The Queen And The Freak

C9 Chapter 9 - Unusual

C9 Chapter 9 - Unusual

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




“Babe, do you still want to put some ice on it, or you'll just stare at me till morning?” She asked, and that brought me back to reality. This girl never fails to make my heart skip a beat because of her stubbornness.    


“You're so full of yourself, Freak. And never in your dreams that I will stare at you till morning.” I said to her as I walked to the trunk of my car to grab some ice from the cooler. Then I wrapped it in my handkerchief and tied it.    


I went back to her and handed her the thing in my hold.    


She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear it clearly, and she took the ice from me. And before she could put it near her wound, I stopped her by holding her hand that had the ice.    


“Let me clean the blood first,” I told her, and she didn't protest as my other hand searched for a thin white T-shirt from the compartment of my car. It's for emergency purposes that I always have it here.    


I slowly wiped the blood that dripped down to the middle of her cheeks. And she flinched a little when I was at the wound part, and I could see that around it had started to swell.    


“Okay, you can put it on now,” I told her, and she complied and then let out the heavy breath that she was holding for a while.    


She didn't say anything, but instead, she closed her eyes and laid her head on the headrest.    


“What came into your pea brain when you went to such an abandoned place like this, huh?” She asked me, like blaming me, and she's still closing her eyes.    


I didn't say a word, but I walked to the driver's seat and sat there while thinking about what I would answer.    


“What if you were right that I am a psychopath and will kill you, or else I am a murderous vampire? What will you do then?” She asked like she was reprimanding me because I'm a kid that made the mistake of eating my sister's cookies.    


“Are you?” I answered her question with a question. I just know that she would not do that, and she is neither of those.    


“Hmm... What if wild animals will be here and eat you, or some drug addicts are camping here and will probably hurt or rape you and throw you somewhere to a cliff?” She ranted, and now, she opened her eyes and looked at me.    


“Mmm... Will you let me get hurt by them?” I answered her question with a question the second time.    


“Babe, stop answering my questions with questions.” And... she did it again. What's wrong with this girl that makes me feel so uneasy?    


“Stop calling me 'babe'. And... you were the one who told me to be here or else you will haunt me in my dreams.” I told her truthfully with a bit of a lie.    


“You're so gullible. What made you think that I can haunt you in your dreams? What am I? A goblin?” She replied as if talking to an impossible that will not happen.    


“You are already haunting me in my dreams every night,” I murmured silently to the point that no one could hear.    


“What did you say?”    


Yes! She didn't hear me.    


“Nothing, it's just that it's your fault that you were hit in the head for making me believe you to go to a place like this,” I replied while defending myself and changing the subject.    


“Now, is it my fault that I earned this?” She scoffed and pointed to her right eyebrow.    


“Yep!” I answered her while popping the 'p'.    


“Well, in the first place, you shouldn't have gone here,” she asserted and checked her bruise in the mirror.    


“Well, in the most first place, you shouldn't have told me to come here,” I countered while leaning into her to see her bruise if it's okay.    


“I was supposed to tell you that I was just kidding when I forgot, and I remembered it when I was already at the parking lot,” she explained, and it's so nice of her that she went here to check if I did go here. I'm not mad at her now.    


“Okay, but there's nothing we can do about it. We are here now, and it's almost eight in the evening.” I told her. Yep, we should do something. Not that something something, but something valuable and fun.    


“Well, I guess you're right.” She let out as she put back the ice near her injury.    


“I'm always right,” I replied and smiled proudly.    


“I'm sorry,” she mumbled softly that I could barely hear it.    


“What?” I asked her while raising an eyebrow.    


“I said, I'm sorry.” She repeated it, a little bit louder, and she closed her eyes.    


“What? Did you just say sorry?” I asked her in disbelief, and I chuckled.    


“Fudge it! Okay, I'm taking it back,” she uttered, and I just find it cute when she doesn't want to say the F word and replace it with fudge instead. Well, yes, she is so cute. No, gorgeous.    


“No, I forgive you. And I'm sorry, too, that I've hit you. It's already a bruise now and got a wound. That is so evil of me.” I let out apologetically. But she still looks beautiful with it. Mmmhm.    


“It's fine. I deserved this one for making you go here. And also, I didn't plan to scare you earlier.” She said while looking at her right hand.    


“Well, I did freak out earlier. It was just that I easily got scared. Startled, I mean.” I replied, and I giggled. I never thought that I could be talking to her like this. I'm getting so comfortable with her presence now.    


Then I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get two ice creams of different flavors. I got vanilla and double-dutch flavors. I don't know what she likes, so I will just bring two of my favorites. Well, I love eating ice cream, especially during the evening while watching movies on my bed. But tonight, I will share it with a stranger and an enemy of mine that I got a thing with, that I don't know. How ironic, right? But I'm feeling so ecstatic about it.    


Finally, I went back to the driver's seat and showed her the ice creams on each of my hands and asked her, “What flavor do you like?”    


She seemed surprised or shocked to see me smiling and will be eating ice cream with her tonight.    


There's nothing else we can do, and I would love to spend some time with her. I want to know her more.    


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