The Queen And The Freak

C37 Chapter 37 - The Witch

C37 Chapter 37 - The Witch



*Blair’s Point of View*    




That girl is so adorable and at the same time, so vulnerable. Pryce really made my day complete, and that party is so amazing. It was fun and wild. It's so funny to watch the girls go crazy dancing, laughing, drinking till they pass out, while some are fighting and some are making out in front of everybody.    


I am finally home, and as I open the fridge, I noticed that Marge left a note for me. It states that she will take care of something, and she'll be home on Sunday night.    


Then I opened the compartment of the fridge that contains my blood bags. I've lost a lot of blood tonight, and I'm starting to get weak.    


After drinking a liter of blood, I went to my bedroom to take a shower.    




I went to bed, and of course, I couldn't sleep. And it's already two in the morning.    


I wonder what Sander-witch thinks about me. I knew that she sensed me earlier, and I guess she knew something about me. Her aura is familiar, but I can't figure it out so well.    


My eyes are still wide open, and it's now ten minutes after three in the morning. Fudge it! Why should my vampire self have to be awake and active? Sometimes, I really hate it.    


Then something popped up in my mind. I have thought of a great idea. Instead of guessing and wondering about that witch, why not give her a visit. Yeah, surprise, witch.    


I know that she knows that I am not an ordinary girl, too, so maybe it's okay if I ask her if she knew something about this wishing necklace hanging on my neck. I knew that witches are the ones who have spells and magic. And maybe she knows something about this one since Marge didn't say anything about witches to me.    


I thought of the place, and of course, she is staying at my Pryce's house. And I landed here at Cassandra's balcony.    


I sensed that Pryce is asleep in her bedroom, and the witch is awake, but her windows are closed. So, I have no other choice but to teleport again to get into her room.    


The lights are off, and she's not on her bed, but I can hear her in the bathroom.    


Well, I guess I need to wait.    




Ten minutes passed, and I could hear that she unlocked the door of the bathroom. And I don't want to know what she did in that place.    


I stood up from the bed, and I know that she already saw me or sensed me because these stupid eyes of mine are glowing in the dark and they are bright red.    


I can hear her heart beating too fast. Well, who would not be shocked to see someone in their room uninvited with bright red glowing eyes?    


So, I turned back to human mode to lessen the tension.    


Then she turned on the light, and I didn't know how she did that since the switch is near the main door. Yeah, what a witch!    


"Blairie! What are you doing here? How did you get in? I thought you went home? What are.. your eyes are... what are you?" She asked me with wide eyes and with a nervous face.    


"Umm, which question should I answer first?" I asked her because that's a lot of questions right there.    


"Oh, sorry. Uh, what are you doing... ha... How did you get in here?" She asked while stuttering and checking me out from head to toe.    


"Well, what do you think?" I asked her, trying to see if she could guess it.    


"What do you mean?" She asked me back. And fudge, we’re just answering each other's questions with questions.    


"Hmm, I guess this question portion will not end, so I should ask you first. Where's your broom?" I uttered, and she showed me a puzzled face. What can I do? I need answers.    


"Huh? What broom?" She asked me again but in confusion.    


"You know, the one that you ride on in the air to fly?" I asked with hand gestures and acted like a witch riding a broom.    


That's what I knew about witches. They also make potions in a big pot. And they have voodoo dolls, or whatever creepy thing that is that they use to hurt or control other people. Witches are scary as fudge creatures, that’s for sure. They put you into spells or curse you to death without even touching you. Damn, I could feel goosebumps all over my body now.    


Cassandra’s face brightened as she amusedly watched me, and she began to laugh.    


What is so funny? She’s the one who’s funny. I do know that witches look so damn ugly. They only use magic to have a pretty face to fool people around, but the truth is they look awful. They have big noses, sharp chins, frizzy hair, stinky, and I don’t know what else.    


"Hahaha... You mean, like... hahaha... Harry Potter's?" She asked while laughing so hard at me. Like, come on, what's so funny with what I said?    


If she’s going to hurt me, or use magic on me, I want her to know that I am not afraid, even a bit. I have telekinesis. I can fly, too. And I can teleport. Does she know how to teleport? Of course, no! I have lots of superablities, too. It’s going to be way more than her magic and spells or whatever. I am feared by many vampires, shapeshifters, and werewolves back in my hometown. She shouldn't make a mess with me or try to hurt Pryce.    


“It’s not funny.” I muttered and sharply looked at her while she kept laughing.    


She finally noticed my annoyed face, and she composed herself and coughed.    


"Alright, I'm sorry. It's just that your knowledge about witches like us is so hilarious, Blairie." She said, and did I hear it right? Did she just say 'us'?    


"What do you mean witches like us? I am not a witch." I replied, completely dazed at her statement. What the fudge is she thinking?    


"Oh, are you sure that you're not?" She knowingly asked me while smirking.    


"Yeah! One hundred ten percent. And what made you think that I am?" I confidently answered and asked her.    


"Well, that Octavia's Crystal you have wouldn't work on anybody unless you are a witch. The purpose of the crystal is to make you human so that other creatures won't recognize your supernatural aura, and for you to have… human abilities and appearance. Does that make sense to you, Blair Caludette Kendall?" She explained, and she's wrong. I'm not a freaking witch. Geez, when did witches start drinking blood?    


"But I am not a witch," I firmly asserted.    


"Yes, you are," she insisted.    


"Nope, I'm not," I said while crossing my arms on my chest.    


"You are," she asserted while walking past me and sitting on the couch near her bed.    


"I am not," I argued again, but my mind started to wonder. I didn't know any of my parents. Yet the problem is I am a freakin’ vampire. Honestly, everything doesn’t make sense to me.    


"Come on, Blairie! You really are," the witch retorted as she crossed her arms on her chest, too.    


"What made you think of it?" I asked her.    


"Well, I said it already. I explained it just a while ago. Your necklace won't work if you're not a witch," she answered, and I just sighed, but I won't back down.    


"But I am not. I think that you have no idea what I am." I uttered, and to prove that she's wrong, I turned myself back to a vampire. I opened my eyes, and she was staring at me with wide eyes.    


"See? I am not a damn witch. I am a vampire. Witches don't have red eyes and fangs. Look at you! Have you seen your face in the mirror? We don’t look alike. And what is your true face? I’m sure it’s not what you are wearing. And see this? I can teleport. Can you?" I assured her as I emphasized my eyes and fangs and tried to teleport to any part of the room.    


"It is really you. I’m not mistaken. You're a half-witch and half-vampire." She spoke, and again, I'm baffled.    


What does she mean?    


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