The Queen And The Freak

C40 Chapter 40 - Where?

C40 Chapter 40 - Where?

*Pryce’s Point of View*    




Today is Saturday, and yesterday was so much fun. I never really felt that kind of happiness before, but at the same time, I was really worried about Blair last night at the party.    


I will really expel those students. I don't care if they're my academy's quarterback or basketball team captain. We could always replace them because I don't need those kinds of students in my academy. I want everything in peace.    


What if Blair's brain was damaged, or worse? My cheerleaders' captain was also hurt. I will really not forgive everyone, even myself if anything bad happens.    


"So, Prycie, did you get a nice sleep?" Cassie asked me while we're eating breakfast.    


"Well, yeah. How about you? Didn't you get any hangovers?" I curiously asked her.    


I was just wondering why my best friend was so strange last night. She was drunk, but she was sober when we got home. Well, she even drove me home last night. Maybe she's just used to drinking alcoholic drinks.    


"Uh, nope, I'm fine. How about Blairie? Did she make it home last night?" She replied and then asked me.    


Yeah, Blair was still injured, but she wore her helmet and drove home. Why are these girls with me so damn weird? Mmm, maybe just freaks.    


"Oh, yeah? I guess she did. I just don't know if she will come here today." I answered and sipped on my cup of coffee.    


I asked Blair last night if she can be here today because we are going to my doctor. I want her head to be checked up. But I didn't say to her that we will go to the doctor today since that girl is just so stubborn. She wouldn't go to the hospital even if she lost a lot of blood last night. But thankfully, she looks okay.    


"Umm, may I know where are we heading today, Prycie, if ever Blairie will show up? But I'm sure that she'll show up," Cassie asked and took a bite of her watermelon.    


"To my doctor. I want her head to be checked up." I answered, and I noticed that Cassie's expression turned to panic. I don't know, but she seemed nervous.    


"Ah, Oh... okay. Um, what if Blair won't show up?" She nervously let out. What's with her? Earlier she was so sure that Blair would be here. Am I missing something from them?    


"Hmm. Then I will be the one to go to her house and drag her along with me to the doctor even if she says no." I uttered, and Cassie went pale as she blinked a lot of times.    


"Oh! Is that so? Um, what if she's not... err at her... house?" She curiously asked.    


Yeah, what if she's somewhere else?    


"Then what's the use of the cell phone if I can't call her to know where she is now?" I let out and fished my phone from my pocket.    


"Don't call her!" I flinched when she suddenly yelled, and my eyebrows met in confusion.    


"Oh, maybe she's still sleeping right now. It's still seven in the morning. You'll disturb her slumber," she added, and she's right. Maybe she's still sleeping. She needs to rest.    


"Okay, maybe later after eight," I uttered and stood up to put my plate in the dishwasher, and Cassie followed behind.    


I just hope that Blair is doing fine right now. And she should be here later.    






*Cassandra’s Point of View*    




Geez, how will I contact Blairie if I don't have her freaking phone number on my phone? Damn it! I should've asked her that.    


She can't see the doctor. I knew that she healed her wound last night when we were about to go to the parking lot to go home. The doctor, and especially, Prycie should not know Blairie's true form. I'm sure she'll freak out. Well, definitely, she'll freak out.    


What should we do? And I know that my cousin is heading here right now. How should I...? Hmm.    




I am currently inside my bathroom while my mind's debating how we will escape from this situation. Prycie's in her room and getting ready. And if Blairie will be here soon, I should talk to her right away about Prycie's plan. I should make an excuse. A heavy excuse.    


Damn, I can't put Prycie back to sleep. My sleep induction spell only works once every 24 hours. I'm still practicing to control it and how to do it properly and continuously. My mom mentioned that I'm still too young to learn everything, but I'm proud to say that I can already control the water. I can make it rain if I want to.    


Yes! I will make it rain instead. And in that way, we can't go to the doctor because it's dangerous to drive. And Prycie's doctor lived about fifteen minutes’ drive from here. Great idea! I am not that dumb after all.    


I got to save my newfound cousin's potential lovelife and our true supernatural forms. I'm so damn happy for my Aunt Claudia that she found her daughter. Finally, their path has crossed again. I can't really imagine her loneliness. That's more than two hundred years that she was longing for her daughter and mourning her death.    


She has turned into a very cold queen. She was so strict when it came to everything. But it turned out that her daughter came to life more or less seventeen years ago. And now, they will finally be together.    


Honestly, for me, they just seemed like twins. It's just that they don't have the same eye color and hair. But Aunt C is a little bit older than Blairie, like... umm, ten years. Yeah, we just age so freaking slow by the time we'll reach the age of eighteen.    




I went to the balcony and looked up at the sky. Then I immediately covered my eyes. Sh*t! The sun is shining so bright. Stupid move.    


Finally, I concentrated and started to gather the clouds to where we were. I can make it rain for approximately a thousand square meters. And it will be enough to tell Prycie that we can't go to the doctor.    


I will make it rain so freaking hard.    


Now, the rain showers are here, and later on, the rain will fall harder. What a brilliant idea I got here. I'm just so freaking proud of myself.    


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