The Queen And The Freak

C38 Chapter 38 - Northern Witches

C38 Chapter 38 - Northern Witches

*Blair’s Point of View*    




"Huh? What me?" I asked Sander in full confusion.    


"Never mind. By the way, did you teleport to get in here?" She asked me to change the topic.    


"Yeah! I can teleport. I just demonstrated it. Are you blind? Why?" I asked her as I sat on her bed. I’m starting to feel so annoyed by this person.    


"Can you teleport to another dimension?" She curiously asked me, and I tried to think.    


"Well, I don't know. There are other dimensions? Cool!" I unsurely answered because I had never done it before. And I didn't know that there were other dimensions. Is that a multiple universe, or what?    


But I was thinking that whatever place I think of, I can go there. I can even go back to Transylvania in just a blink of an eye.    


"Hmmm, okay. I guess you need to meet the Queen for you to be convinced that you are a witch, too," she uttered, and she has a point. But, wow, they have a queen? That’s interesting.    


"Alright, do you think your queen knows who and what my parents are?" I asked Cassandra as I am really curious about them now.    


Maybe I can find some information about my father and know what my mother is. But I'm sad to know that she's dead already. And perhaps one of them is a vampire or a witch, if I really am a witch. This information is truly insane.    


"Yeah, very much. She knows a lot of things. She's the Queen of the Northern Witches. You’ll be glad to meet her, and she’ll be glad to meet you, too." She replied, sounding so excited.    


Well, this will be now or never. I have to go with her.    


I walked near her so that I could touch her, and we would teleport there together. But she told me that she needs to put a spell on Pryce, in case she would go and look for her here. Sleep induction, that's what she calls it.    




"Okay, hold on to me and think of the place, but first, I still need to hold your---" I was not able to finish my instructions when the witch held my arms and thought of the place.    


And when I opened my eyes... I can feel something cold, like half of my body is underwater.    


I looked for my companion, and she immediately went out of the... Where are we? I think it's a fountain because water is starting to fall on my head.    


I turned my head to see that Sander's throwing up. Mmm, good for her. It may be because of the amount of beer she drank at the party.    


"That's what I said that I still need first to hold your head so that you won't get dizzy," I muttered while getting out of the water and combing my hair with my right fingers.    


"Gosh! I will not teleport with you again, Blairie! You almost drowned me, and my stomach is doing sh*ts! Ugh!" She fumed while catching her breath and puking again.    


"Well, it's not my fault that you didn't listen first before we teleported, and don't blame me that we are going to drown because it's not me who thought of a fountain. Stupid you! And we don't drown in waist-level water. Unless you put our head underwater, and we’ll not breathe." I explained as I kept combing my hair with my hands. We're so freaking wet.    


"You should've said it first," she replied and composed herself.    


"Alright, my bad," I let out as I don’t want to argue with a dumb person. I know she’s dumb, because if not… she should have tought of a garden, a room, or a living room to get here, instead of a fountain, right?    


I suddenly sensed the presence of a large number of people, and when I looked around us, there were a lot of men and women with the same clothes pointing some spears at us.    


Oh, fudge!    


"Intruders! Say your name and your purpose, or we're going to arrest you." When the big man with his spear pointing at my face said that, I grabbed Sander's arms and held her head, and then we teleported to a place away from the guards.    


"Fudge, that was close!" I let out a sigh of relief and let go of the witch I’m with, and as I looked at Sander, she stared at me with a weird face.    


We are inside a big, huge, enormous house. And it's so breathtaking. The interiors are very magical. I think everything around here was made of gold and shiny stones. It is so grand, the furniture is well arranged, and there are lots of decorations that are worth millions. Is this the palace of the queen?    


"What?" I asked her while proudly grinning at my great plan of escape.    


"Those are the guards of the palace," she answered while stating the obvious.    


"Yeah, I know. That's why we escape from them." I cheerfully expressed, and she face-palmed.    


"Alright, never mind. I think you should see the Queen now before the guards will search for you," she let out while looking around and started to walk somewhere.    


"Yeah, umm, but we're still wet," I said, and she realized it now. Thankfully!    


"Okay, stay here, and I'll get us some dry clothes. Don’t move. I'll be quick," she told me and left me standing in a hallway with lots of portraits on the wall.    


“No movements? Not even a blink? Who the fudge are you to tell me what to do?” I mumbled and scowled.    


I looked at the portrait, the one nearest to me, and it was like staring back at me. Yikes, creepy.    


Do witches really live in a place like this? I thought they reside in cabins in forests and do their dirty work in the middle of nowhere. I better ask their queen a lot of questions about them.    


I began getting bored, and I started to walk farther from where Cassandra left me. Well, out of curiosity.    


I looked at every portrait, and there's a lot more of it. Are these the past and current kings and queens of this place? I wonder what the queen Sander was talking about looks like.    


I passed through lots of doors and another hallway that led in a different direction.    


This place is surely enormous. And I think I’m starting to get lost.    




As I was looking at a vase with some gorgeous flowers in it, someone spoke behind me.    


"Your Highness, what are you wearing? And what happened to your hair?" A middle-aged woman wearing weird clothes asked me with a shocked expression.    


"Ah, err... Are you talking to me?" I asked her with a confused face.    


"Yes, Your Highness. I apologize for speaking to you rudely. I shouldn't have done that. I will now proceed." She replied and bowed her head to me.    


What's wrong with her?    


She was about to walk away when I called her.    


"Wait! Why did you call me 'Your Highness'?" I asked her, and she was shocked to hear that. I should be the one shocked, right?    


"Are you not the Queen?" She asked while still looking so shocked.    


"Uh... Nope! I just got here. But, yeah, I am looking for her." I answered, and her expression turned to something accusing.    


"You're an impostor! A shapeshifter! Guards!" She yelled and called for the guards at the top of her lungs.    


Fudge, I'm in trouble! And before she could touch me, I turned into a vampire and teleported somewhere away from her.    


I am in a garden, and then some guards with spears are heading in my direction.    


"The intruder!" They shouted, and one of them suddenly appeared before me.    


Fudge it! They can teleport? No way! Are they vampires, too? No, I know.    


And I quickly teleported to someone's balcony that I saw from the garden.    


“That was close.” I sighed in relief and looked around me.    


Wow! The garden looks so beautiful up here.    


I saw one guard aiming his bow and arrow at me.    


No, fudge, this is serious trouble!    


And when I turned around to go inside the room, I saw myself. Damn, a mirror! I almost bumped into it.    


Wait a damn second. Why does my reflection show that I was shocked or rather surprised, and I'm sure that I'm not making that face.    


I cupped my face, but my reflection didn't. It just kept staring at me. I stuck my tongue out and made weird faces, but the same thing happened. It doesn't do what I do. Ooh, are those filthy witches doing this trick on me?    


I intently looked at my reflection, and I just noticed that it had blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a weird but elegant dress and a crown on her head.    


Alright, something's not right here.    


But then something sharp hit my left thigh. It's an arrow, and it hurts like fudge.    


I saw the girl in the mirror, or should I say the woman that looked like me went near the edge of the balcony and shouted at the guards to stop chasing me.    


"F*ck it, man! Arghh! I swear, I'm gonna tickle them to death!" I cursed, and I fell on my right knee.    


It was so damn aching. No, I don't usually get hurt by anything, but this one surely is.    


I pulled the arrow out my thigh, and blood started to ooze out of the wound.    


And I'm starting to get dizzy, then everything around me is slowly turning to black.    


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