The Queen And The Freak

C51 Chapter 51 - Worry

C51 Chapter 51 - Worry

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




"Hey, Prycie! How are you?" Cassie greeted me on the other line.    


Why does she sound so different? Like, something bad happened. Is she sad, or is she crying?    


"Hi, Cassie! I'm absolutely fine. How about you? Why do you sound so sad? Is there something wrong? Are you crying?" I asked her, and I heard her sighed.    


It's just that I'm not used to hearing her being sad or lonely or even crying. I mean, she's always happy, ecstatic to be exact. She always has that good mood because even though she and her first boyfriend broke up, she was even happy about it. Because she knew that he was not the right person for her. The boy turned out to be a douchebag, and Cassie doesn't have any feelings for him, which is good. Well, there might be a person that really deserved my best friend's heart.    


"I'm fine, Prycie. It's just that I didn't... sleep well last night. That's why I sound like I'm sad or something, but trust me, I'm happy. I'm just a little exhausted from yesterday. Now, why did you call? Is there something that happened? Tell me. Are you really okay?" She uttered, and she's back to herself—the usual jolly girl. Then she asked me with concern. Maybe she just needs to rest, and I hope that she's not sick.    


"Umm, I'm okay. There is nothing unusual that happened, except... Blair." I answered her, and excitement was evident in my voice.    


Then I told her how I heard Blair said that she loves me, yesterday. And she was so happy for me and us. I just hope that we can finally sort this out.    


Well, too much for that, the class is about to start. And I just forgot to tell her about my nightmare, which is my purpose in calling her. Damn, I could forget my troubles because of that freak.    


And I turned to leave the rooftop and go to my classroom, but a big hug crushed me.    


Then the familiar scent of the person in my dreams lingers in my nose that sends shivers through my whole body and sets the damn butterflies in my stomach to go crazy.    


It made me surprised since Blair never hugged me like this, and she’s so worried. What's wrong with the people today?    


"Are you okay? Did anything bad happen to you? Uh, why are you still up here? The class is about to start." She asked me, and my head hurts because she asked me a lot of questions. Like, which should I answer first?    


I hugged her too, and it's your damn f*cking chance, Pryce. Yeah, I know, right. Hug her tighter.    


Wow, this feeling is just so great. It's like we're really meant to have each other and made for each other. I really felt so calm and safe in her arms. We could be like this forever, and I can't wait for it to happen.    


If I could just be nice and show how I really feel for her and not treat her like a badb*tch every day, it could've happened already. I know. Regret always comes last.    


We parted from the hug, and as I looked at her face, the concern was clearly written on it. What is the matter with her? But I am more than happy right now.    


"I'm fine, Blair. How about you? Why'd you run up here and ask like a zombie apocalypse is coming?" I replied and asked her while chuckling.    


Then she put her hands inside her jeans' pockets as she cleared her throat. She's so damn beautiful every day.    


"Nah, I'm alright. It's just that... I had this bad dream, and... it's really bad." She replied with mixed emotions. Like, she's sad then changed back to her usual cheerful self.    


"Oh, well... I hope that your bad dream didn't match mine." I uttered, and she was a bit surprised.    


Well, I need somebody to talk to about it because I want to know what it means.    


"I hope not. But tell me about it." She said, and I told her about it except the kissing parts. That has to be a secret for now.    




"Wow! So... I turned out to be a hot hero?" She uttered amusedly. Yeah, hot as hell, Blair.    


"Well, uh... yeah. It sounds like that. But... Wait, I'm not making this up, okay? Like, in books or whatever. It's what in my dreams happened, and---" I explained, and she shushed me using her index finger that she gently placed on my lips.    


And the smirk on her face is making her more beautiful than ever.    


Oh, come on, her face is just too close to mine, and by that, I could examine it closely. But seriously, Pryce, you want it to be closer, right? Damn, shut it, please.    


"I believe you. Okay? And I will be just right here whenever you need me. I'll make you safe no matter what." She told me sincerely and smiled at me warmly. And her words never fail to make my heart flutter.    


I know we haven't talked about things between us, but I love how she makes me feel right now. Safe. I feel safe and happy.    


I nodded my head, and she removed her finger from my lips then sighed deeply. There is really something wrong. I just can't figure it out.    


"Don't worry. It's just a dream. There will be no such thing to happen like that. And if there is? Over my dead body, nobody can hurt you, Pryce. I will always be by---" She assured with full concern, but I shut her off with my lips on hers.    


Yeah, f*ck it! I'm kissing this girl right now. And I've always wanted to do this for a very long time.    


She turned stiff for a while then responded slowly.    


I snaked my arms around her neck as the kiss deepened. And her hands are on my waist and my back.    


As her lips moved in sync with mine, I could clearly hear my heart beating so loud with my stomach feeling so crazy.    


This is more than that kiss on the cheek she gave me back at the principal's office or that of our first kiss in my room. I don't even know if that would pass as a kiss. But this one is surely so intimate and full of sparks, though this feels so familiar. It's like we kissed like this before. But I don't know, maybe in my dreams. Of course.    


We parted as we heard the bell ringing.    


Her forehead touched mine while we both breathed heavily and filled up our lungs with oxygen. She then kissed my forehead and looked me in the eyes.    


And her ocean green eyes stare like she sees my soul, my whole being. Then I bit my lower lip, and she smiled naughtily.    


"I know you want more, but we got an English class to attend." She uttered while grinning and gave me a light kiss on the lips.    


"Oh! Seriously, Blair? Me, huh? Don't you?" I told her for like... It's not just me who wants more. I know that. How did I know? I don't know. I just know, okay? I can feel it.    


She leads the way to the classroom while she holds my hand. And they just fit perfectly.    


Wow, tell me, is this the effect of being in love? You feel so happy, contented, nervous, and suddenly, you're like high up above cloud nine, and many more unexplained feelings.    


This is just one of my favorite moments that we shared, and I am looking forward to something more like this.    


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