The Queen And The Freak

C10 Chapter 10 - WTF Is This?

C10 Chapter 10 - WTF Is This?

*Blair’s Point of View*    




I am totally stunned, shocked, and confused when I saw the queenb*tch of her academy smiling and wanting to eat ice cream with me.    


Is the world about to end?    


“What flavor do you like?” She asked me cheerfully. And who the fudge is this girl?    


I never really imagined her to be like this. I have never seen her smile or even laugh before. And fudge, she is beyond gorgeous right now, and she makes my heart beat faster. This girl is so freaking weird.    


“I… umm...ah. Van…vanilla.” Sh*t, why did I just stutter? She only asked me what ice cream flavor I wanted to eat. Fudge this!    


Then she handed me the ice cream in her right hand.    


“Good choice. So, do you like ice cream?” She asked me, and I put the ice from my forehead between my lap to take the ice cream pack from her.    


“Well, yeah! But… Umm, can I ask you something?” I replied while opening the thing in my hold.    


“You already did. But, yeah, what is it?” She answered as she opened her ice cream pack, too.    


“Well, how will we eat this thing if we don't have a spoon?” I asked her curiously while looking at her. I'll be fine eating this using my bare hand, but only if I am all alone.    


She made an adorable 'oh' face and searched for something from the compartment of her car.    


Wow, how many things does she have in her car?    


“Yeah, here.” She said and handed me a plastic spoon in a napkin.    


She surely didn't plan on eating ice cream with me tonight, did she?    


“Thanks! And do you usually eat ice cream during the evening?” I asked her as I got the spoon from her hand. And just as then my fingers touched hers, and I felt the electricity again when she grabbed my hand earlier. Does she have superpowers or something? I swear she is some kind of something special.    


“Well, yeah! I love eating ice cream during the evening, and...” She answered and paused. Then she hit something in her car dashboard, and suddenly, the headlights went off, and the roof of her car was gone. Whoa!    


“Stargazing,” she added and looked up at the starry sky.    


Wow, that rhymes. Eating ice cream in the evening while stargazing. Or not. But it sounds exciting.    


“Damn, what a nice car you got here.” I complimented, and then I looked up too and saw the beautiful sky. It was clear from the clouds, and the stars were shining to their brightest lights and twinkling.    


“Yeah, you liked it?” She asked and scooped her ice cream then shoved it into her mouth.    


“Hmm. Yep, the way I love to see you always like this.” Wait, what did I just say? Stupid tongue.    


And now, she looked at me with a dazed look. Damn, she's really cute when she does that.    


“Umm, I-ah mean... I loved... your car.” I stuttered.    


Fudge it! Can this night be more perfect?    


“That's not what I've heard earlier.” She said and taunted me.    


“Fudge, did I just made myself sound stupid?” I let out while shoving some ice cream into my mouth and looked up at the sky again.    


“Umm, I guess so.” She answered.    


And again, she hit something in her car that made my seat slowly tilting, and I sat up straight.    


“What the...?” I was startled, and I bet that I looked like a clueless baboon right now.    


“Relax. I'll make it easy for us to see the sky.” She explained, and I chuckled.    


Our seat is almost lying flat now but tilting a little, which is enough for us to see the sky fully while eat this mouthwatering treat.    


“Okay,” I mumbled and let out a breath.    


Why didn't I buy a car like this for me not to be this ignorant? Nope, I like bikes more because they're not making you late because of traffic, and they are super easy to drive. And lastly, they are super cool and fast.    




We ate silently while just admiring the beauty of the stars together.    


I love this feeling. It's so calm, relaxing and so beautiful. I surely won't forget this my whole life. This is the first time that I got to hang out with a human stranger and happened to be my enemy and hater. I wonder if she still hates me. Mmm, absolutely.    


“Umm… May I ask how you got here? I don't see your car or whatever.” She suddenly asked while looking at me.    


While I, on the other hand, is trying to find my best answer to her question. I can't tell her that I teleported here from Marge's house. She'll totally freak out and maybe won't believe me if I do tell her. Come on, brain, work for even just once.    


“Well, as you see, I don't have a car with me or either my baby with me like she always does. I just commuted this time and walked through here.” I did my best to explain, and I saw her arched an eyebrow. And I got what she meant.    


“Oh, yeah, my baby, my…my motorbike. Like, I always bring her wherever I go,” I added.    


Then she made a cute 'o' face again and lightly nodded her head.    


“So... you think I was with somebody?” I curiously asked her because it is what I sensed.    


“Kind of.” She shortly answered then stared at the sky again.    


“Well, I haven't found the one yet,” I uttered while thinking if Pryce will be my first kiss and my only one. Then I smiled at the idea, and I shook it off my mind immediately. When did I start thinking of kissing her? Stupid brain, don't work like that.    


“Wow! Reall? So you've never been in a relationship before?” She asked me in disbelief.    


Am I that hard to believe?    


“Yeah, is there something wrong with it?” I said, and then I turned to look at her. And I saw her smiling so big like she just won the lottery. She won't be teasing me about it, isn't she?    


Well, the truth is, no one likes me from the place I have been. Everyone thinks that I am a freak, even the supernatural folks.    


“Definitely nothing. But I just wondered why such a beautiful girl like you hadn't found the right guy for you yet.” She said as she stared at the sky while playing with her hands.    


Did she call me beautiful? Am I hearing it right?    


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