The Queen And The Freak

C43 Chapter 43 - Blayce

C43 Chapter 43 - Blayce

*Blair’s Point of View*    




It's been almost a month now since that "kiss" happened at Pryce's room, and nobody opened up. Yep, I'm such a coward. I know, and no need to laugh at it in my face.    


And starting from that moment, we treated each other differently. Like, I seldom annoy her, and she's like avoiding and ignoring me. Fudge! That was really a wrong move, very wrong.    


Well, honestly, I was scared. Because that very moment, I have felt something very, very strange with my whole being. And I am afraid to feel it again.    


But I miss her. I missed the Pryce who cared for me, the one that gets mad because I did something stupid, the girl that smiles at me and could make me smile even if I am just thinking about her. She's not the same as before. And I am so miserable.    


Maybe I need to say something about it? Ugh, no, I don't know what her reaction will be, and perhaps she has hated me since that day. Of course. Well, I know that she hates me.    


But every night, I visit her just to check if she's okay. Not checking her out, okay?    


And also, because of that space between us, I became like a hollow, that something that is a big part of me is missing. It's like I want to see her happy and smile again, but she won't. And she has become extremely cold to everyone, especially to me. And maybe that's because of me. Or maybe she has been like that before I came. I don't know.    


Fudge it! These are the consequences of my stupidity. If only I could turn back the time.    




Today's Friday and tomorrow will be Saturday. Like, duh, obvious.    


It's just that these two lesbians in front of me who are lip-locking didn't notice my presence.    


Well, these two have been inseparable and became the hottest couple on the campus since the day of their coming out. Hurray for them! But yeah, I am happy for them.    


They texted me to be here at the parking lot where Andrea's car is parked. And as expected, they got here first and made out. Mhmm. Nice view.    


"Umm, I suggest you should get a room, now. Like, really now! Or just inside your car." I started coldly. Well, not that I'm insecure because I don't have my girlf---ugh! No, it's just fudge.    


"Aw, come on, Blair! That's why we summoned you here." Drea replied while fixing her hair in a ponytail.    


"To make a plan on winning Pryce's heart back to you," Leanne continued while being like a cheerful cheerleader.    


"Haha, sounds like she got a thing on me before, but clearly, NOT A THING. Even a little." I sarcastically said as I crossed my arms on my chest.    


"Don't be so hopeless, Blair. Do you know what they say? That if you want it, there's always a way that you will have it." Drea uttered thoughtfully while leaning on her car and staring dreamily at her girlfriend.    


"Then what should I do to make her happy with me when she hates every bit of me?" I asked them like a hopeless romantic. No, I'm not romantic—just a hopeless freak.    


"Well, that's why we are here. Be at the hotel rooftop tomorrow. We're going to have a lot to discuss in our meeting. *pause* Our agenda is called "Operation Blayce Together Forever"." Leanne let out as she pointed her car keys at me.    


Then my eyes widened as the things she has said registered in my nervous system    


And the thing "Blayce" sounds great. Well---    


"WHAT?" I exclaimed and then laughed like a maniac.    


"No such thing will happen." I let out while shaking my head 'no' and about to walk away from them.    


"Come on, Blair! Do you want to grow old, single and alone?" Drea frustratedly asked.    


If you just got the idea of how old I am, I'm freaking older than your grandma's grandma, b*tches.    


"It's obvious that she likes you too since that first day of school. And I saw how concerned she was about you at that time when we got into that fight at the welcome party, and how she looks at you before and now. It's just that she hates you a little... maybe." Leanne explained, and maybe she got the point. But the thing is... she hates me now. Haha, thank you for reminding me, Lee.    


"I don't know, gays. I hope that you're right." I uttered and deeply sighed.    


"So, you're coming tomorrow? We contacted Cassandra, and she said she would be the one assigned for the venue of the date, and Marvy to be the photographer," Drea uttered.    


"Sander? Marve?" I asked in confusion as to why my cousin would be included? She's in Canada as they knew it. And a photographer? It's not a damn wedding.    


"Umm, yeah! And be there at ten sharp." Drea asserted while fishing her car keys from her purse.    


"No, fudge! I'm going to wake up tomorrow at eleven." I let out. And it's true since I am going to stay the night at Pryce's roof. Yep, I do it every weekend. Not that I'm stalking her, but to make sure that she's fine. And I miss her.    


"Alright, by one in the afternoon." This time, Leanne confirmed.    


"No, three in the afternoon," I uttered while trying to annoy these two. Maybe they'll back out from their plan.    


"Ugh, come on, Blair! Make it two, and that's the final. BE THERE OR BE THERE!" Drea asserted and was about to enter her car, annoyed.    


"Alright, I'll be there at four. Buh-bye!" I affirmed and skipped to my baby.    


"BLAIR!!" They both exclaimed.    


And I just laughed at them while waving them goodbye.    


Alright, tomorrow at ten.    




As I arrived home, I went to the fridge and drank blood. I often drink blood now because every night I need to be a vampire, and you know why. I just need a lot of energy.    


I also moved out to my new house, which I could pass by Pryce's house. Well, it's just a mile away from hers.    


This house is not that big, but it faces a lake and a huge tree, which is the portal to the witches' dimension for those witches who don't possess the Mirak crystal for making portals anywhere. And I have no neighbors. Yep, I'm just the freak that I am.    


My house was designed by my mother, who is a known architect in the human world. And this was built by the most skillful witches. Well, they work very fast. Of course, with witchcraft.    


My mom let me live near her because I just wanted to spend more time with her. So, she visits me from time to time, and sometimes she cooks me some food, and then we'll talk about lots of things. I just love her so much. I never thought that it would be so amazing to be cared for by the person who gave birth to me. And she loves me too.    


And Marge now is going home to that huge tree- because it's a damn portal to the Northern Witches' dimension. Yeah, I have brought Marge to the palace and let her meet the queen, and they had a very long talk about witches and vampires.    


And I just learned that Marge is a Southern Witch. She was an outcast for a reason I don't know, and I didn't ask.    


Marge has also told my mom that she has found me crying in my grave, and she was surprised to see a pale baby with red eyes with sharp canines. That's me. And I wonder if I was cute back then. But I guess not. I think I look creepy as heck.    


Then she raised me like her own child but didn't let me acknowledge her as my mother, which she knows that I have witch blood running in me. And she didn't know who my parents were at that time.    


I also have told her my age, and she's pretty surprised that I am 239 years old. Well, Marge is just a 518-year-old witch, by the way. Yeah, and she looks like she's just thirty.    




The night goes on that I stayed up late at Pryce's roof. Nothing unusual happened, but I'm just making sure that she's safe.    


My favorite time whenever I stay up here is when she reads a book. It's just like she's reading it for me.    


I just wish that I could be braver and could tell her that I want us to be something else that is much closer.    


Maybe I really should make a move like what those lesbians have mentioned.    


I should, I can, and I will.    


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