The Queen And The Freak

C41 Chapter 41 - Pumpkin

C41 Chapter 41 - Pumpkin

*Blair’s Point of View*    




As I am halfway to Pryce's mansion, I've noticed that the sky went darker, and the rain began to fall harder. I just sensed that there's something wrong with the weather.    


The gateman automatically opened the gate for me since he already knows me. So, no need for asking my name and my purpose.    


I parked my bike in front of the fountain and left the helmet on my motorbike since I was soaking wet because of the sudden rain. Then I turned into a vampire for a while to know what's happening, and luckily, the source of power is from my cousin. She made it rain so hard, and I wonder what's wrong.    


I was about to ring the doorbell when it suddenly opened and revealed my cousin, who's like a ninja turning her head from side to side.    


What's the matter with her? Maybe the effect of teleporting her earlier? Her brain got slight damage. Yeah, I think that's it.    


"Did somebody see you?" She asked and kept looking behind me. And I just showed her a confused look on my face.    


"Of course, yes," I answered, and her eyes widened.    


"Who?" She asked while closing the door behind her.    


Does she have a plan on letting me in? Maybe nope.    


"You and the gateman," I answered, like come on, she got eyes, the gateman got eyes, so they can see me.    


"Oh, okay. Now, did Prycie call you?" She asked again.    


"Umm, nope. Why?" I replied while emphasizing to her that I'm wet. But she didn't even notice. Fudge it!    


"Good. Because we are going to the doctor to check your head up," she said, and I raised an eyebrow at that.    


"Why would we go to the doctor?" I asked since I have no freaking idea about what she is talking about.    


"I just said it, Blairie, to check your head up," she repeated and pouted her lips. Well, I just can't believe that this nut-head is my cousin.    


"And... why would we check my head up?" I asked her, and I'm fine. I don't need a doctor.    


"Alright, I think we really need to go to the doctor and check your head up because there's a pea stuck in there. What do you think, Blairie?" She hissed, and I can't help but laugh at her while she just shook her head in frustration.    


"A nut-headed blonde witch and a pea-brained brunette vampire-witch. Sounds good, and very related to each other. I can't believe that we're cousins---" I let out, and she covered my mouth with her right hand. What's wrong again? This girl is so weirder than I am.    


"Shhhh, nobody should know that we're supernatural, especially Prycie. She'll freak out if she'll know." She shushed me, and someone spoke behind her. And I think both our souls jumped out of our bodies. Well, even supernatural beings like us can also be scared, especially with this girl.    


"What should I not need to know, Cassie? Blair?" She asked, and I gulped.    


Then Sander immediately removed her hand from my mouth. And did I mention that our bodies are really close because she was whispering the whole time, like, she doesn't want anyone to hear our conversation? Yeah, she looks like kissing me. Gross!    


I looked at Sander, and she looked pale. Fudge, this is trouble.    


And I nudged her, and she glared at me.    


"Umm, it's a... uh, no… nothing important, Prycie." She stuttered while I just held my laughter because I just realized our situation. We are like two kids caught stealing candies.    


And Pryce seemed to be not convinced. Then she averted her gaze to me, and I stood straight while biting my tongue to hold myself up from laughing.    


"Are you sure that it's nothing important?" She asked like an investigator as she was suspiciously eyeing us.    


And both of us nodded our heads vigorously. Wow, we really got the same impulse.    


"Alright. So, what are you talking about that caused both of you to stand here outside while the rain is pouring so hard?" She asked, and again, I nudged Sander.    


What can I reason out? She's the best friend. She can find an excuse.    


"Uh, well... Blairie just arrived, and I uh... kinda asking... her if... uh, how was she?" She answered like sh*t.    


Fudge it, this girl doesn't know how to lie, and neither do I. I told you that we're the same.    


"Really? Then why did you close the door? Should I not hear what you are talking about?" She replied, and I can see that Sander's fidgeting.    


I swallowed hard, and did I mention that this girl in front of us is so scary? Yes, she is.    


And this time, Sander looked at me like she needed help. Fudge it, what should I say?    


"Blair? It seems like my best friend has no plan on answering my questions honestly. I know if you're lying, Cassie, neither can I lie to you too. Come on. We've been best friends since birth." She said while trying to convince Sander to tell the truth.    


I looked at my cousin, who got a very guilty-looking face for lying to her best friend. Then I just sighed, and I smiled at her to say that it's okay.    


"Can I talk to her for a while, Pumpkin?" I asked her, and she raised an eyebrow at me.    


I took that as a yes, and I looked at Sander, who had a troubled face.    


