The Queen And The Freak

C48 Chapter 48 - Nightmare

C48 Chapter 48 - Nightmare

*Blair’s Point of View*    




Phew, that was close! Fudge, she almost caught the mop cleaning the floor behind me. And that made me transform into a vampire for seconds to stop it using my telekinetic ability, or witch. I am not so sure about which form could do that thing. I still need to ask Mom about it.    


I looked at their work, and it's a fudging mess. The brush is inside the toilet bowl. The content of the bleach is all over the floor, the mop is lying dead on the floor, and everything is misplaced.    


Alright, I thought that it would be a big help, but it turned out to be a big disaster. I should have done it myself. This means that I still can't control my witch abilities.    


Fudge it, now I have to start over again, but this time as a vampire using my super speed. Yeah, I can do this quickly.    




After cleaning up that damn place, I walked to the parking lot to finally go home. And I just remembered, I forgot to ask Pryce about the date. And as expected, the girls will be dying out of laughter tomorrow. Fudge it!    


As I walked closer to my bike, I noticed Pryce's car was still parked out there. I thought she went home already?    


Then I went near her car, hoping that she's inside. No, I am not thinking that she's been waiting for me to go home. Not at all. She's still mad at me, I know. But... well, it would be so damn good if she waited. Now, I'm excited.    


Or... if she went somewhere else and hasn't gone home then I will wait for her. Maybe I could ask her later.    


It's already dark now, and there are no other vehicles out here.    


Then I knocked on her window, but nobody answered. I wonder where she is.    


And suddenly, nervousness rushed in me. Something's not right.    


I turned myself into a vampire, and I immediately sensed the presence of werewolves. Their scent is still here.    


My heart beats faster and faster, knowing that those monsters might have something to do with why Pryce is not here.    


Fudge it! I will not forgive anyone, even myself, if something terrible happens to her.    


The werewolves were here about five minutes ago since their scent is about to fade.    


Damnit, why didn't I let her wait for me instead?    


What do they want from her? What if I'm too late? No, nobody can touch her.    


I breathed in deeply and tried to concentrate for me to sense where they were heading.    


There were about three vehicles used, and they might be a pack of werewolves. And I will surely kill them all if they do something to my Pryce.    


I levitated up to the sky to see any movement of suspicious vehicles and to be able to sense more of the werewolves' presence.    


Then I looked to my south and magnified my sight to see that there were three vans parked in front of an old and abandoned warehouse.    


So, I immediately teleported to the place and hid on the roof.    


Fudge, there are too many of them. Twenty if my senses are correct. What are they going to do with Pryce?    


Then I tried to find Pryce's aura, and I could feel that she's inside the warehouse with twelve men holding guns. And I know that they are werewolves that are surrounding her.    


I teleported inside and stayed in a dark corner to observe the commotions around. And there, I can see Pryce is blindfolded while her wrists are tied on the arm of the chair that she's sitting on. And I turned into my human mode so that they can't sense my strong vampire aura.    


What the hell are they gonna do with her?    


I am going to kill you all. Just wait, and this could be your worst nightmares.    


"Well, well, well! I thought that the great Werewolf King Alcatraz was so powerful. But it turned out to be inside a girl's body? What a shame! You could have chosen a stronger body, Your Highness." Their alpha spoke and laughed like a real devil. What is he talking about, a werewolf king and a body?    


"I don't know what you are talking about. Just let me go, you f*cking bastards!" Pryce angrily yelled as she tried to be free from the ropes binding her wrists.    


Damn it, I should make my move now. I don't want her to suffer any longer under the hold of these stinky monsters.    


"Alpha, we should kill her already. It might get out anytime if she's provoked." A big man with a long beard told their bastard leader.    


What was that I heard? Are they going to kill her? No!    


I gritted my teeth in anger and formed my hands into fists. And just as I noticed that my fists were on fire.    


Fudge it! What's this?    


I tried to shake it off, but I can't get burned. It doesn't hurt.    


Fire? The power of fire. Woah! Fire is my gift. Wow! This is so cool! I'm going to burn them all.    


Then my sight went back to where Pryce is and found that the alpha is about to stab a silver sword at Pryce's chest. And as fast as a blink, I stole his sword with my super speed, and I pointed it at him instead.    


I stood behind my girl and made all their guns facing them using my mind power. Now, I'm in a rage.    


"And who the hell are you?" The alpha asked while fear was evident in his voice.    


"Your worst nightmare, and nice to meet you all." I replied, and one man shouted, "It's The Killer!"    


And I made his weapon fire straight to his head.    


The others transformed into their beast and wolf forms, but it's too late because their guns fired on their own at their heads.    


"You have silver bullets, eh? Then that makes you all easier to kill. Pussies!" I grimly said as I gripped the sword, and I am very ready to stab this to their alpha's chest.    


They've brought back the monster inside me in just a short period of time, so they must meet their end. I am done killing people, but I am ready to kill anyone for the person I love.    


I could feel that the alpha is shaking out of fear to see that all of his men inside are all dead.    


Then I saw werewolves coming inside the warehouse and attempting to attack us.    


The alpha held them up, and they stopped in their tracks. Nine left. This will not take me even a drop of sweat.    


"What do you want from her?" I asked their alpha while staring at him sharply while Pryce went quiet, and I could feel that she's frightened.    


"I... we are actually going to uh..." He trembled, but I cut him off. "Kill her?"    


"No, no, no. I was just trying to test her ability and... And if uh, what she can do." He stammered while looking so uneasy.    


"It's different from what I've heard earlier," I stated, and he then transformed into a bigger werewolf than most of his pack members.    


And in an instant, I cut his head off using the silver sword with my super speed. Then his head rolled in front of the rest of his men. Some of them stepped back and tried to escape.    


