The Queen And The Freak

C18 Chapter 18 - Party?

C18 Chapter 18 - Party?

*Blair’s Point of View*    




Today's Wednesday, the third day of school, and I'm here at the parking lot.    


I just parked my baby in a different spot from yesterday. Because the queen really made sure to come here early today.    


Then I make my way to my locker to put up and get some stuff. And I noticed that the students around were still staring at me.    


What's wrong with these people? Aren't they tired of eyeing me? It's my third day here already. Why do you have to be so mean to me, Humans? I am doing my best to be nice to all of you… almost all of you.    


I finally reached my locker, and I could hear some of the students gossiping about other students, too. Hmmm, typical school life.    


“Hey, guys! Have you heard about Fallon's welcome party this coming Friday?” A girl that looks like an emo with her weird hair and black makeup blurted out as she reached a group of students. They must be her friends.    


“Yeah! They say it's going to be grand this time since it's Maggie Fallon's last year here at PWA,” a boy said, wearing a baseball cap.    


“So, you all are coming?” The emo girl excitedly asked her friends.    


“Yep, of course! Who wants to miss one of the biggest parties of the year?” A girl let out that had been wearing very thick makeup. Hmm, I bet she looks prettier without those. I really don’t understand people sometimes. Fine, most of the time.    


“Well, yeah! Except for Miss Winsley.” Said a girl with a red headband.    


Ooh, she doesn't like parties? Why won't their queen go? That’s interesting.    


I smiled to myself, but I wonder what's going to happen at parties. I've never been to a party before, because I don't party in Transylvania. I lived on a farm, and I have no friends. Yeah, that's true and tragic.    


“I'm gonna lose my virginity this Friday!” Somebody shouted from a distance, and some of the students cheered.    


Well, I guess I've already got an idea of what's at parties, and I shouldn't be there.    


I grabbed what I needed for my morning classes and shut my locker close. Then I heard another group of students talk about the party.    


“I've heard Maggie's gonna invite all the new students by herself so that they will surely show up. I wonder if Blair's gonna be there. But I'm sure she's gonna be there.” A raven-haired girl chatted with her friends as they didn't notice me near them since I'm in my hoodie. Good.    


“Well, I'm sure Maggie will invite her, too. Nobody can decline an invitation to her party ever.” A boy that seems to be gay said. I guess my gaydar is on point. Who damn wears a damn pink scarf who is a boy, right?    


Alright. I'm going to watch out for Maggie. But wait, I don't know what she looks like, but her name sounds familiar.    


“Hey, it's Maggie! I bet she's going to announce the party now.” Some students uttered, and I followed their gaze that stopped to the raven-haired girl last Monday who said that she's the co-captain of the cheerleaders. Oh, yeah, I remember now—one of the Powerpuff Girls.    


As soon as she's at the center of the hallways, she announced, “ANNOUNCEMENT TO EVERY STUDENT HERE AT PWA... YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO MY PARTY THIS FRIDAY! Party starts at six-thirty.”    


Then everybody raved. Mmm, I’m sorry but I think I don’t need to go to that party. I want my virginity to be kept for my one and only love to claim.    


When Maggie spotted me in the crowd, I had a feeling that she's going to approach me. So, I made my way to the sea of students and went straight to the ladies’ restroom. I guess she didn't see me enter.    


Then I went inside one cubicle at the center since there are about six cubicles here facing another six. And it seems like nobody's in here, so I'm free to hide.    


But then, the main door of the room slammed open and closed. And I heard a voice calling out my name.    


“Hello? Blair, are you here?” Maggie called, but I didn't answer. Why would I? I am running away from her, for my own sake!    


I didn't lock the door so that it would look like there’s nobody here and occupying this spot. And I felt like she's trying every door open because most of the doors of the cubicles are closed but not locked.    


Sh*t! Fudge! What am I going to do now? If I got caught by her, she would invite me, and at the same time, she would say that I'm running away from her. Fudge it! Think, brain.    


“She's not here, Maggie.” A familiar voice said, and I think that was Rachel, the blonde.    


“But I saw her get in here.” Maggie insisted.    


“Okay. Then just open every stall. Maybe she's using one or... hiding.” Rachel replied, and they started to open the doors.    


Fudge, fudge, fudge! Damn, I got no choice... but to... surrender? Nah, never in a million years and over my dead body. Well, I was dead, but still.    


You are only humans, and I am too, but I could be supernatural if I want to.    


So, I didn't waste a second and wished to be a vampire and teleported myself here at the... Wait, I didn't think yet of a place where nobody could see me.    


Yeah, right. The rooftop.    


Then, fudge, I fell on my butt.    


I stood up and was about to wish back to my human form, but I heard a familiar voice.    


“I'm not sure if she will come, Cassie. That party is one of the biggest parties of the year, and we're in our senior year now. I'm sure Blair will not miss this. And besides, it's Maggie's party. She doesn't want any students, especially the new ones, to be left behind.”    


“Well, except me. I don't go to parties like that.”    


“Just try it, Prycie. Maybe she doesn't like parties, too.” I heard from the other line.    


“Let's just hope. Okay, I'll try. So, when will you be landing here?” She asked the person on the other line.    


“Friday morning. I'm going to have my flight tomorrow night.” The other line answered. Hmm, who might that girl be?    


“Alright.” Pryce replied.    


“Okay, see you 'til Friday then. And... be sure to drag your Blair with you!” The girl on the phone said, making me confused. Did she mention my name?    


“I told you, I am not sure---*tot*tot*tot*... Sh*t, she hung up again. I swear…I'm going to bury you alive, Cassie, if she will say no to my invitation.” She uttered, and she looked so cute while she's talking to herself.    


I don't know what they are talking about, but I guess I was included in there.    


“And how will I invite her? F*ck it! Good luck to me.” She mumbled and cursed to herself.    


“Oh, damn! I only have five minutes before class, and I'm sure she's there already. And I don't have any idea how to ask her.” She walked to the door while still talking to herself then locked it.    


Then I finally came out from where I'm hiding and cursed to myself, “Fudge! The door is locked.” It’s so silly of me.    


Now, I'm gonna be stuck here.    


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