The Queen And The Freak

C15 Chapter 15 - Stopwatch

C15 Chapter 15 - Stopwatch

*Blair’s Point of View*    




I looked at the most gorgeous girl that I have ever laid my eyes on. And I think I was stunned a little but recovered quickly when she looked at me with her eyebrows meeting each other and a face in pure disbelief.    


When I remembered that I was still holding the bastard down, I released him but pushed him to the floor, and his face landed first.    


“F*ck!” He cursed, and I didn't feel sorry for him. He deserves that.    


“Uh... Hi, there!” I greeted her while smiling at her widely.    


“What happened here?” She asked no one in particular, and I waited for someone in the crowd to answer.    


Everybody went silent, and the bully was looking down like he found his shoes more interesting to look at than the face of an angel who is in front of us.    


I just stared at the glorious queen and cleared my throat to speak out about what actually happened here.    


“Well,” I started as I picked up my poor book on the floor.    


She raised an eyebrow then I continued.    


“Here's what happened… This dude shoved curly-haired shy boy to the lockers and then,” I began with my narration and paused, then I thought of the right word to describe what happened    


“Then...?” She uttered while crossing her arms on her chest.    


“As I was about to go back to the classroom because I forgot my history book here, I bumped into him, and he punched my locker, and because I dropped my book, he wanted to punch me again, but I gripped his fists and twisted them to his back…. And…” She just stared at me while telling me to continue. Whew, that's a lot of 'and' right there. And I need to breathe for a while.    


“I just want him to apologize to the boy, and that's all. The show had finished when you showed up here.” I finished explaining and proudly smiled.    


She seemed not convinced, so I asked the crowd. “Isn't that right, Everybody?”    


I saw some of them nodded their heads, and their queen seemed convinced.    


She looked at the rude guy and said to him with authority, “Go to the principal's office, now!”    


The guy didn't say anything but obeyed the owner of the academy.    


“Every one of you, go to your classrooms immediately. The classes are about to start.” She asserted to everybody, and they quickly moved.    


“Wow! You sound more like a commander in a battalion of soldiers.” I let out in amusement and kind of feel guilty for making trouble.    


She didn't say a thing but just walked straight to the stairs. I think she'll head to our classroom.    


“Umm... Aren't you gonna send me, too, to the principal's office?” I asked her while walking fast to catch up. She walks really fast, and in fact, I have long legs since I'm taller than her. Well, it's just an inch, maybe.    


“If you want to go there, you can go,” she said in a b*tchy tone and kept on walking. Ooh, she really did comply with what she said last night.    


“Well, never mind,” I muttered, and I shrugged my shoulders.    


Truth be told, I don't wanna go there and be punished. I just did the right thing, right?    


As we were walking in the hallways, I heard her chuckle. She's really cute when she shows her real self.    


“So, he didn't get the chance to punch you?” She curiously asked and stopped in her tracks to scan my face.    


“No one can mess up with this face of mine, except... you,” I replied and pointed to my right eyebrow and smiled.    


“Okay. Then why is it that you didn't block my attack last night?” She asked while smiling like an actual angel.    


“Well, last night... I… uh... I was defenseless,” I truthfully told her.    


I certainly didn't think that she could hit me straight on my head with her baseball bat. That fudging hurts so much, though. I never knew that humans are more vulnerable than I thought.    


“Really? And what made you defenseless?” She inquisitively asked me while smiling. Damn, she's absolutely beyond beautiful when she smiles.    


“Well, last night's case was… I... Umm, I kind of didn't see you carrying a baseball bat, and I was too late to react,” I explained, and we continued walking.    


We kept on chatting and laughing as we talked about something on our way to our classroom. Then she asked me, “What time is it already?”    


I looked at my watch and saw that it was still the same time that I left the classroom earlier.    


“Sh*t!” I cursed, and I suddenly felt my heart begin beating faster with what I had found out.    


“What?” Pryce worriedly asked me.    


“My watch stopped. It’s dead. And I believe it’s now called a stopwatch.” I answered while looking around and noticed that nobody was walking in the hallways anymore. I didn't notice the bell rang.    


“WHAT?” She yelled and searched for her phone inside her bag.    


“F*ck!” She cursed.    


Wow! Now, I didn't know that this girl could curse.    


“What?” It's my turn to ask her now.    


“We are already three minutes late. Sh*t! We are doomed.” She let out and cursed.    


Then Pryce started to run to the classroom since we were already here on the third floor of our building.    


“And?” I asked her to continue, but I joined the race.    


“We will be sent to detention because it's Mrs. Johnson.” She anxiously answered.    


“Okay. So, we will be in detention for the second day of school,” I mumbled, and I think that's fine. At least, it's not the first day, right?    


“Sh*t, you have to think of a good excuse, Freak.” She uttered while looking at me with a troubled face.    


“Umm… You are the owner of this academy, can they not excuse you? You are the one who pays them for their jobs.” I asked, and she looked at me. And she sighed in frustration and took a deep breath.    


“I'm a student. They won't consider it, and besides, I told them to treat me like the others. Just like what happened to your mom's class yesterday.” She explained, and I lightly nodded my head. And she thinks that Marge is my mother. I wish she were, but unfortunately, she's not.    


“Okay. And obviously, you don't want to get to detention.” I remarked as we were already in front of the classroom.    


“Yeah, of course! And I don't want to skip class either.” She replied, and that made us have no choice at all.    


“Then we go to detention,” I asserted and was about to knock on the door, but she stopped my right hand.    


And I felt sparks flowing from her touch once again. This girl really got superpowers.    


Then I was puzzled when she dragged me away, and she said, “We're gonna skip.”    


“I thought you don’t want to skip classes?” I amusedly asked her, and she's still holding my right hand.    


Then she leads me to the stairs that are heading to the fourth floor of this building, and straight to other stairs. And now, we're at a dead-end, but there's a door. She held the lock with her right hand while never letting my hand go, and she put the number combination of the lock, 976. And it opened.    


“Where are we?” I asked while she's still dragging me.    


Is she aware that she is still holding my hand? I'm not complaining, and I will not complain even if she will hold it forever.    


“Rooftop.” She shortly answered, and I finally got the sight of the beautiful place around us.    


You can see the whole campus around here. The view is truly magnificent. Her family must really be so fudging rich to have this kind of property.    


“Wow!” I let out in awe as I looked around to see a flower garden at the sides, a small basketball court, and some benches.    


“You like it?” She asked while looking at me and smiling so wide.    


“No,” I answered with a total lie.    


I looked at her, and she frowned. No, she pouted, and damn, what is this weird feeling inside me? Why does her lips look so inviting? And why the fudge am I looking at her lips?    


“I love it,” I added while smiling, and I saw her face crept a smile.    


Then she blushed and almost jumped in surprise when she noticed that she was still holding my hand.    


“I’m sorry.” She awkwardly apologized and blushed even more.    


“Oh, it's fine,” I replied, and I frowned when she let go of my hand.    


And she let out a nervous laugh and led me to a bench that had a roof that shaded the sunlight.    


Oh, brain, stop thinking that we will have another date. Was it even a date last night? Or maybe I was just the one who thinks about that? But honestly, I do love to spend more time with her.    


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