The Queen And The Freak

C2 Chapter 2 - Marge

C2 Chapter 2 - Marge

*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Shut the hell up, you f**king clock!” I shouted as I reached for the noisy thing on the nightstand and the alarm clock turned into pieces as I threw it to the wall.    


Monday, and I really hate this day. But no matter how much I hate it, it still comes. It's like a lifetime curse that you cannot run away from. Like, who the hell likes Monday? Well, I do like it if there are no classes.    


“What was it, Blair?” Marge yelled as she hurried to my room and came in. Then I just buried my face in my pillow.    


“Okay, you just broke your clock. That was still new. First time using it, and it's now dead. Nice. Very nice. I should have glued it there.” She remarked, and I'm sure that her hands are on her waist even if I'm not looking at her.    


“Yeah, that thing is so noisy,” I sleepily replied and hid under the sheets so that she won't see me using her deadly laser eyes.    


“Get off from your bed now, young lady, or I have to pull you out of it myself.” She told me with her stern mommy voice.    


Argh, here she goes again. I thought if I agreed to live here with her in her home, she would let me do the things I wanted.    


“Can I just not go to school, Marge? I still want to sleep, and you know how much I need to sleep. I need it like how I needed oxygen to breathe.” I asked her and reasoned out something lame, and I just knew that she wouldn't listen to me.    


I peeked then I opened my left eye, and I saw her raising an eyebrow while glaring at me with her eyes that never blink. Oh, please, give this human some sunglasses!    


“Please?” Alright, I need to beg her with my ultimate best puppy dog face. What I remember is that this one works well before. I don't know about it now. That was three years ago.    


“No! Get up now and take a shower, you stinky being! Food is ready downstairs.” She replied and turned to leave my room. Ugh! It's not effective on her now.    


“And... don't even think of sleeping in the bathtub!” She added and finally went out of my room.    


“Argh, fine!” I groaned and involuntarily got up from my lovely bed to do the morning rituals.    


That woman is Margarette Kendall, and she is not my mother. I think she's my mom's best friend or just somebody who has taken good care of me since I was born. Well, I don't know who my real mother is. I never saw her face, and I don't know what she is. Marge told me that she died upon giving birth to me. And my father? Well, I don't know either who he is, and what he is, or if he is still alive.    


I have been bullied when I was young because of my family. They said that I was a killer. A mother killer. Sh*t, was it my fault that she did not know how to give birth, and she died? I think not. What do I know during that time?    


I don't even know why I am different from the one who raised me. She is a human, and I am not a normal person. I am very far from being one. But Marge accepted me and took good care of me like her own daughter.    


I am a vampire, and I don't know why. Mostly everyone that knows me back in Transylvania looks at me like I am a monster, but I know my truth.    


Yes, it's true. I did kill people, a lot. But they are just the crazy and ruthless vampires and werewolves who want to kill humans to suck their blood and ease their thirst and hunger. I am not known as a hero. Because they also accuse me of killing my kind because they ridiculously thought that those monsters are my foes in killing humans for my needs. Well, the hell with their minds! I have never ever killed a human being for blood, not even sucking directly from their skin and flesh. Because my foster mom has provided me with blood bags from hospitals since I was still so young, and I haven't had to drink blood every day since the time that Marge gave me a special and magical necklace. She said that it was from my mother and she told her to give it to me when I turn eight. It's just so amazing because it could hide my vampire form. I mean, it changes my appearance almost completely.    


Well, I'm a human now, and that's because of this necklace always hanging on my neck. It's small crystal-like rock with a blue green solor, and I guess it has a magic spell to make me human whenever I wish to be one. Marge said that it is a wishing crystal.    


I am paler when I'm a vampire, and I have red eyes and straight nice brown hair. And I have green eyes and still brown hair when I'm human. I stand about 5'8” in height and have an average body. But I don't know if I look good or not in this form because it's not my thing to look at myself in the mirror. After all, I cannot see my reflection whenever I am a vampire. And I don't care much about my looks, human or not. So, yeah, that's my short backstory.    




I walked down the stairs with my backpack in my right hand. And then I sat down on my chair while staring at my food intently in dismay.    


“Marge, do I really need to eat this thing?” I asked her as she sipped from her coffee mug.    