"Hey, Sander! I guess she needs to know the truth." I whispered, and she got a worried expression then she shook her head 'no.'    


"No, Blair, please. I've treasured our friendship my whole life. She'll hate me. She'll hate you. Please." She told me that it was almost not audible so that Pryce wouldn't hear her.    


I know that she's serious right now and worried because she doesn't use her foul nickname for me.    


"It's gotta be fine," I assured her.    


"But, Blair... I---" She begged, but I cut her off.    


I got an idea, and I will really tell Pryce the truth.    


"Come on. You are best friends. She'll be fine with it. Trust me." I assured her by tapping her shoulders before I looked at Pryce, then I winked at her, saying I can handle this.    


"Listen, Pumpkin, we... I---" I started, but she cut me off.    


"Don't dare Pumpkin me, Blair!" She half-yelled and sounded like she was disgusted and disappointed with me. What did I do?    


"Wha... wait. Listen, Pryce. It's Sander and I are---" I started again, but she cut me off again. Fudge it!    


"No! I won't listen to any of your lies, Blair. You freaking player!" She yelled, and with that, my eyes went wide while my mouth hung open in shock. Come on, when did I play with girls?    


"What?" I asked in turmoil.    


"Now, you're acting innocent? How dare you?" She let out, and now, I'm so freaking confused.    


I looked at Sander, and she's like holding her laughter. Fudge it, is she my cousin or not?    


"What? What do you mean?" I asked with a puzzled face.    


"You, player! That explains why you call me different names every day. And now, you even included my best friend? How many girls do you have in your playlist?" She blurted out, and I had nothing to say. Just wow, this is too much.    


"No, fudge it! Why would I play girls? I don't---" I reasoned, but again she cut me off.    


"I shouldn't have let you in my school, I shouldn't have let you in my house, and especially, I shouldn't have let you in my heart. I felt sorry for myself. I liked you, Blair, but you don't give a sh*t to it, you freak!" She asserted, and I think my heart sank with what she said. And I can see tears starting to build up in her electric blue eyes.    


She likes me? Am I hearing it right? I think my mind went blank for a moment.    


I just don't know what to say and how to react while I froze in place, not because I'm cold but by her words.    


"Pryce, I---" The only word I uttered. Why do humans have to feel these emotions? It isn't pleasant.    


"Pryce, listen... It's not what you think it is. Blair's a good person. She would never do that to you. You just have to listen first. She and ---" Sander noticed that I couldn't say anything anymore, so she explained to her, but the girl cut her off.    


"Now, you're taking her side? I thought we're best friends, Cassandra. I trusted you. I told you everything---" Pryce argued, and I can't take it anymore.    


"We're cousins," I said, loud enough for them to hear.    


"Huh? What do you mean?" She confusedly asked while looking at me.    


"Yes, we're cousins. Her mom and my mom are sisters." I explained as I finally found my voice.    


And she seemed to have not absorbed it yet.    


"What? How did it happen? Cassie?" She asked and turned to her best friend.    


"Um, it's... I just figured it out because she really looked like my aunt. Do you remember my Aunt Claudia that I told you about? The very strict one?" Sander explained, and Pryce seemed to calm down.    


"Yeah, is she... I mean, Blair's mother? I thought she was single and never had a child?" She curiously asked.    


"Well, yes. But that was two hundred years ago," she replied, and the words slipped her tongue. And Pryce showed her a disturbing look on her face.    


"I mean, more than or less than twenty years ago. She lost her daughter because someone stole Blair away from her. And at that time, she was still living in... Trans... England. Then the first time that I saw Blair last night, I really knew that it's her because they almost looked alike. Look at this picture." She explained and took her phone out to look for my mom's picture. And she showed it to her.    


"Oh, wow! But they looked like… twins. It's just that Blair has brown hair and green eyes. So... That explains why you have almost the same personality." Pryce uttered while looking at me, and I just smiled at her.    


"Yeah! And I'm planning on letting them meet each other in person," my cousin joyfully uttered, back with her cheerful self. And now, I can breathe properly.    


"Umm... Sh*t! This is so embarrassing." Pryce cursed and looked at me with guilt.    


Well, I can't get mad at her. She's just so adorable.    


"I'm so sorry for overreacting, especially you, Blair." She apologized while her face was so damn red.    


"Nah, that's very much fine. At least I already know that you like me." I replied and smiled so wide while wiggling my eyebrows at her.    


I just can't explain my happiness. Fudge, I might die now.    


And now, it's her turn to be shocked and surprised. Her face turned redder than before, and she can't look me straight in the eyes.    


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