The Strongest Matrilocal Son-in-law

C708 Strength of One Punch

C708 Strength of One Punch

Never in his wildest dreams would Xuan Ye ever imagine that Lin Xuan would defeat him with a single punch and turn him into a drowning dog.    


However, he didn't know that people like Lin Xuan were untouchable.    


Although Murong Hanxiao's position in his heart was not comparable to Qin Shishi's, he had to admit that people whom Lin Xuan cared about, would not put her in danger.    


Xuan Ye had actually attacked, injuring Murong Hanxiao in front of Lin Xuan.    


This was touching Lin Xuan's reverse scale!    


Lin Xuan's punch had already landed a killing blow. He was going to take Xuan Ye's dog life.    


He was thankful that this was the old cabin. It had been destroyed, dropped into the water, and saved his life.    


Lin Xuan didn't care whether Xuan Ye lived or died. It didn't matter anymore.    


The most important thing was that he had to save Murong Hanxiao as soon as possible.    


Through the ingenious method of the Nine Needles For Qi Control, he sealed Murong Hanxiao's acupoints and channeled his elemental energy into her body, protecting her heart meridian.    


However, Murong Hanxiao was a mortal after all.    


Even if acupuncture sealed her acupoints and elemental energy protected her heart meridian, she wouldn't be able to hold on for long.    


Therefore, after defeating Xuan Ye, Lin Xuan immediately saved Murong Hanxiao.    


As for the old cabin, Chen Ergou, Chen Sansheng, Luo Feng and Jiang Tao rushed out to stop the two who were preparing to escape.    


No matter how blind the Chen brothers were and how stupid they used to be when they called Lin Xuan a trash son-in-law, they knew Luo Feng.    


This big boss of Gray Zone did not have a bad reputation like Lin Xuan.    


Or it could be said that they definitely could not afford to offend a big shot like Luo Feng, who had mixed his Gray Zone.    






The Chen Brothers also never dreamed that the rumored biggest good-for-nothing son-in-law, Lin Xuan, would have such a strong relationship with Gray Zone Mogul and Luo Feng.    


How could they dare to be presumptuous? They were stopped by Luo Feng and Jiang Tao. Their knees softened and they kneeled on the ground. They kept slapping themselves, knocking their heads on the ground and begging for mercy.    


"Boss Luo, we were wrong, it was all because of Xuan Ye. He forced us to do this. Please, spare our lives!"    


"Dong, dong, dong!"    


The Chen brothers kowtowed nonstop, snot running down their noses as they pleaded, "Boss, we brothers have an eighty year old mother to support, and a three to five-year-old child to raise …"    


"I beg of you, give us a way out …"    


Without waiting for Luo Feng and Jiang Tao to respond, Lin Xuan, who was on the side trying to save Murong Hanxiao, spat out a bone chilling word from between his teeth, "Kill!"    


Luo Feng pouted his lips and signaled Jiang Tao to take action.    


The Chen Brothers were dumbfounded. They quickly kneeled on the ground and crawled towards Lin Xuan, "Elder Brother Xuan, we were wrong. Please, please forgive us …"    


Jiang Tao pulled out a shiny dagger with a "whoosh". A trace of a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He took a step forward, grabbed Chen Sansheng's head, slashed the knife horizontally and swept it towards Chen Sansheng's neck.    


A trace of coldness flashed past. Chen Sansheng's body twitched a few times. Then, like a chicken that was being slaughtered, he struggled for a while before falling into a pool of blood and not moving at all.    


Chen Ergou was scared silly. He threw himself beside Chen Sansheng's corpse and exclaimed, "Three left … Three left …"    


Jiang Tao stepped forward and kicked Chen Ergou away, causing him to roll on the ground, "No, Brother Tao, Master Tao, I was wrong. I beg you, please spare my pathetic life!"    


"Too late, you offended Elder Brother Xuan. Even if you are going to die, I will let you off the hook!"    


Jiang Tao raised his dagger and the cold blade pierced into Chen Ergou's heart.    


Blood splattered. Chen Ergou struggled as his face contorted. It was only when he died that he realized how terrible he would be if he offended Lin Xuan.    


Perhaps, it was only until he closed his eyes that he realized that he should never, ever, offend Lin Xuan.    


Previously, he kept ridiculing Lin Xuan as the biggest good-for-nothing son-in-law, but now he realized how wrong he was.    


He was even deeply resentful, wondering which grandson made this up, saying that Lin Xuan was trash.    


Damn it, this bastard would probably die in eighteen layers of hell!    


Who the hell had ever seen such vicious trash!    


When Jiang Tao pulled out his dagger, blood splashed out. After a while, Jiang Tao finally moved and died.    


Luo Feng waved his hand, signalling the rest of the Gray Zone brothers, and helped to throw the four corpses of Chen Ergou, Chen Sansheng, vulture, and falcon into the ocean.    


At this moment, even Luo Feng and Jiang Tao, who were already used to licking their blood from the tip of their blades, felt a chill run down their spines when facing Lin Xuan.    


They had to re-evaluate Lin Xuan as a person. Normally, he looked so calm and approachable.    


Unexpectedly, his ruthlessness was something they had never seen before.    


He didn't even blink when killing people. To many people, they mistakenly thought that this good-for-nothing who only relied on his wife to make him pay was the most useless man.    


Who would have thought that when he got up, he wouldn't be a human, but a demon!    


To cross his bottom line, regardless of who the other party was, death had already become his greatest form of forgiveness.    


Even Luo Feng and Jiang Tao felt reverence towards Lin Xuan in their hearts. Perhaps, they were completely unable to see through this man's thoughts.    


Perhaps Lin Xuan, seen from the outside, was just the tip of the iceberg.    


The ice mountain above the sea, the part above the sea, was so small, so insignificant.    


However, the deepest parts of the ocean were the parts that were shockingly large.    


They also deeply understood that the powerful strength that Lin Xuan contained was like a part of an iceberg buried deep in the sea. It was so huge that they could not imagine it.    


They had even started to ponder what kind of change it was for such a strong person to be willing to marry into a Shen City and become a son-in-law that was despised by the world.    


What kind of thing had happened to him, to make him choose this step?    


Previously, Luo Feng thought that he and Lin Xuan were the same kind of people because they both had a strong will to endure.    


Today, he couldn't help but redefine this definition. Compared to Lin Xuan, he was like the light of a firefly, while Lin Xuan was like the bright moon in the nine heavens.    


He was so insignificant, how could he compete with the bright moon like Lin Xuan!    


Lin Xuan slowly squatted down and placed his hand on Murong Hanxiao's pulse. He used the Consonance Rhinoceros meridian to take Murong Hanxiao's pulse.    


"Brother Xuan, senior is …" How is she? " Tang Xiaoying was still extremely worried about Murong Hanxiao's safety.    


Speaking of which, Tang Xiaoying had received Murong Hanxiao's help, which was equivalent to Murong Hanxiao inheriting Lin Xuan's help all those years ago. She would help Tang Xiaoying in such a way.    


And Lin Xuan saved Tang Xiaoying's mother, Aunt Tang. Through Lin Xuan, the key link between them, their fates interweaved.    


Tang Xiaoying was grateful to Murong Hanxiao for her help, and even more so for Lin Xuan's care …    


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