The Queen And The Freak

C31 Chapter 31 - Dinner

C31 Chapter 31 - Dinner

*Blair’s Point of View*    




Pryce is clearly surprised by my presence.    


Am I that scary-looking? Am I wearing something that awful? I told you, these clothes are terrible. Fudge, I’m going to make those girls pay for what they’ve done to me. This is my freaking first date with the person I liked so much.    


But maybe she didn’t expect me to come here. Did I just make myself freakier than I usually am? Hmm.    


She did invite me for dinner, right? Or maybe she forgot?    


"Hi! You came, Freak." She greeted me with a warm smile I long to see, and as soon as we locked our gazes, I smiled so wide.    


Oh, I really love to stare at those electric blue eyes always.    


"Yeah, you invited me after all, Baby-blue," I replied and grinned. Then I noticed in my peripheral vision that her best friend has been amusedly eyeing us.    


"Hmm, well, I never heard that you have agreed to it." She replied while putting down the hand towel that she's been holding.    


"Well, it's just that... You were very much stunned by my charm when we talked at the Principal’s Office, and you never heard me say yes." I uttered and smirked, which made her blushing so hard right now.    


I bet she remembered what had happened back there.    


She didn't say a word, and Cassandra kept watching us while having a big smile on her face. Well, I’ll be damned if she was sharply glaring at me, but she seems just cool. I hope that the weird feeling I have for her isn’t something bad. I really need to find it out so soon.    


And I just noticed that there is a lady standing near the kitchen sink.    


"Hi! You must be Mrs. Baker?" I asked the lady since she is wearing an apron and a chef's hat. A baker. Yes, she must be.    


I offered her a handshake, and she happily shook it.    


"Oh, hello, dear! Yes, I am. Nice meeting you, Miss Blair." She greeted me with a bright smile.    


"Uh-huh, nice meeting you, too. By the way, you can just call me Blair, Mrs. Baker. Miss is too formal. You know? But I will not call you Baker, alright?" I told her, and she nodded while softly chuckling.    


"Alright, greetings were done. So… let's have dinner already." Pryce spoke as she recovered from her reminiscing at the Principal Office's events. I hope she remembered it all too well.    




The whole dinner went by so amazingly. The food was excellent. But I only ate the ones that didn't have meat on them. It's good that she prepared some veggies since the girl knew that I'm a freaking vegetarian.    


We talked about a lot of things. They asked me some things about me, Marge, and England. I just said that I’m from England so that nobody will suspect me that I’m a vampire who came from Transylvania, especially this weird best friend of Pryce. And Cassandra even asked me why I call Pryce with a lot of names. She's a great friend. I can see it through her and the way she treats Pryce nicely. But I can sense that she is really something that I couldn't figure out, and I guess she hasn't told Pryce about it. I don't know. I just felt so damn weird with her. And it's like something familiar, but I can't figure it out with this human form of mine.    


As we were about to finish eating dinner, Sander said something that caught my full attention.    


"Alright, since we're done here… Let's go to the party!!!!!"    


And with what I heard, my jaw dropped in surprise.    


I did my best to escape from the cheerleaders for three fudging days, and I will go to their party? This is outrageous!    


"Uh, excuse me, Cassie? Why do we need to go to the party?" Pryce asked with a confused face. I did hear that she doesn't like parties. And neither do I. I'm not going to go there. But if Pryce would, then I will, too.    


"Because it's your freaking last year as a high school kid, Prycie, and you'll never get it back. We grow old, and then we regret not doing things that we should've done when we were younger." Sander reasoned out, and I just stayed there silent.    


"But there are lots of drunk students and loud music, and---" Pryce retorted, but Sander cut her off.    


"Shhh, Prycie, that's what they call a teenage party." She interrupted and brightly smiled.    


"But---" And Pryce was cut off again.    


"No more buts. And get your butts together because we are heading to the f*ckin’ party now. Yeah!!! PARTY, HERE WE COME!" She told the girl and chanted.    


"Well, I've never been to parties." That's all I said, and Pryce let out a sigh of surrender.    


She stood up, and so did I. I hope she considers or not. Either way, I’ll be fine. I’ll go anywhere she goes.    


"Fine, we'll go. I'll just get my keys." She uttered and grabbed her car keys from the rack. And I grabbed my things, too.    


As her arm brushed mine, I felt that electricity again. This girl really got a superpower, I told you. Maybe she comes from another planet.    


I guess she felt it too, because she flinched, and I saw her blushed.    


"Well, this is what I get for avoiding the cheerleaders," I muttered just to break the awkward atmosphere, and she let out a soft laugh.    


Wow, I can't get tired of hearing it all day all my life.    


Well, I just knew that I'd be living for thousands of years. I might as well turn this girl into a vampire so that we'll live together forever. Hehe, I am just kidding. But I'm a little bit serious. Nope, I'm serious and a little bit kidding. Maybe.    


"Come on, Slowpokes! Just continue your lovey-dovey later. We got a party to crash!" Sander butted in as she came out of nowhere.    


And when she mentioned lovey-dovey, I suddenly felt my face heated up.    


Fudge it!    




I drove my motorbike, and I followed Pryce’s yellow car.    


How many cars does this girl have? She has different vehicles every day and in different colors. Because as far as I have observed, on Monday, she used white; Tuesday, red; Wednesday, blue; yesterday, green; this morning, black. I saw it when I headed to the mall with the girls. And now, yellow. She is such a rich b*tch. Damn!    


But there's been one thing in my mind; I don't know what's at parties.    


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