The Queen And The Freak

C20 Chapter 20 - Cupcake

C20 Chapter 20 - Cupcake

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




I am nervously waiting here inside the principal's office, and then the door opens, revealing the most beautiful girl in my dreams.    


“Umm, good afternoon, everybody. Someone summoned me to be here?” Blair greeted while holding one strap of her backpack.    


“Well, good that you've come here, Miss Kendall. Do come in and sit.” Ron told her, and she walked in.    


“Oh, thank you, Sir! And please, just call me Blair, Sir. I don't want to sound like our science teacher,” Blair replied and smiled while taking her seat.    


“Okay, if that's what you want, Blair.” Ron replied and glanced in my direction.    


Then I just gave him a nervous smile, and I took a deep breath. This is it. There is no turning back. It will be now or now.    


“So, why am I here? As far as I remember, Sir, I didn't do anything illegal today.” Blair inquired, and it seemed that she hadn't seen me sitting on the couch at the far corner of this office.    


“Well, actually… Miss Winsley wants to talk to you.” He told the girl and pointed at me.    


Blair's head slowly turned in my direction, and I did my best to smile at her even though I really wanted the couch to swallow me alive. She seemed to be shocked to see me here, and then a smirk crept on her gorgeous perfect face.    


And she made an 'o' face as if she remembered something exciting. No, it's not exciting. It’s nerve-wracking.    


“Okay. So, I'll leave you to Miss Winsley now because I will eat my lunch in the faculty room. Please, excuse me, ladies.” He asserted, and I gave him a nod.    


The principal finally stood up then headed out of the office and left us here alone.    


Okay. How should I start? F*ck this heartbeat. Tone down, please.    


I am totally so damn nervous about this whole idea. Cassie should better prepare herself. What if Blair has already decided to go to Maggie's party, or what if she will say that I'm like a desperate b*tch? Sh*t, why am I even thinking of these things? I should be optimistic.    


Ugh, I should have asked Dad how to ask a girl out on a date. Wait, no, it's not a date. It's just dinner. But she might think that it is a date. Geez, I absolutely have no clue about this sh*t I’m about to go through.    


“So, what can I do for you, Cupcake?” Blair asked, and as usual, she's smiling her sweetest smile. And I think my face is so red by now because of the tons of different emotions I have been feeling earlier this morning.    


“Well, you see... I... Umm. Ah---” F*ck! Why can't I talk straight? Please, my mouth, cooperate. I don’t want to look ridiculous in front of her.    


“Okay, whatever you're up to, it's always a yes from me. I'll do anything for you.” She said and made me blush more since she's been intently staring at me.    


I just hate myself for feeling like this kind of emotion–the anxiousness. Never in my life have I been so nervous in a conversation before.    


“Umm, I just want to... uh, you know... This Friday night... Uh... A friend of mine wants to invite you for dinner at my place.” Yeah, I finally spoke up a little straighter.    


“Oh! So, like a date?” She cheerily asked and made me look at her, and I saw her face lit up.    


“No, no, no, it's not a... date, but umm... there will be the three of us to have dinner at my place,” I explained while sounding so stupid.    


“Oh, so you mean… like a triple date?” She asked again. Ugh, this is harder than I thought it would be. Is she making fun of me?    


“No, it's not a date but just dinner. A friendly dinner.” I explained it again, and I took a deep breath. Maybe I've convinced her with my answer this time.    


“A friendly date.” She noted, and I bit my lower lip. This girl is more stubborn than any other person I knew my whole life.    


“Well, sounds like. But it's dinner with the three of us.” I said and hoped that she can't notice my face that's maybe still so red in embarrassment or something else.    


“Well, it's a date then.” She asserted while smiling so wide and amusedly looking at me.    


“Okay, fine. It's a date, but we're three. A friendly date. Okay.” I said, and now I’m completely making myself sound so hilarious. Why did I just agree with her? No, take it back, Pryce.    


“Hmmm... So, you're not going to the party?” She curiously asked and changed the topic.    


“No, I don't go to parties like that. Because... Dad told me that there would be a lot of drunk people there, and it would be so noisy and crowded. As you know, it's very wild.” I explained to her, and she just nodded her head.    


“Alright, now, give me one good reason why I will go on a date with you, and me… to not go to the party.” She told me, and my eyebrows met in complication. She's surely making this harder for me, isn’t she? Can't she just say yes?    


“Well, if you don't feel like coming, you can just not go. But there's still a big problem with that.” I replied, and she raised her left eyebrow in response.    


“I don't take 'no' for an answer, especially from you, Freak,” I sternly said while standing up from the couch and giving all I've got. I hope it works this time.    


“Just as what I'm expecting you to say.” She mumbled, but I heard it, and she stood up from her chair then made her way to me.    


“And you still have another problem with that, too.” She said then went closer to where I was like she's going to ki-- No, why am I thinking such an idea? But I think my heart is racing at 360 kph right now. What is she up to?    


“What is it... then?” I asked as I tried to make myself sound brave but clearly stuttering.    


She leaned in closer to my right ear and whispered something,    


“You don't know how to listen.” She whispered, and I felt goosebumps all over my body. What does she mean by that?    


Then the next thing she did made me froze, and I felt my heart stop beating just as she kissed my right cheek. And she left me shocked and senseless.    


I blinked a lot of times, but I guess I was so stunned to go back to my senses. And I just can't understand my stomach. It's like cramping or something. I just can't figure it out. Well, it's something weird but good.    


Then I noticed that she had already left the office without saying a word.    


I didn't get what she meant. Damn, what's wrong with me?    


And she didn’t even say yes to the invitation? What the actual… crap? Ugh!    


But she didn't decline either. Why?    


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