The Strongest Matrilocal Son-in-law

C891 Call Late at Night

C891 Call Late at Night

Nanshan Lake Garden District.    


After hanging up, Lin Xuan's heart was filled with pain.    


However, this kind of pain was also painful and happy.    


After all, he was even more confident that Qin Shishi could pour her heart out to him like that.    


No matter what you encounter, you must persevere.    


He must grit his teeth and overcome this crisis.    


Then, he returned to Qin Shishi's side.    


He slowly stood up and walked out of the room. He went to the room next door and gently opened it.    


On the bed, Ya Tong had already fallen asleep. From time to time, he would babble, slap his mouth and snore.    


Lin Xuan sighed in his heart. Now that he was in such dire straits, he actually met Ya Tong.    


It seemed that his life, was also a mystery.    


Would he be abandoned in his infancy by the person closest to him? Would he also be abandoned in his infancy?    


Thinking about his past, Lin Xuan's eyes were filled with hatred.    


He clenched his fists so tightly that the veins on the back of his hands bulged.    


He wondered about this Ya Tong, or perhaps his identity was even more strange!    


This was because even with Fu Ao's ability, Ya Tong was still not a match for him.    


The power that Ya Tong unleashed, as well as the magic that had gone out of control, all shocked Lin Xuan.    


Where did the demon qi in his body come from?    


Perhaps, this was the key to solving the mystery of Ya Tong's identity.    


However, Lin Xuan didn't think that far.    


After all, he still had a lot of questions and was waiting for him to answer them.    


Back then, the cause of the collision between Immortal Cultivation World and medicine, who exactly was the mastermind behind the plot?    


And who had the ability to freeze all of his personal Swiss bank assets?    


If he could solve these mysteries, it would be helpful to Lin Xuan in resolving the difficult situation he was in.    


With his personal name and the Swiss bank's assets, that was definitely enough to pry up the world.    


As long as this money was unfrozen, regardless of whether it was Ji Family, Lin Family, or even the Xiao Family, to Lin Xuan, it wouldn't be much of a problem.    


Could it be that the only way to solve the problem was to unfreeze this money?    


"..." "I've just met you and I'm begging you, tell me how to keep you. My heart is with you, don't give up. I've never felt so powerless before …"    


Just as Lin Xuan was deep in thought, the ringtone from the phone that was created by "Laixi" rang again.    


He picked up the phone and looked at the screen. His eyebrows slightly sunk. He turned around, closed the door to Ya Tong's room and walked back into the room.    


"Hello, Xiao Chuchu. What's the matter?"    


Lin Xuan's heart sank to the bottom of the Pacific when he saw Xiao Chuchu's phone call.    


Originally, he had planned to form an alliance with Xiao Chuchu and find a way to fight Ji Wan together.    


Who knew that when he went to the Half Moon Lake Hotel and met Xiao Chuchu, he would end up like that.    


He also knew that Xiao Chuchu's feelings for him might actually be real.    


Just like Shen Lan.    


In fact, Lin Xuan wasn't stupid. How could he not know that Xiao Chuchu and Shen Lan shared the same feelings with each other?    


However, in his heart, there was only Qin Shishi who remained unchanged.    


Of course, Shen Lan was more reserved and reserved than Xiao Chuchu.    


It could also be said that Shen Lan paid more attention to her and Qin Shishi's friendship and sisterhood.    


Naturally, she would not do anything to let Qin Shishi down.    


Although Xiao Chuchu was more aggressive than Shen Lan, she didn't show much affection towards Lin Xuan before their divorce.    


This time, Lin Xuan and Qin Shishi had a divorce, so her heart was even more fascinated by Lin Xuan.    


At this moment, Lin Xuan's ice-cold tone was like a cold sword, piercing into Xiao Chuchu's heart.    


On the phone, Xiao Chuchu did not speak for a long time.    


This awkward atmosphere was like the air had frozen, causing people to feel suffocated.    


"If you don't say anything, I'm hanging up!"    


Lin Xuan didn't know that it was already late at night, what was the purpose of Xiao Chuchu's call?    


Tonight, he had been on the phone with Qin Shishi, feeling rather happy.    


He chatted with Qin Shishi for a while and then coaxed her to sleep. Finally, he reluctantly hung up the phone.    


However, just as she hung up the phone, Xiao Chuchu called again.    


"Do you hate me that much? If you want to hang up, then hang up! "    


On the other end of the phone, Xiao Chuchu sadly said, "I know, I'm not Shishi. I'm so despicable, so I brought it to your door on my own accord. You don't treasure it at all." "I …"    


"I'm not in the mood to listen to you talk about that. If you have something to say, say it. Don't talk nonsense. "You should also know that the relationship between Shishi and I can't be replaced by anyone."    


"As for the things that you said, they were all things that you thought you were, but that does not mean that I would think that way."    


"Because to me, you're Shishi's best friend and sister, and you're also my friend!"    


Lin Xuan knew in his heart that it was easier said than done to get Xiao Chuchu to let go of this relationship, especially after he got a better understanding of Xiao Chuchu.    


After so many years, she had been like a mask, hiding her beauty and living in a world that others would think was mediocre.    


Lin Xuan was more or less impressed by her tolerant and strong heart.    


However, it also made Lin Xuan respect Xiao Chuchu a lot.    


Any woman paid attention to their own beauty.    


Xiao Chuchu, on the other hand, had a face that could topple cities and overthrow nations. Yet, she had hidden her pride deep within.    


With pearls hidden within, to be able to achieve such a powerful state of mind was definitely not something an ordinary person could do.    


In that case, it would at least mean that Xiao Chuchu had an extremely strong desire to seek revenge.    


She had a larger, unknown goal.    


Only such a strong belief, or obsession, could make a person do such a shocking thing.    


From a certain point of view, Lin Xuan felt that he and Xiao Chuchu were the same kind of person, but there was also a fundamental difference between them.    


Lin Xuan was forced into a corner by the situation. He needed to be patient and hibernating.    


However, that was not the case for Xiao Chuchu. She had purposely dimmed and concealed the halos.    


Although the two of them had a powerful heart of patience, their essences were completely different.    


"Alright, I understand. I'm not calling you for mercy, I'm not begging you for charity …"    


Xiao Chuchu's words were also sharp, but she had probably meticulously dressed up, so she thought that Lin Xuan wouldn't resist.    


Who would have thought that in the end, everything would be for nothing.    


"Didn't you want to form an alliance with me and fight against Ji Family together? I have already thought about it. I can agree to cooperate with you! "    


This was out of Lin Xuan's expectation, so he asked in disbelief: "You're willing to cooperate with me? "Without any conditions..."    


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