The Queen And The Freak

C17 Chapter 17 - The Call

C17 Chapter 17 - The Call

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




The afternoon quickly passed by, and here I am sitting inside my car, deciding to drive home or go somewhere else. Nobody's waiting for me at home, so I guess I better go somewhere else for me to stop thinking about her.    


When I was about to put my thumb on the start engine button, two petite girls passed in front of my car. They stopped there for a while to continue their chatting. And I sighed and waited for a little bit for them to go away. They can't see me inside because my car's windows and windshield are tinted.    


As they chatted, I heard Blair's name being mentioned.    


“Hey, Carla! That Blair, the new girl, was so f*cking cool, right? I can't believe that she did that to Jake.” The girl with glasses said to the Carla girl who got books in her hands.    


“Yeah, neither do I. Don't you think she and Miss Winsley can make a good pair?” Carla uttered and asked her friend.    


And I didn't notice that a smile was slowly creeping on my face. Yeah, good pair, indeed.    


“And what made you think of that?” The other girl curiously asked her friend.    


“Well, like... Umm, Miss Winsley is the princess, and Blair will be her knight in shining armor. She will be the one to protect her and those who need help.” Carla explained while making a dreamy expression on her face.    


What made them think that Blair will be my knight in shining armor? Like, I'm not a princess. Hell with the minds of these girls. But, yeah, why not?    


“And what made you think that they are lesbians?” The other girl asked with raised eyebrows.    


“Umm, it's just that they look good togeth---" Carla answered but was cut off by someone.    


“Hey, nerds! What are you gossiping about? Is it about that new girl? The one that kicked Jake Brandon's ass off of this school for a whole week? And you were thinking that the new girl's super cool, like she's so amazing! And blah blah blah....” The real b*tch of the academy came with her two minions and four boys from the basketball team.    


Andrea Montgomery. She acts like a queen when I'm not around but acts like a puppy when I'm in front. What a b*tch, right?    


I lightly shook my head and let out a deep breath.    


Then I saw the two girls from earlier left, and there are now seven students in front of my car that are laughing their asses out.    


They think that they are the coolest students here, but for the freak's sake, they're not. That Andrea girl is Leanne's best enemy, the captain of my cheerleaders. And I wonder why. Well, maybe because she was jealous of Leanne since she is the captain, and that makes Leanne more popular than her. And so, she stuck herself to John Brandon, brother of Jake, and the captain of the basketball team to be popular. She got what she wanted. She is also famous because she bullies those who are weaker, girls or boys. Just like that jerk Jake earlier this morning. Why the heck do we have students like them?    


They finally recovered from their hysterical laughter and went to their vehicles. Then I waited for them to pull out first.    




I am currently sitting on my couch when suddenly, my phone rings. I wonder who is calling.    


So, I picked it up from the table and answered it without looking at who's on the other line.    


“Yeah, who's this?” I answered the call, and unexpectedly,    


“Kyaaaaaah!!!!” The person on the other line screamed as I turned away the phone from my ears. Damn, I think my eardrums are broken.    


“Hey, what's wrong back there, Cassie? Why are you so f*cking excited?” I asked and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.    


“Prycie, Prycie, Prycie, Prycie...“ She chanted as I opened the fridge. Sh*t, this girl's really nuts.    


“Oh, yes!What is it, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie?” I asked and imitated her voice. I just knew that she got to say something very exciting.    


“Guess what?” She cheerfully let out.    


“Umm, you got a new cat?” I asked her as I grabbed an apple from the fridge.    


“Silly, no! I got a new phone!” She excitedly yelled.    


“And? What's so exciting about that?” I asked her while my eyebrows met each other. She could buy a damn new phone every day, what’s so exciting with that?    


“Nothing,” she answered, and I think she took a deep breath.    


“Then why'd you call me, sounding like you've just won the lottery?” I told her as I sat at the kitchen table.    


“Yeah, well, I'm just kidding. I'm going to have a vacation at your place for three days.” She said and did not sound excited. What's wrong with people today?    


“Okay, then… Wait... what? You're gonna have a vacation here?” I asked her in disbelief. Now, I'm the one who is excited.    


“You heard me right.” She affirmed, and I’m so glad about it. It's been a year.    


“Okay, and when will you be coming?” I asked her in excitement.    


“Umm, maybe I'll arrive Thursday night or Friday morning.” She answered.    


“Alright. I guess I’m going to buy a lot of food for you,” I joked, and we laughed. This girl has a big appetite, but her body’s still in good shape. I just missed her so much.    


“Well, yeah, you know me so well, Prycie. So, I’m going to call you when I land there. And... don't forget to invite your Blair this Friday so that I can finally meet her at dinner.” She replied while sounding so excited about meeting Blair.    


But I still have a problem with inviting Blair. I don't know what she will think about me.    


“Yeah, but I don't think I can invite her because... *tot*tot*tot*” Before I could give my reason, she hung up the phone. What a nice best friend. She didn't even say goodbye to me.    


I let out a sigh and put my phone beside me.    


I don't think Blair would accept the invitation. And besides, there's a welcome party that will be held at the Fallon's residence. They are one of the wealthiest families around here, and their daughter happens to be Maggie Fallon, a student of the academy and the co-captain of the cheerleaders. They always hold a welcome party every first Friday of the school year.    


Maybe Blair will be there at the party. No, of course, Blair would be there, especially that she's a new student.    


I don't go to any parties like those because I grew up going to parties that are business-related only. Yeah, my life's too boring, right? But I think I'm satisfied with what I have now.    




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