The Queen And The Freak

C32 Chapter 32 - Welcome Party

C32 Chapter 32 - Welcome Party

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




So, I was left with no other choice but to go to Maggie Fallon's Welcome party for the first time with Cassie and Blair.    


When we arrived, I parked my car in front of Fallon's mansion. All the vehicles are very well organized. The cars are in one block and the motorbikes, also. Well, I guess this party isn't that wild after all.    


Blair came near us after she had parked her bike. Damn, she just looked so freaking hot with her outfit and matched with her cool motorbike. She's indeed a badass-looking girl with a badass attitude.    


Then she took out her phone, and I guess she had texted someone.    


"So, are we ready to crash this one hella party, Blairie?" Cassie asked her with full of energy.    


I found it funny how these two girls call each other. I'm just glad that they are getting along well together.    


"Well, yeah! I'm excited. How about you, Baby-blue?" Blair let out, and she called me that name again.    


I can still remember my dream this morning clearly. And I guess I blushed, but thanks that it's a little dim right here outside.    


"Umm, Yep. So, let's go?" I told them. The truth is... I'm freaking nervous. But there has gotta be a first time in everything, right? This is it. My first time attending the welcome party for my academy.    


As we made our way through the pathway, Blair's phone rang. I guess someone called her, and I wonder who it is.    


And she smiled as soon as she hit the answer button. Who might it be? Hmm.    


"Hey, Drea! Yep, I just told you. We're here outside. We just parked. Alright." And Blair ended the call.    


So, it's the b*tch Andrea? I am not jealous, okay? I shouldn't have just gone in here.    


She looked at me with an arched eyebrow while smirking. Then she smiled, a knowing one. Sh*t! Why does it send shivers through my spine?    


We continued our way inside while we just followed Cassie since she is the party crasher here because she's not a student of the academy.    


"Hey, Blair! You came!" The captain of the cheerleaders cheerily greeted Blair.    


"And, Miss Winsley, good evening! It's been a pleasure to have you here. Come in, all of you. And hey, Cass, is that you? Damn, it's you! Long time no see." She greeted us and motioned us to come in and follow her.    


"Thank you, Captain! And it's a nice party you have here." I told her, and she smiled warmly as her response.    


"Hola! Blair the fairy! You f*cking came, Dude! Haha!" Andrea yelled and crushed Blair into a hug. And again, I am not freaking jealous, alright? I just want to drag her away from my freak. She's mine.    


"Yeah, hello! Wassup?" Blair let out and broke off from the hug and put an arm around the b*tch's shoulders.    


Sh*t, I am not f*cking cursing right now in my head, not at all. F*ck!    


"What happened?" She asked MY Blair while all three of us were just watching them.    


And Cassie nudged me, and I just shrugged at her.    


"Change of plan, man. It's like a plan B. You know, there are another twenty-five letters in the alphabet left? No, that's twenty-four." Blair replied, and Andrea lightly punched Blair's shoulders while giggling. When did these two get so close? I freaking hate it. I hate them!    


"Hahaha, I knew it! And hey, I thought you're with Miss Winsley and a friend? Where are they?" She asked, and she finally remembered other people's presence.    


She didn't notice us since we are about three meters away from them and it's a bit dark here inside. And Leanne and Cassie were talking, catching up since the four of us were classmates during elementary. Yes, including this blonde-haired bully.    


"Yup, they're here," Blair answered while pointing in our direction.    


"Oh, yeah! Um... Good evening, Miss Winsley. It's good to have you here. And, Cassandra, wow! You're here! You've grown into a fine woman, girl. It's nice to see you again." She greeted and smiled a warm smile. Wait, isn't she supposed to be rude and mean?    


"Hello! And thanks." I let out, and Cassie said, "Yup. You too, Montgomery."    


"Alright. So, you guys better enjoy the party. It's about to start. If you need anything, you can make a call to Anne or me. Blair got our numbers." Andrea merrily said and looked at Leanne, who's been staring at her for a while now. I thought these two were like cats and dogs.    


"I should be the one saying that," Leanne told Andrea, and she just winked at Leanne.    


Wait up, what's happening here?    


"Too late, My Princess. Don't worry. I'll just kiss you later. But for now... just for a teaser. I'll see you later." Andrea stated and what happened next made me drop my jaw in shock.    


Did Andrea Montgomery kiss Leanne Jordan on the lips? The world is ending, people.    


Then she walked away while flirtatiously waving at the head cheerleader.    


I think it's only us who saw that since everybody's busy with their things.    


"Oops! Uh... sorry that you have to witness it all. I gotta go." The redhead captain stated and let out a nervous laugh as she went away.    


"Well, what a show," Cassie muttered.    


"What's happening with the world?" I asked out of nowhere. And Blair right here is just smiling like an idiot as always.    


"I guess they'll announce it now. They're such a cute couple, don't you think, Baby-blue?" She said and was still smiling. What? A couple? Alright.    


"Uh, yeah. I thought they're... you know, enemies?" I unsurely asked her.    


"Yep, I thought it too at first that they're lovers, but they're enemies. Complicated, right?" She replied while scratching her head.    


"I think it's cool," Cassie commented while dreamily looking at us.    


"Okay. We all have our own stories." I let out, and the room suddenly lit up.    




The party has started, and Maggie let me welcome the students of the PWA since it was my first time to attend their welcome party for the academy.    


The night went on smoothly, and everybody's enjoying it. This isn't as chaotic as I expected.    


I was talking with some of the school's cheerleaders in the kitchen when we heard a commotion from outside near the pool. Some people are shouting and cheering.    


Is there a fight going on out there? Where's Blair and Cassie, anyway?    


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