The Queen And The Freak

C1 Chapter 1 - Coffee

C1 Chapter 1 - Coffee

*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Hey, girl! Watch it!” I yelled at the dumb human who just bumped into me.    


And guess what? Unfortunately, she fell on the floor with all her coffee splashed in her dress. What a weak creature. But I don't know if it was hot, though. But I couldn't care less.    


“What the hell!” She cursed as she got up on her own.    


Why would I help her? She's the one who bumped into me. I'm the victim here!    


Then I kept my phone in my jacket's right pocket, and I just raised an eyebrow at her without saying anything.    


I'm about to turn around to leave the crime scene when she speaks again... or should I say yell. She's losing her temper, and I think that I'm in tiny trouble here. Should I exit now? I better should.    


“Lady, are you not going to say sorry?” She angrily asked, and okay, she's mad, and I kinda liked it.    


Her face is turning so red, and I'm laughing inside. No, I will just laugh at it later. She kinda looks cute with her cheeks blushing. No, no, she's not cute. Maybe just a bit.    


“Sorry, but it's not my fault that you fell on the floor with your coffee splashed all over your dress,” I countered and rolled my eyes. I'm sorry, Babe, but I'm not sorry.    


I turned around to leave this bookstore/library/coffee shop. Well, I don't know what place this is. And what am I doing here, again? Oh, I remember now. Marge told me to buy a vegan recipe book. I'll just tell her that I didn't find it here because someone here is about to spit fire at me.    


And before I could totally turn around, I saw the girl's beyond-angry-face. Oh, well, I think this is going to be fun. And as I expected, she grabbed me by my right shoulder with her sticky left hand that is coffee-flavored.    


'Sh*t!' I cursed in my mind while trying to keep my cool. She is just a young little weak human, Blair. Relax. She doesn't worth any of my time.    


And I finally faced her again and gave her a what-the-f*ck-is-wrong-with-you-? look. Then she blurted out like a goat under the rain.    


“Don't you know that a passageway is for the people who are passing to it and not for the people who stand on it? Bystanders are not allowed in this place. See that signage? You better just leave if you have nothing else to do or purchase anything here.” She sneered, and I just stood there, unmoved, while blinking my eyes.    


Who-what did she just say to me? I'll just pretend that I didn't hear those. Humans are more complex to deal with than I thought. Lucky for me, only a few of these creatures approach me back in my hometown.    


“And for you to know, Blondie, I was just standing here, and you were the one who was walking and making some motions, and then you bumped onto me. So… it was not my fault. Are we clear here?” I retorted while emphasizing that I am still in the same spot where I was standing earlier.    


I need to defend myself. It would not have happened if she was just not so clumsy. It really wasn't my fault. Where was she looking at earlier, though? Was she stunned seeing me? Hmm? That's suspicious. Or maybe she's just naturally clumsy.    


But honestly, I feel a little sorry. She looked like crap right now with coffee stains on her dress. Oh, poor tiny human. Still, I will not accept that it was my fault.    


Right now, she's been trying to make herself calm. And rhen she speaks again after three long seconds of silence.    


“Do you know who you are messing with?” She asked in a calm tone of voice and stared at me in the eyes with her electric blue ones.    


Why the heck would I care to know who she is? The only human I know around here is Marge, so far.    


“And... Do you know who I am, who is messing with you?” I responded with the same tone of voice she used and stared at her eyes with my green ones.    


And that's the start of the staring contest. I looked deep into her eyes and deep down to her soul, and... Boom! She looked away while rolling her eyes. Hah, I won!    


“You don't know what you are dealing with,” she let out in disbelief and crossed her arms on her chest. Well, I don't know you, so, back off, would you? Also, you are the one who doesn't have any idea who and what you are dealing with, darling.    


“Oh, is it indispensable to know who I'm messing with? And for your information, I mess up with everybody who gets in my way. Every. Body. So, just move along. Now, you are the one who is blocking my way.” I uttered, and with that, there she got angry again.    


Why is this girl so short-tempered? Is she in her period? Oops, no, I should not think anything about blood. Damn it!    


“Miss Winsley, is something wrong going on in here?” A woman asked her, and she was about mid-forty, and she handed her a small towel.    


Then she turned her gaze to me and looked at me sharply.    


Silly old human, I'm not afraid of you.    


And that ain't gonna work on the sticky coffee on her dress and arms.    


“Thanks, Mandy! And please, put this girl in front of me in her right place.” The blondie ordered as she pointed at me, and it made me raise my left eyebrow.    


Whoa, am I kind of a thing that is misplaced? These people are hilarious.    


She took the towel and was about to walk away when the woman named Mandy turned to me and said, “Lady, you better not mess with the owner of this establishment, or I have to call the police.”    


I silently chuckled at her statement. Well, there's nothing more stupid than them. Call the police? What did I do that is so hideous to be considered a crime? Murdered someone? Well, no, I haven't killed anyone yet in this country.    


“Hey, Ma'am, for you to know, it was your owner who bumped into me. So, back off, or you will know the real me, and I bet you wouldn't like it, even a bit.” I explained and warned her, and she turned to her owner. Yeah, I guess that girl with pretty wavy blonde hair and nice electric blue eyes is her master.    


The adorable fussy girl turned to me again, and before she could speak, I stepped closer to her till our faces were four inches away.    


I'm so tired of this already, and I badly want to go home so I can eat and sleep for the rest of the day. It's still so early on a Saturday morning in the summer. People here are so damn hot-headed. I should have stayed in my room.    


Then I stared deep into her blue eyes to warn her that I am not afraid of whoever she is.    


“Hmm, so you are the owner of this place, eh? And what do you expect me to do? Bow on to you like you're a queen and do everything you say? Not gonna happen, Miss, even in your wildest dreams.” I let out, and there it goes. I about to lose my temper. I'm just so pissed already. Why am I even wasting my time here?    


She seemed surprised upon hearing my words, and I can see through her eyes that she was about to explode in anger, too. Okay, let's see what you got.    


“We are not yet done here. I'm sure we will meet again, and I'm going to make sure that you will kneel in front of me.” She growled while trying to calm her voice so she would not sound mad.    


Then I grinned when her statement registered in my mind. That sounds interesting. She wants to see me again! Why for? Hmmm. And kneel in front of her? Why?    


“Alright then… I can't wait to see you again. By the way, it was so nice meeting you.” I replied and winked at her before I turned around and left before she could say anything in reply.    


I walked confidently through the doors while wearing a big grin on my face.    


'Stupid humans.' I muttered.    


I bit my lower lip while pushing the glass door open, thinking of the silly thing that just happened back there.    


“You will pay for this, Freak! I'll remember your face, and I will make sure that you won't get away with this! You...” I heard her yell, but I did not pay attention to her at all. I just went straight to where my motorbike is parked.    


"So, I'm in debt with that girl, huh? How much could that dress and her coffee cost? And why the heck do I care? We'll probably not see each other again. America is so damn wide, let alone Cali." I mumbled as I wore my helmet and then revved my motorbike.    


"She looks gorgeous, though." I thought of her again while smirking as I am driving on the highway, but I quickly shook it off my mind.    


Why am I even thinking of a girl who is looking so nice? No, I am not crushing on her. I was just thinking that she is cute. Nah, erase that. She's a total pain in the ass.    


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