And as they were about to reach the door, I appeared in front of them, and they started to attack me.    


I used the sword to defeat them by stabbing and cutting parts of their bodies.    


Then a fire started to build upon the sword and everything it touched slowly burned and turned into ashes.    


I am mad. And I have never felt this madness my whole life.    




The werewolves' dead bodies are now burning, as well as the warehouse.    


Fudge it! Pryce might get hurt. We need to leave now.    


Then I saw a werewolf tried to run away, but he failed as soon as I sent the sword to him using my telekinetic ability, and it stabbed right to its chest.    


I teleported back to Pryce's location, and she had been shouting for help while trying her best to escape, but the rope was tied up so tight on her wrists.    


Everything around us is on fire, and she must have sensed that someone is in front of her because she stopped shouting.    


"Are... are you going to ki... kill me, too? If yes, then do it quickly. Please." She stammered while she asked me and begged hopelessly.    


I can see that she is struggling with her tied wrists, and she shouldn't see what's happening right now. So, I moved closer to her and knelt so that I was below her.    


"Hey, I would never do that," I told her as I caressed her cheek gently.    


As moments passed by, the fire kept getting bigger and bigger. And I could also hear fire trucks and police cars coming here.    


"Blair? Is that you?" She asked with a hopeful voice, and she's crying now.    


No, she shouldn't know that it's me.    


"I'm so sorry for what I am going to do to you," I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.    


Then I closed my eyes and thought of a safe place–her bedroom.    




I opened my eyes and we are now in her room at her mansion.    


I put her to sleep so that she wouldn't notice anything, and I laid her on her bed to examine her body. I just want to make sure that she doesn't get any injuries.    


Her wrists have rope marks on them, and I can see blood starts to ooze.    


Hastily, I held her wrists and looked at them closely.    


Damn those monsters! They just deserved to die. They dared to hurt her!    


But now, I am in my vampire form, and we crave blood. It is our strength and our weakness as well.    


I have been staring at her bleeding wound for a while now, and I can't help myself not to be tempted. But, I looked at her face, and I saw a young and innocent girl lying in front of me.    


She's my Pryce, the person who made me forget that I am a monster and the reason I felt like a real human. She's my everything, and I know that losing her would make me lose my mind and self-control.    


I turned back to my human form, and in this way, I could still use my witch abilities to heal her.    


Then I fell to the floor as soon as I transformed. My body is so weak because I have used too much of my energy, and I need to stay as a vampire and drink blood. But no, I should not.    


I stayed as a human and tried to use the witch's ability to heal. Her wrists must heal, but even though I tried many times, I never succeeded.    


I looked at her bleeding wrists, and I uncontrollably turned into a vampire.    


Fudge it! No!    


Then I closed my eyes, and now, the smell of blood lingers in my nose that made my thirsty vampire-self take control and hold her wrist tightly.    


I kept on wishing to be a human, but it never works.    


As I am about to bite her bleeding wrist, I just remembered the book that I have read that vampires could heal wounds or bite marks. They just need to lick it, and it will heal like there's no scar or just like nothing happened to it. Yeah, I could use that to heal her wound.    


My tongue touched her skin, and as I got the taste of her blood, the monster inside me craves for more. My fangs sank in her flesh, and blood oozed out. Then I sucked it to my content, but my head kept saying, "stop".    


Her blood is nothing like the others. It's the most delicious of all, it's addicting, and it makes me feel like I'm in a paradise with the person I love. Pryce. Oh, I love her so much, more than she knows.    


Oh, fudge it! It's Pryce!    


I immediately stopped sucking, and I don't understand why I could feel pain in my wrists. I looked at it, but nothing happened. Then fear rushed to me while my head was hurting so much, and I don't understand why. I never felt pain or fear while being a vampire before.    


What is happening to me?    


Pryce's wrists still have blood, but I lost my intention to have a taste of it again. So, I licked both of her wrists, and in an instant, the wounds and the bite marks disappeared as if nothing happened to it.    


I tried to turn myself into a human, and it worked. It feels like I just woke up in the morning, and everything felt brand new. I looked at her, and she was just like a fallen angel. She's so beautiful.    


I'm so sorry, Pryce. I hurt you. I'm so sorry. Oh, no. She's not safe around me. What if those bastards wanted to kill her because of me? No. I don't think they… No. I should find out why they want to kill her.    


I leaned in closer to her and kissed her soft kissable lips. This really felt like the first time I kissed her. My stomach is doing something I don't know. Are those butterflies? It scared me the first time this happened, but it felt so good now.    


She responded slowly, and her arms snaked around my neck to pull me closer to her. This feeling is just so extraordinary.    


We kissed passionately, and in between our kisses, she whispered something.    


"You know what, Blair? This is my favorite dream." She uttered, and I felt her lips forming a smile.    


"Yeah, me too," I said under my breath, and we kissed again.    


If you just know that this isn't a dream, Pryce. This is the best feeling I felt my whole life, and I am ready to do everything to feel this forever with you.    


Then I laid down next to her and hugged her tightly.    


She kissed my cheek and then whispered, "I wish we could be like this in real life. Not just in my head and my dream."    


And I smiled widely upon hearing it. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead.    


"Me, too. I love you, Pryce. More than you know." I whispered to her, and she giggled softly.    


I feel like this is more than enough for me. Being on her side, knowing that she's safe in my arms, and it's just that she doesn't know that I love her. Like, I'm the most cowardly vampire ever, no, I'm a human right now. I just can't say it to her without her knowing that it's not a dream.    


"I love you too, my Blair." She let out and hugged me tighter.    


Those are indeed the most beautiful words that I have heard my whole life.    


I'm sorry, Pryce, but you will remember everything that has happened tonight as a bad and beautiful nightmare.    


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