The Queen And The Freak

C44 Chapter 44 - Mission: Impossible

C44 Chapter 44 - Mission: Impossible

*Blair’s Point of View*    




Today's Monday, and this is the day that I'm going to ask Pryce out on a date. Fudge, I'm nervous as f*ck!    


I made my way to our classroom with sweaty and cold hands. Well, I've never been nervous like this before.    


And as I'm about to take the stairs, these girls called my attention and gave me a thumbs-up. Yeah, I'm going to kill you both later if she declines.    


The meeting yesterday went well, except the moment when I caught these two on their couch having... you know what couples do on the couch and butt-naked. I showed up at 10, and I never expected that I'd see something that I should not see. Damn, I should have just gone there at four. But these two just shook it off.    


The great thing that was planned is that the date will be this coming Friday night. And what my silly cousin suggested for the venue? My house. Yep, it's such a great suggestion. I salute her.    


Leanne will be in charge of the food, me and Drea for the decorations and whatnot. Marve is for my outfit and photos. And my cousin? Just the venue.    


I just made some nice friends. I never asked them to do something for me. But I am grateful that I have them because I thought that I would never be friends with anybody. Then they came.    




I took a deep breath before entering the classroom, and I hope that she's still not there. But that will be impossible because she's a fudging early bird.    


Then I walked to my seat without looking anywhere but the floor. I'm just making sure that I won't trip by my foot. No, I am not nervous. I'm about to die twice now. Fudge my second life!    


I arrived still in one piece at my seat, took a very deep breath, pulled my chair then sat down quietly.    


My eyes are just focused in front, but my mind is like a roller coaster now. I don't know what to think, and this damn stomach is like killing me. I told you, I was never nervous like this before.    


And my oh so beautiful seatmate here is just like a goddess of ice. I just lost my confidence when it comes to her since that kiss happened. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Stupid move.    




Minutes passed by, and I have not said anything. Yeah, cowardly as you may think, but if you were in my situation right now, you would say something different.    


I collected all my courage, and this is it. I am going to talk to her.    


Then I looked at her, and she's writing something on her binder notebook.    


"Umm, can I... Uh... I mean, I have to do something.... to something I have to... Uh... say?" I talked like a piece of sh*t.    


Fudge, what the heck? Did I just stutter and make it a question? Fudge me! Floor, just open up and swallow me wholly, now!    


She slowly turned her head to me with a baffled face. I just missed it so much. Then she raised her left eyebrow that seemed like telling me to continue. But I think I swallowed my tongue.    


"Uh, umm... *sighs* never mind," I uttered, and yes, I said it.    


Did I just make myself even freakier than before? Yes.    


Her brows met each other, and she shook her head lightly. Dammit, I just lost my only chance to talk to her.    


Her gaze went to the front because Colton is already here.    


Then I combed my hair with my left hand in frustration.    


Now, those three would laugh at me endlessly if they would hear this news.    




The day ended with me being laughed out here in the parking lot with these very, very supportive friends of mine. How nice, right?    


"Alright, I'll stop now. It's just, bwahahaha... Anne, stop laughing!" Drea spoke in between laughter, and she's the loudest of the three. At the same time, Marve is just keeping herself from laughing.    


"Alright, keep laughing at me now, and the agenda will never succeed." I asserted with a little bit of an annoyed voice. Well, honestly, I don't get mad easily.    


"Okay, seriously, we will stop laughing. Alright, so what's the plan now?" Lee stated while composing herself.    


"The plan? Well, we go home and sleep. That's the plan." I replied and slowly walked to where my baby was parked. I'm just trying to make them back out of this crazy agenda.    


"Ugh, come on, Blair! Just have some courage and give it another try. Maybe tomorrow." Drea told me.    


Their faces are just so hilarious right now. I tell you, people, they all got lost puppy faces.    


"Alright, we're sorry for laughing at you. Just give it a try tomorrow, Blair, please." Now, it's Lee's turn to beg.    


Who the fudge told them that I wouldn't try tomorrow? Silly girls.    


"If you cannot ask her, maybe it'll work if I will be the one to ask her," Marvy uttered, which made our heads turn to her.    


"What? You will ask Pryce out on a date?" Drea asked with her eyes widened.    


"Hey, Pryce's just for our Blair, Dude. No, stealing." Lee supported her girl. And I just face-palmed. I got her point that she will ask Pryce for me.    


"WHAT! It's not what you think. And I am not ga-ay?" She retorted then paused. "Well, but if I am… then Pryce is not my type. It's just... I mean, I will ask Pryce on behalf of Blair," she explained.    


And these idiots nodded their heads in sync. Then I just shook my head while smiling like an idiot too.    


"Oh, so... but, it should be Blair. Pryce would not appreciate the effort." Lee let out, and Drea agreed.    


"Yeah, I thought so. It's just an opinion." Marve uttered, putting an index finger on her chin.    


"But there's no other way for it to be done. Blair needs to ask her once again tomorrow," Marve added.    


"Yep, so what now, Blair? Do you want to be called a coward for the rest of your life or take another try tomorrow?" Drea asked as she pointed to my face her car keys.    


"Well, who the heck said I wouldn't try tomorrow?" I affirmed while smirking.    


"Yeeha! That's our girl!" Lee cheered and ruffled my hair. Then the two followed. Ugh!    


Alright, I'll try again tomorrow.    


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