The Strongest Matrilocal Son-in-law

C353 Competition by Hook or by Crook

C353 Competition by Hook or by Crook

"Even so, we can't do that. Director Duan, why don't we work together with the male deer? We'll talk about it next time we have a chance, right?" Ye Hao probed.    


Unexpectedly, Duan Lin flew into a rage when he heard that, "Boss Ye, I always thought you were a brave man. I didn't expect that you couldn't even beat a good-for-nothing son-in-law."    


Ye Hao was stunned. Surprised, he stared at Duan Lin, "What do you mean?"    


"What else can it mean? Haven't you heard why Director Ye transferred the collaboration to Guokang Pharmaceutical Group? It's all because of that good-for-nothing son-in-law Lin Xuan. I wonder what kind of PY deal he had with Lin Xuan. "    


"As Director Ye's most capable right-hand man, shouldn't you stand out and choose the best collaborator to seek for the best benefits for Ye Family Group?"    


"I can understand why Director Ye was confused at the moment, but I really can't stand it any longer. That's why I've come to specifically talk to you …"    


Wu did his best to flatter Ye Hao, and said how righteous and tall he was.    


In this way, Ye Hao also wavered. If it was really as Duan Lin said, then there must be a problem in choosing to cooperate with Guokang Pharmaceutical Group.    


"Director Duan, thank you for your reminder. How about this, I'll ask Director Ye again before replying to you. How about it?" Although Ye Hao wanted to change the course of action, he turned a deaf ear towards Ye Yu's exhortations and instead cooperated with Stag Pharmaceutical Group.    


However, Ye Yu was, after all, the most powerful person within the Ye Family Group, so he couldn't change Ye Yu's decision without Ye Yu's consent.    


However, this time, Ye Hao was wrong, because Duan Lin had met with a crushing defeat at Ye Yu's side. Ye Hao was his only chance to turn the tables, and he could not give up such an opportunity.    


Therefore, Duan Lin continued to lobby, "Boss Ye, could it be that I didn't make myself clear? "As a capable subordinate of Director Ye, you should consider how to seek the greatest benefits for the group the most."    


"Think carefully about it, cooperate with Guokang Pharmaceutical Group, and think again about it. The better and the worse, isn't it all of a sudden?"    


Ye Hao pondered for a moment. In comparison, there was no need to explain too much, Stag Pharmaceutical Group's reputation in the medical market would definitely far surpass Guokang Pharmaceutical Group's.    


If he were to ignore Ye Yu's orders and let Ye Hao choose, without a doubt, he would choose to cooperate with Stag Pharmaceutical Group.    


It was likely that Duan Lin had also seen this point from Ye Hao. Therefore, when Ye Yu rejected him by a thousand miles, he immediately ran over to Ye Hao.    


Because for Duan Lin, persuading Ye Hao was his only chance to turn the situation around.    


As long as Ye Hao agreed to cooperate with Stag Pharmaceutical Group and sign the contract, Guokang Pharmaceutical Group would not be a problem.    


This was also Duan Lin's most insidious method. In order to achieve his goal, he would use any means he wanted. This was a trick that he was used to.    


Fly does not bite seamless egg, but Ye Hao is a seamed egg, that, also gave Duan Lin a huge opportunity.    


Even if he was rejected by Ye Yu, as long as he broke through Ye Hao's place, he would still have the chance to get the Ye Family Group's cooperation, and obtain the order for the Ye Family Group.    


"Boss Ye, this is not the first time we have interacted. How about this, I will take a step back. If you are willing to cooperate with Stag Pharmaceutical Group, I will give you 10 points to go back to work, how about that?" When Duan Lin saw Ye Hao waver, he immediately used the benefits to further lure him.    


Ye Hao secretly took a deep breath, returning to work for 10 people, this was not a small temptation. Although he worked at Ye Family Group and was in charge of the medicine market, he still basically got his salary according to the model of increasing the base salary.    


If Duan Lin gave him 10 points for every order, according to the market share of the medicine under Ye Family Group, a year's worth of sales would be an extremely terrifying amount of income.    


Duan Lin was too observant. When he saw that Ye Hao was tempted, he chuckled further, "Boss Ye, think about it, Director Ye only said one sentence and told you to do it. As for who you gave the order to, he didn't pay too much attention to it."    


"As long as we succeed and make a huge profit, who's going to give the order but you, right?"    


Duan Lin was even more doubtful: "Boss Ye, in the entire Ye Family Group, honestly, I only admire you. With your talent, as long as you perform well, before long, I believe that you will definitely reach the top. "You wouldn't be willing to always be the medicine market manager, right?"    


"Looking at the entire Ye Family Group, as well as the core management, it's only right that there's a seat for you."    


Duan Lin's fanning of the flames had instead pierced Ye Hao's heart. All these years, he could be said to have climbed up the ranks of Ye Family Group to serve them until the very end.    


However, he stopped at the position of the General Manager of the Medicine Market Department from beginning to end. He had never been able to advance to the higher management levels of Ye Family Group, which had already become a sore point in his heart.    


"Think about it. As long as you perform well, can you not get promoted?" Duan Lin, this old fox, has been rampant in the business world for many years. He is much more accurate in understanding human nature than Ye Hao.    


"Actually, even I felt that you were not worth it. I felt that you were too much of a waste of your talent. You are truly a bright jewel covered in dust; you are truly a waste of your talent."    


After a flattering speech, Ye Hao secretly clenched his fists. He clenched his teeth and immediately expressed, "Director Duan, thank you for your advice. I will accept this matter. If you cooperate with Stag Pharmaceutical Group, you can first place an order of five million, how about it? "    


Duan Lin was secretly delighted and laughed in his heart, "Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan, aren't you just a f * cking trash who dares to fight with me? What are you going to use to fight with me?"    


"Your fists and feet are powerful, but in the business world, if you want to play tricks with me, you're still too inexperienced!"    


He secretly cursed for a while. He smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into slits. He gave a thumbs up and praised, "Boss Ye, you are really a wise man. I promise you, you will be the wisest choice when you choose the male deer."    


Ye Hao felt very comfortable, "How about this, tomorrow morning, you bring the contract with you and we will sign an official business contract. After that, you have to hurry up and supply the drugs over. The current market demand is still short of demand!"    




Duan Lin replied with a smile, "That Boss Ye, we will talk about it here today. How about we relax together at night? Earthly Paradise?"    


Ye Hao thought about it for a moment, then replied, "OK!"    


It wasn't his first time going to the Earthly Paradise, so in order to get close to Ye Hao, Duan Lin had already invited Ye Hao many times to relax his Earthly Paradise.    


That luxurious top-level clubhouse, to Ye Hao, was indeed a very relaxed place. It was called "Earthly Paradise"; this name was too fitting.    


"Boss Ye, 8 o'clock at night, Earthly Paradise, won't leave until I see you!" Duan Lin was grinning from ear to ear as he left the General Manager's Office with his belly raised. He whistled along the way, feeling extremely happy.    


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