingxuan control the Heaven Earth Exquisite Mysterious Pagoda!? Why was Dan Qingxuan able to take out the Dao Virtue Scripture...    




Dan Qingxuan was Old Lord Taishang!    


Regarding all of this!    


It was only after Qin Feng fused with the cultivation base of the nine-story pagoda and stepped into the realm of the Great Dao that he truly understood everything.    


The realm of Great Dao!    


There was nothing that he didn't know, everything that he didn't know, and there was nothing that he couldn't do!    


This was the true meaning of absolute invincibility!    


Why couldn't the "Three Lives Stone" in the Nine Nether Hell reflect Qin Feng's first life, great Immortal Yang Mei?    


That was because Qin Feng's first life didn't belong to the primeval world. Qin Feng had already existed before the underground reincarnation was established.    


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