The Queen And The Freak

C34 Chapter 34 - Triple Trouble

C34 Chapter 34 - Triple Trouble

*Andrea’s Point of View*    




"I said... Run." Blair spoke as she walked near the scared quarterback. And he threw the broken piece of the bottle at Blair's face, but she has blocked it using her hands. And when the bastard was about to run away, Blair caught him by the hem of his shirt.    


"If I told you to run, you should have run." She uttered and started beating up the six-footer quarterback while holding the collar of his shirt.    


He punches Blair, too, but he never hits. They reached near the pool, and Blair punched him hard on the jaw then kicked him on the stomach for the final blow that made him fall on the water.    


Wow, that's so cool! I knew it this b*tch can fight.    


Then I heard the students gasping when blood spread like strawberry juice in the pool from the quarterback's cuts.    


"Someone should get him out of the water. Now!" Blair yelled, and one of the basketball team dove into the pool.    


And as Blair went near us, she smiled her usual cheeky smile, and the guards came into view. Then they carried out three unconscious bodies.    


Damn, this is girl power.    


The students around us were still shocked by what had happened, and Miss Winsley pushed some of them to see the event.    


"You two, okay?" Blair asked, just like nothing happened. Then she cringed as she saw Leanne with a cut on her face.    


"Wow, Lee, that looks hurt." She remarked, and as I scanned her clothes and her hair, it was freaking wet because of her blood. Is she still okay?    


And when Blair saw me staring at her in disbelief, she smiled and looked down at her clothes.    


"Look, Drea, my clothes turned red twice this day." She chatted, because this morning when Marvy bumped into her and splashed her strawberry drink on her clothes it turned red, and she laughed. What a freak!    


"Ye…yeah!" That was all I said since this girl is weird. Does that not hurt? I mean, she's bleeding so freaking hard.    


"Oh, my goodness, Blair! What happened to you?" Miss Winsley let out and worriedly asked Blair. She went near her, and she had wide eyes in shock when she saw Blair covered in blood.    


"I'm fine, Baby-blue. There’s no need to worry about anything. Nobody will be messing with this face of mine. Well, except you." She answered while smiling so wide, and the blonde just stared at her in disbelief. Wait a sec... Why do I smell something fishy with these two? Are they…? Hmm, suspicious.    


"Shut up, Blair! I'm going to call an ambulance." Miss Winsley belted and took out her phone from her purse while shaking in panic. But Blair stopped her by holding her hand but the freak was shocked to see blood on it.    


"Oops, sorry! I'll just wipe it off with my scarf." Blair said and was still smiling.    


"Hahaha, funny, right? It has blood, too." She added as she realized that her scarf is covered with blood from the back of her head, too.    


What is funny about that? She really is a freak.    


"Blair, you're freaking bleeding! You need to go to the hospital." Miss Winsley yelled at her, and she tensed up.    


"Nope! Make Leanne clean and stitch her cut first. Then I'll follow. I guess the girls got first aid there." Blair said, stubborn as ever. And yes, we should aid them. I think I can handle it.    


We turned our gaze to my girlfriend, and I think she's been fine with my handkerchief on her right cheek to prevent blood from oozing.    


I should stitch up her cut. I hope the girls got some medicine kits in the kitchen.    


"Let's go clean up that wound, Anne," I told her as I held her arm.    


"But you look horrible, Blair. Please, don't be stubborn this time." The two were still arguing as we made our way inside the house. But they followed us.    


"Well, they looked more horrible than I am." Blair reasoned out while pointing at the three unconscious, badly beaten-up bodies on the couches of those bastards who messed with us.    


"Blair Claudette Kendall!" Miss Winsley yelled Blair's full name. Haha, she's Claudette? Wow!    


And with that, the freak walked fast, following behind us and leaving a raging Miss Winsley behind.    


"That girl is scary, Dude." She told us and let out a nervous laugh.    


And we laughed at it, too. Well, she seemed fine and okay.    


Then as we reached the kitchen and Maggie saw us, she cursed a lot after she checked out our conditions.    


