The Queen And The Freak

C33 Chapter 33 - Bastards

C33 Chapter 33 - Bastards

*Andrea’s Point of View*    




I am currently dancing with Marvy here outside the mansion near the pool. Well, the music isn't that loud out here, so it can't explode our eardrums.    


Marvy's pretty friendly, and I just found out that we have lots of things in common, just like watching superhero movies and listening to classic songs. Come on, do teenagers still do that nowadays? Maybe some. She also has good taste in clothes, and she has to wear glasses for some reason.    


While we were dancing our hearts out, someone suddenly grabbed my arm. And as I was about to beat the hell out of the rude person, it turned out to be my jerk ex-fiancée, John Brandon.    


Yes, I had told my parents that I love Leanne and don't want to be married to someone I don't love. I am still so young to be tied up with someone that is only for business purposes. But honestly, I want to be tied up with my girl forever while I’m at this age. I believe we are both meant to each other.    


And guess what were my parents' reactions when I came out as a flaming homosexual? Yep, they disowned me. That’s right. And I am already dead for them. I got nice parents, didn’t I? They said that they don't have and didn’t raise a daughter like me. And thankfully, Leanne and I opened our dream Hotel and Restaurant just about three weeks ago. I had put all of my savings and her assets that she inherited from her late parents together to buy that establishment, and it is running successfully with the help of her loving granny. So, I'm staying there for a while. But it’s more like, we will live there for the rest of our lives.    


John gripped my arms tighter as I tried to go away from him. And I saw Marvy leave me after she mouthed me, “I’m calling Blair.”    


"Hey, Babe! Want to dance with me?" John asked me and lustfully eyed me.    


Sh*t, he really is so disgusting. Why did I even get myself near this bastard again?    


"Let me go, John! We are freaking over!" I sternly told him as I tried to pull back my arm from his grip.    


"No! Don’t dare embarrass me in the f*cking academy and the eyes of these students!" He declared while tightening his hold on my arm. And all I wanted to do right now is punch him straight in the face.    


"I said, let me go. My parents already disowned me, so that left me no more obligations with that ass arranged marriage. We. Are. Done." I snarled. And of course, he is not happy.    


"Not until I get you to bed." And with what he said, I hit him on his balls with my knee, and he curled up on the floor.    


How dare he?    


He groaned in pain, and the rest of the basketball team rushed near us.    


"What the hell, man? What did you do?" One of his teammates angrily yelled at me.    


And I just raised an eyebrow at them. He started it.    


"You, B*tch!" John is about to attack me and punch me, but a blazing fist stops him as it hits his face.    


He touched his side lip and saw there’s blood. It was Leanne who did it.    


Damn, there’s only one thing I could say. My girl has it all. She's super-hot and sexy, plus a head cheerleader and a badass. It’s so damn lucky of me, right?    


"Hey, you okay, Rey?" She worriedly asked me and scanned me from head to toe.    


"Yep, I'm fine, Anne--- Watch out!" I answered and yelled, but Leanne was punched in the face by that bastard, and it made me boil into deep anger.    


I collected all my strength and kicked him on the face really, really hard. What's the purpose of being in the karate team if I won't use it?    


Then John dropped to the floor, face first.    


Oh, I think he passed out.    


"Serves you better, a**hole," I mumbled and spat on him.    


"Are you okay, Anne?" I asked Leanne as she stood up. She got a cut on her lip, and I inhaled deeply to keep my cool.    


"You f*cking b*tches! What the f*ck did you do to my brother?" Jake Brandon yelled as he found his brother lying unconscious on the floor.    


"It's his fault," I told Jake, and I can sense that he is about to do something terrible.    


"No, you will die!" He yelled and brought out a knife from his pocket then pointed it to Leanne.    


What the hell?    


I suddenly felt uneasy as the rest of the basketball team surrounded us and won’t let anyone interfere. Seriously? Are they high? What is the matter with these people? Did somebody call the guards? Where’s Maggie, by the way?    


"How dare you point a knife at My Girl?" I let out as I blocked him from stabbing Leanne. And fortunately, I caught his wrist and bent it so hard, making the knife fall out of his hold.    


I picked up the knife and threw it into the pool, and Leanne proceeded to beat the hell out of the boy.    


And as I went back, I saw that the school's quarterback, who is John's best friend, is about to hit Leanne with a stool on her back.    


Oh, my gosh! No!    


"Anne!!!" I shouted, and I saw that someone quickly held the chair that he's about to hit my girl with, and I let out a sigh of relief.    


It’s Blair. Thank goodness!    


"Let go, bastard." She told the quarterback.    


"Who the f*ck are you to stop me?" He retorted and still held the chair, but he couldn't overpower Blair's grip on it.    


Whoa, she's tough!    


"I'm not gonna say it twice." Blair sternly said, but he still wants to hit Leanne with it, yet he can't.    


"Let. It. Go." The calm tough girl asserted, and after that, Blair forcefully pulled the chair from him and made him fall and kiss the cold hard floor. Well, he deserves that. She clearly said she wouldn’t say it twice.    


"Just try to listen next time." Blair uttered, and we both went to Leanne with a passed-out Jake Brandon on the floor.    


"Hey, Lee, Drea! Are you both, okay?" She asked us and knelt as Leanne was sitting on the floor and exhausted, beating up Jake. I guess I’m right that they had drugs and were drunk.    


As I was about to give Anne a hand to stand up, a bottle was smashed hard at the back of Blair's head. And it was the quarterback earlier. Ugh, he never learns.    


But then Leanne cupped her right cheek, and I saw blood oozing out of it. Sh*t, she was hit by some pigments of the broken bottle. And that means Blair's head is... He is going to pay for this!    


I looked at Blair while I’m in panic, and she seemed not moved by that force, even if blood was streaming down her neck. Oh, my gosh!    


She stood up straight and looked at the nervous face of the boy who assaulted her.    


"You better run before you lose some of your teeth and earn broken ribs." She calmly warned him, and it sent shivers down my spine. Damn, this girl is so scary. Is she okay?    


The guy seemed frozen in place but recollected immediately. Then he pointed to Blair the remaining broken part of the bottle in his right hand.    


"Do... don't me." He stammered while trembling and fear was evident on his face.    


I guess he just messed with the wrong person.    


What the hell are you, Blair?    


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