“Yes, Honey, it is what they call bacon and eggs.” She answered, and then she stood up to wash her mug and plate at the sink as she had finished her breakfast.    


“Why do people here eat this kind of sh*t?” I asked her in disbelief, and I crossed my arms on my chest with my eyebrows meeting each other in turmoil.    


"Watch your language, Blair.” She remarked, and I gasped.    


Damn, I forgot again. Yeah, we got a deal that if we're already here in California, I shouldn't curse or anything. But I can't help it. It's difficult to adjust when you are used to doing something.    


“Sorry,” I apologized and poked the bacon with a fork.    


“And why do they eat that? It's because it is what they are used to eat. Are you really not kidding that you haven't changed your diet, Blair? Oh, well, this is totally Mr. and Mrs. Leroy's fault. Well, it's my fault, in the first place. Finish off your breakfast, and we are going to leave before we get late for school.” She uttered and murmured as she looked at her wristwatch.    


We both need to go to school because I'm in my senior year now. And I am totally not excited about going to school of anything.    


I moved here from Transylvania two weeks ago, and Marge is a science teacher at the academy I was enrolled in. Well, she's the one who registered me in that one hell of a place.    


She left me at Transylvania, or should I say I made her leave me there when I was fourteen as she searches for a new life here. I stayed with the old Leroys’ on a farm, and it was great. Those humans treated me nicely even if they knew that I was a vampire and committed a few crimes there. Fine, a lot. And now that I just turned seventeen, Marge decided to get me there, and I have to live with her here. We just got into a very intense fight when she found out that I did cruel things back there when she was not around for three years. She was so mad at me, and I just went to explain to her the reasons why I did those things that I did. Thankfully, she understood and let it pass. It is also because she wants me to experience a new life—human life. And I just hope that I will enjoy this and will survive this. I know that it's really hard socializing with human beings.    


"Um, Marge, can I just eat an apple instead? Two maybe?” I asked her, and she turned to look at me.    


I just don't like this kind of food. Call me vegetarian, but I would never eat their food if it has meat. I prefer cereals and vegetables and others that aren't meat. The meat just tastes just like cardboard to me, since as a vampire, I only need the blood and not the meat of anything.    


“Okay, I understand you, Blair. You should have bought me that vegan recipe book so I could cook you whatever you like there." Marge answered while looking at me sympathetically. She doesn't quite know that I am still on this kind of diet since we never shared a meal when I got here. I mostly sleep the whole day, and she always goes to the academy where she works to prepare for the incoming opening of the classes.    


And, oh, yeah, I remember now. I wasn't able to buy that recipe book because of that blonde gorgeous b*tch who owned that place. Now, I wonder where she resides. Hmm.    


"Yey, thanks! Maybe next time, Marge. I will surely buy you one." I rejoiced, and I happily headed to the fridge.    




After devouring two apples, Marge already took her keys from her purse, and she said, "Let's go, Blair. Get your---” and I cut her off.    


“Marge, I can drive myself to school,” I told her, and her lips pouted.    


“But-” She began again, and I cut her off again.    


“I got my motorbike. And... I already promised that I'm not going to hit the speed limit again. Okay? I don't want to be chased again by traffic men, who can never really catch me.” I explained as I picked up my bag, and I was ready to leave.    


“Okay, just text me if there's any problem, or go to the faculty office.” She replied and headed to the door.    


“Yeah, sure. Thanks!” I replied with a bright smile.    


“Your schedule paper is in your notebook. And you got your books in your locker.” She added, and I smiled widely.    


Alright, I am just so lucky. I got a mom, a sister, a best friend, a nanny, and a teacher all at the same time in the house. All in one, right? Well, I couldn't be more thankful that I have this wonderful woman in my life.    


Then I grab my keys from my jeans' left pocket as I headed to the door.    


Marge is still in the garage, so I waited until she got out.    


“Good luck on your first day of school, Blair! Don't do something bad, okay? Make me proud!” She yelled, and then she finally drove away to school.    


Well, I got one word to describe school—boring. No doubt.    


I finally closed the garage's overhead door and put on my helmet then followed Marge's car to head to the academy that is about five minutes’ drive from here.    


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