The Queen And The Freak

C16 Chapter 16 - Vegan

C16 Chapter 16 - Vegan

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




I'm here at the canteen while taking up my lunch, and I just noticed that Blair isn't here yet.    


When we were at the rooftop earlier, she just slept her ass out. Nope, I'm not disappointed. We could have talked about some things, right? But, ugh! Never mind. I guess I need to lie to Mrs. Johnson about sending Blair to the principal's office.    


My eyes kept on searching for the freak here but failed. I wonder where she could be?    


As I finished my lunch, I went straight to the classroom so that I could read the book that I borrowed yesterday. I really can’t help but smile at the memory of how I found this one at the library. I didn’t just find a book but also a girl who I like to read stories to someday. Oh, Blair, why are you always in my mind?    


I entered the classroom and found that no one's here 'til my eyes landed on my seat at the back.    


So, she did not go to the canteen because she slept here? Poor little freak. She must be hungry right now.    


Then my feet decided to go back to the canteen to buy something. My feet have their mind. How great is that?    


I got back so quickly and went to the sleeping Blair. And I smiled as I tapped her right shoulder to wake her up.    


She slowly opened her eyes and closed them back again. Then she opened it back again, and this time, she sat up straight. She rubbed her eyes and turned to look at me.    


“What are you doing here so early for the next class, Sweetheart?” She asked with her sleepy voice.    


I smiled at her and did not complain when she called me sweetheart. Well, I like it, honestly.    


“You skipped lunch. You must be hungry by now.” I told her while looking at her sympathetically, and she just smirked.    


“Nah, I'm used to it. I'm just going to sleep again, okay? If you wouldn't mind.” She replied and started to rest her head on her arms again, but I stopped her.    


“Here, eat this. You need to eat because we're going to have P.E. for the next subject,” I told her while handing her the cheeseburger and bottled water that I bought earlier.    


Her eyes went wide, and she stared at me in disbelief.    


“What have you eaten that made you even more freaking weird all this time?” She asked in disbelief while slightly shaking her head.    


“Hey, I'm not that bad,” I defended while faking a sad face.    


“Yeah, but you're weird.” She insisted, and I understand why she still cannot believe it. I could be nice if I want to, and I want to be nice to her right now and forever.    


“Here, take it. I don't want you to pass out later.” I said while staring at nowhere. But honestly, I don't want to look at her face because she has been intently staring at me, and I can feel that I'm about to melt.    


“Hey, you don't need to.” She declined my offer. Why is she such a freaking stubborn girl?    


“Take it or take it,” I asserted and closed the deal. And I noticed she looked for something inside her backpack.    


“Fine, but here.” She took the food from me but then handed me a 100-dollar bill from her wallet.    


“No, no. I don't take money for payments,” I declined while shaking my head.    


“Then what do you take?” She curiously asked me as she was opening the food container.    


“Ummm, nothing,” I answered and placed my hands on the table.    


“Uh, what about a K?” She asked, and I looked at her in skepticism.    


“What's a K?” I finally asked her.    


Earlier this morning, she told me that she would pay me 4K for occupying my parking spot, but I didn't get what she meant because she mentioned that it wasn't a thousand.    


“Are you sure you wanna know?” She asked and wiggled her left eyebrow while smirking. I wonder if her right eyebrow still hurts. Yeah, probably.    


“Nope,” I answered since I’m having a bad feeling about that K thing.    


“Okay, your choice.” She mumbled then looked at her cheese hamburger. I just shrugged my shoulders and searched for the book in my bag.    


“I'm vegan.” She admitted, and I snapped my head to look at her in disbelief.    


“Seriously?” I asked her since I’m not freaking convinced.    


“Yeah!” She answered while smirking. And a brilliant idea came into my mind, so I took the food from her.    


“Oh, don't worry, it's gonna be a cheeseburger, and it doesn't have any meat now,” I said while splitting the bun and taking out the steak using a napkin. There's only cheese, lettuce, and tomato left. And she shook her head while giggling.    


"You are so weird, indeed. You can’t convince me otherwise." She let out while I wrapped the steak with a napkin, and I stood up to throw it in the trash bin by the corner of the room.    


"I just know how to handle situations," I proudly said and went back to my seat.    


“Okay, but thank you, by the way.” She thanked me, and I smiled. I truly am so happy about this moment because we have some time alone together again. Yey!    


Then I let her eat her meatless burger while I decided to open my book to read.    


Nobody's going up here in the classroom since we are having P.E. at the gym later. And we still have about thirty-five minutes, so we'll stay here for a while.    