"What the heck happened to all of you, B*tches?" She anxiously asked while looking at us with a very shocked face.    


"We're fine, Mag. Well, those boys aren't." Anne replied, and Maggie looked at my hand holding Leanne's arm.    


"What the hell did you do this time, Montgomery? I should've not let you in here." She yelled at me, and I inhaled deeply to hold my temper while trying not to be pissed off more.    


My girl seemed to notice me, and she held my right hand in hers. Oh, her soft touch always makes me relax.    


"Maggie, listen... It's not Andrea's fault. It's John Brandon's fault. He started everything." Anne spoke on my behalf.    


"Huh? What? Why? John is her f*cking boyfriend. Then that is HER fault." Maggie argued while pointing at me.    


And from the corner of my eye, I saw Miss Winsley dragged Blair and made her sit on a chair near the sink. Damn, I could laugh at Blair's terrified expression right now. Poor girl, she's under the fury of the queen.    


"No, they broke up already," Anne explained to the mad cheerleader.    


"Why are you defending her, Leanne? Aren't you the one supposed to fight this b*tch?" Maggie asked her in confusion and anger combined.    


"I think we should clean her cut first before this kitchen explodes with all of the b*tchiness here inside," I let out since I badly needed to clean and stitch my girlfriend's wound before it gets worse.    


They seemed to be shaken from their raging worlds, and Rachel reached for the medicine kit and handed it to me.    


"We're not---" Maggie was about to rant more, but I cut her off while getting some clean cotton.    


"Don't worry. We'll talk later. Anne, sit down and don't even flinch." I spoke and am about to clean my girlfriend's face and neck from blood.    


I can also see that Miss Winsley and Cassandra are cornering Blair while aiding her cuts.    


"But, Rey---ouch! Don’t—Ow!" Leanne winced as I freed her wound from blood and scanned for any glass pigments left there.    


"I said, don't f*cking move." I half-yelled, and she tensed up.    


I looked at the other girls, and Blair is struggling to escape from Cassandra's grip while Miss Winsley is cleaning the wound that she got at the back of her head quite harshly. Hmm, poor girl.    


"Fudge, no, no, no! Ouch! That's it! That's enough! No, baby, please... Argh! Sh*t my fudge! Stop it! No!" Blair cursed while flinching, and I tried to hold my laughter.    


No, I shouldn’t be laughing at her. She helped us a lot, but still. Earlier she was as scary as sh*t, and now she's like a lost puppy. Oh, they're gonna be a cute couple. I totally ship her and Pryce Winsley. Let me be the captain of the Blayce Ship. That sounds nice.    


"I told you to go to the hospital earlier so it won't hurt like sh*t. But no, you didn't listen. You're as stubborn as a stone, Blair." Miss Winsley ranted and made Blair teary-eyed by cleaning her wound like a mad doctor.    


I finally let out a laugh as I couldn’t help it anymore, and I told her,    


"That's what you get when you don't listen, Blair. Does it feel good? Don’t worry. Sometimes, pain is pleasure."    


And hearing it, she laughed but was cut off by an ouch.    


"Yeah, pleasure, indeed! How are you doing, Lee?" She stated while still bowing her head down.    


"Here! I’m pleasurably dying in the hands of my girl, Blair. Ouch, Rey! It's so--- geez!" Anne replied and cursed when I poked her cheek with a syringe for anesthesia.    


I have full knowledge of wounds and medicine since I want to be a doctor someday. And in the karate team, we practiced curing our bruises and wounds. I’ll be my girl’s doctor forever.    


"Hahaha! Best party ever! I never thought it would be this fun. Ouch!" Blair cheered and was cut off.    


And now, it's Cassandra's turn to stitch Blair’s wound. I bet she will study medicine, too, in Canada since they own a prestigious medical school and a hospital there.    




After curing all their bruises and wounds, the party continued here in the kitchen, but the rest of the cheerleaders were suspiciously eyeing their captain and me.    


I think we better tell them now. This will be now or now. And we're ready.    


I will never be more proud that my girlfriend is Leanne Dale Jordan.    


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