During P.E., our teacher introduced the lesson about ball games. And we are paired up because we have basketball. Luckily, I was paired with Blair. That is super so great. Mhmm.    


And right now, we are doing the chest pass. We have to do this twenty times, and we are still at twelve.    


I suddenly noticed that she seemed bored because she's not looking at me. She's looking somewhere else.    


Then I followed her gaze and found that she had been staring at a trash can. Now, I feel jealous of the trashcan. Hey, I'm way more beautiful than a trash can!    


And then there's this girl who just came into the gym. She's the one who excused herself earlier to go to her locker to get something.    


Blair’s gaze turned to that girl, and I didn't notice that I passed the ball so strongly that it hit her face, and she fell on her butt.    


“Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry!” I let out in panic as I rushed to her.    


Some of our classmates stopped what they were doing to look at what had just happened.    


“I'm fine, I'm sorry. I didn't notice the ball coming.” She uttered and released her hand from the portion she was hit, but then blood started to spread on her plastered wound from last night.    


Sh*t! Pryce, you are not serious about harming her physically. Damn it! She's just so reckless, or am I? No, she is.    


“Damn it! You are bleeding, Blair! I'm so sorry.” I anxiously said, and clearly, I don't know what to do.    


“No, it's fine. Seriously.” She replied while getting up.    


Our teacher approached us and told the other students to resume what they're doing.    


“What happened here?” Mrs. Whitman asked worriedly.    


“It's a... I'm fine, Mrs. Whitman,” Blair replied to the teacher.    


I stood up and dusted off my pants.    


“It's my fault, Ma’am. I accidentally hit her head with the ball.” I explained to her, and she turned her gaze on me.    


“But it's totally fine. It was an accident.” Blair let out while looking at the teacher.    


“No, it's still bleeding. Go to the clinic, and let the nurse clean that up. You are excused from my class now. And, oh, Miss Winsley, you can accompany her.” The teacher told us, and we nodded our heads in response.    


Yep, that should be cleaned up and get plastered again.    


The teacher left us, and we proceeded to get our bags then went to the clinic.    




“I'm sorry, Blair. I didn't mean to... it's just that... you didn't notice the ball.” I kept on apologizing to her while I’m sitting here inside the clinic and watching the nurse cleaning the wound.    


“No, it's my fault. I lost my focus, and my face caught the ball.” She joked and laughed at it.    


“But, I'm sorry, okay?” I asserted while playing with my hands. I just feel so freaking guilty. I have harmed her twice already.    


“I'll be fine Right, nurse?” She said and looked at the nurse.    


“Yep. It'll be fine. Aren't you the one who made Jake's knuckles swell?” The nurse answered then asked while she's plastering Blair's wound.    


“Uh, I didn't know that he had hurt himself,” Blair responded while smirking.    


I don't quite understand this girl. She's quick in dodging that guy's attacks, but she's too slow to avoid mine. But I don't attack her purposely. Those are all accidents, alright? Unintentional. But I really should be careful next time.    


“He told me that he was supposed to make your face bleed. But I guess that kid got no chance on making that since he got suspended for a week.” The nurse replied, and she's almost finished with her work.    


Blair just shrugged her shoulders and stood up as she was finally done.    


I felt sudden anger when I heard that Jake Brandon is going to punch Blair in the face for revenge. He deserved to be suspended, and next time he will make a mess in my academy, I will totally expel him. I can’t tolerate that kind of behavior in my academy.    




We left the clinic, and now, we are walking in the hallways.    


“Well, I guess only a ball and a baseball bat can touch my face. Right, Sweetheart?” Blair said while she was grinning like an idiot. She really doesn't get tired of smiling, isn't she? And truth be told, she looks so gorgeous.    


“Haha, right! And please, stop calling me Sweetheart, will you, Blair?” I uttered, and I think my face quickly flushed.    


“Oh, yeah, right. Sorry about that.” She replied and looked down as the atmosphere became awkward. And what are we going to talk about now?    


Damn it! I should have just let her. Lesson learned, just let her call me whatever name she wants.    


“I guess we can go to our classroom now since we're excused in P.E., “ I said just to dismiss the awkward topic of me being called sweetheart by my crush.    


“Yep. That’s a great plan.” She agreed as we walked on our way to our classroom, but I don’t have any idea what we are going to do in the classroom. Maybe I should continue reading my book. And I guess this pretty freak will be sleeping again.    


We don’t have anything to talk about, right? Honestly, I do have a lot of things to ask to know her more, but never mind.    


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